Monday, August 03, 2009

Kerry Katona's Husband Pulls A Sean Penn

What is about guys and strippers while on vacation with their families? First you had Sean Penn getting caught in bed by Robin with the Russian hookers. Now you have the how did I get famous Kerry Katona who was on a make or break vacation with her husband. They have broken up and got back together several times over the past few weeks and so they decided to try and make things work by taking a romantic vacation.

Was it romantic? Well I guess it was for the former taxi driver and now unemployed Mark Croft who left Kerry back in the hotel room while he went to a strip club, fondled every girl in sight, trashed his wife and begged two women to have a threesome with him.

Mark said it was all a setup. Of course it was a setup you ass. They knew who you were and made sure to get some photos of you to sell to the tabloids. But you know what? It was only a setup because you let it be a setup. No one made you go to the strip club or grope a stripper.


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