Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kelly Osbourne Took 50 Vicodin A Day

Kelly Osbourne has a new book. In the book she discusses her addiction to Vicodin. "I was trying to be strong, so I took Vicodin to hide the terrible sadness. I was waking up and emptying six Vicodin into my hand. Soon I was taking 50 pills a day. Most people would overdose on 10."

She says she took them because she was trying to cope with her mother's colon cancer and then again when her dad suffered injuries in an ATV accident.

Rehab didn't work. It didn't work again, and then finally her parents place her in the psychiatric ward at UCLA for a week.

"I was so frightened, it was full of crazy people. As I curled up in a ball the air was filled with ear-piercing screams. I didn't leave my room for five days. It's one of the scariest things I have ever done."

Even her trip to the psychiatric ward didn't get her clean and sober. While she was filming The Osbournes Reloaded she got hooked again on pills.

"I wasn't prepared for the speed of my downward spiral. Within a month I wasn't showering or brushing my teeth and my only relationship was with the pizza delivery man. The fact I didn't die is a miracle."

She then checked into a rehab facility back in January and claims she has kicked pills for good this time.

"If I think about relapsing again, I want to cry. I'm realistic. For the first time, I've learned my biggest lesson: there's strong chance I will relapse. But because I recognize that, I feel like I've got the strength to fight it."

I wish her well.


MontanaMarriott said...

Wow, all the best on the road to recovery. But that pic up there looks like she is being fondled lol

ItsJustMe said...

50 vicodin a day? Damn. It really is a miracle that she didn't die.

MnGddess said...

Why is that lady grabbing her boob?

And if a person took 50 Vicodin a day, they should be dead, or in liver failure at least...

CDAN Mod said...

i wonder if she suffers from major depressive disorder.

kudos to her parents not sticking her into a posh rehab place.

ardleighstreet said...

50 Vicodin a day and I'd be drooling and comatose. Good for Kelly trying to overcome that.

As for the pict. I've heard about Hollywood Handlers but I didn't know them meant the term literally. ;)

Karmen said...

That's sad. I wish her the best in recovery.

KellyLynn said...

Actually, that only sounds slightly excessive.

My husband turned to vicodin when he found it difficult to get an oxycontin prescription here. At the height of his use, he would take six pills at a time (because that's the level that would make him feel better), at a rate of roughly every three hours (because if he waited 4 hours, as prescribed, he would start hurting again). That would equate to 48 pills a day.

But my husband didn't take 48 pills every day. He would have times where he'd sleep endlessly, and days where he was out of medication, and couldn't get any more until he convinced a doctor that he needed them. Most days, he'd take around 30 pills a day.

Someone who hasn't taken the pills would die from that amount. Someone who has developed a tolerance to opiates would feel the effects, but might not die.

Withdrawal often leaves people feeling worse than whatever pains caused them to seek opiates in the first place.

I am glad Kelly has gotten clean again, and I do hope she stays sober.

sunnyside1213 said...

She doesn't look sober in that picture. I wish her the best.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she probably has sustained some liver damage. One day at a time, Kelly-girl!

Cheryl said...

I thought only Dr. Gregory House could handle that many vicodin.

I took a vicodin laced cough syrup for chronic bronchitis. It was tasty and I almost cried when my doctor told me it had been reformulated with codeine. I miss it.

GladysKravitz said...

Good luck to her. Recovery is hard---you have to change a lot of your life--friends are often fellow druggies/alcoholics, and as far as family goes, the apple rarely falls far from the tree. I agree that her parents are to be commended for not sticking her in some posh rehap spot.

This picture is from several months ago, when she couldn't find her own way out of a nightclub, as I remember. I think the woman in the back was trying to keep her from falling down. Either that or her idea of a good time is a lot different from my idea of a good time.

Felicia said...

I hope Kelly realizes she's a beautiful, beautiful girl. Every time I see pics of her I'm struck by her gorgeous, almost timeless looking face and amazing skin. Growing up in her parents' shadow (and those parents in particular) must be hell. I really hope she can strike out on her own with her own life and career someday and that addictions won't keep her down. We luv ya, Kelly, and we're rooting for you!

Tax Attorney said...

I think Kelly is just incredibly courageous to talk about her addiction and her experiences with drug abuse and rehabilitation.

There was a blind the other day about "A well respected Academy Award winner/nominee actress" who had had a dramatic weight loss thanks to her heroin use."

I thought at the time if only that well-respected, successful actress had the courage to openly come out of the addict "closet" and own her use and recovery attempts, how many young lives would she save (not to mention the lives of the many third-party victims of drug abuse)?

I understand that such an admission would mean drug testing in connection with future work, but I believe the glare of the spotlight could actually help this woman, who is obviously talented and whose career is obviously very important to her, much in the way jail helped Robert Downey, Jr.

HUGE kudos to Kelly Osbourne both for committing to her recovery as well as for being honest enough to discuss it publicly!

califblondy said...

Cheryl, years ago I had bronchitis and my doc gave me the yummiest cough medicine I've ever had in my life. A couple of swigs and I was happily omatose. I wonder if it was the same stuff? The bottle was teeny tiny and when my Mom got sick she wanted some, but I loved it so much I didn't want to give it up. Now I know why.

MISCH said...


Katja said...

Kelly- I love your spirit; you are so fun, fresh and open (honest). I'd love to see your take on a Red Carpet event. Be Well and Best hearts to you all.


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