Friday, August 07, 2009

Juliette Lewis Talks About Brad Pitt

Maybe I have never noticed before or maybe Juliette Lewis just doesn't give very many interviews, but this is the first time I can remember her talking about her relationship with Brad Pitt in a very long time. In an interview with Black Book Magazine she talks about her three year relationship with Brad which began when she was just 16 and ended three years later.

"It was such a lovely time in my life, well, in both of our lives, because we were anonymous. We were both struggling actors and Brad blew up after we were together, when Legends Of The Fall came out. We both had our turning points. There were six months between the release of Thelma And Louise and Cape Fear - but for half of our relationship, we were just unknown young actors in LA. Then we split and he became Brad Pitt, and I became whoever I am now."

It is hard to think of them as unknowns sitting around in LA waiting their chance at fame and wondering if it would work out. I also love how there is no blame game or any drama. She just reflects on that time in their lives and nothing more.


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