Thursday, August 06, 2009

John Hughes Montage


  1. this made me laugh and cry at the same time. thanks, enty, for posting.

  2. EL...
    Talley told me to tell you he's on his way to NYC and BAWLED like a baby WHILE LAUGHING watching this, and forwarded to Erin, Carly & Claire H.

    God...there's part of us in ALL of those films. Our loves, fights, hurts, and lives. And what do OUR kids have today?

    My point exactly!
    Thanks EL...

  3. After watching this for the 400th time...and thinking about it over several bottles of wine...I think the sinking feeling we all feel in the pit of our hearts from this loss is due to the fact that when we saw those movies...we saw ourselves.

    And when we see them today...we see ourselves as we were then. Our dreams...our futures...our hopes and plans. Like some Peter Pan having grown up and returned home with our noses pressed to the window pane...outside looking in.

    And where are we today (us children of the 80's-early 90s?).

    We were gonna set the world on its ass. HONESTY. INCORRUPTABLE. We were NOT gonna compromise, or give in. We WERE gonna take that Ferarri out for a spin and play hooky, and we WERE gonna get the guts to go to that prom wearing what WE wanted! We WERE gonna hit on the prom queen/ matter WHAT they said.

    But where are we today? I don't know about anyone else...but I feel the nagging, biting, sting of regret mixed with my sorrow.

    Tomorrow I'm getting my both ears pierced AGAIN, then I'm gonna say FUCK YOU to the next person forcing my compromise. Then, I'm giving a fat homeless guy an invite to Thanksgiving Dinner.

    What are we living for, if it's not to truly live? I guess life can indeed pass you by if you don't take time...

    RIP to John Hughes...and to the dreams of youth?

  4. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Thanks for posting this, Ent.

  5. Perfect. For many of us our childhood died today too.

  6. Thanks for sharing this Enty.

    Great, great movies and an awesome song. I've watched that clip more than I care to admit.

  7. Ferris Bueller is timeless, but I'd forgotten how funny Sixteen Candles was. Now I need to see that again.

  8. Thanks Enty. Have you read this? A blog post from a girl who was John Hughes pen pal for 2 years in the 80's:

    It made me cry :(

  9. Thx, maryja, for posting that link.

    Great blog post.

  10. this bought a smile to my face, thanks Ent.

  11. Loved it. Thanks for sharing!
