Say what you will about The National Enquirer but they do seem to be locked in on the whole John Edwards baby daddy drama. In their latest issue they are reporting that a secret DNA test was done and that it shows that John Edwards is the father of Frances who is the 18 month old daughter of Rielle Hunter. She is the woman Edwards has had an ongoing affair with while his wife deals with cancer.
Being the stand up guy he is John Edwards has always denied being the dad of the baby and Elizabeth Edwards has said she didn't know who the father of the baby is. I always found that hard to believe. I mean if you are going to take your husband back aren't you going to at least want to know if he fathered a child with his mistress? Are you going to close your eyes to everything and just pretend it never happened. The Enquirer kind of makes it seem like they are the ones who performed the secret DNA test. Well, they are The Enquirer after all, but it looks like the only secret is that it wasn't released to the public. The test was actually part of a child support process because Rielle wants some money to help pay for the care of the child. Also, is there anyone out there who really didn't think he was the father? This story would have gone away 18 months ago if he had just admitted it. The thing is a politician's instinct is to deny, deny, deny until they are left no way out of the corner and then admit they were wrong. Kind of.
It's a shame. I really liked Edwards' policies when he was running as a presidential candidate (when he was VP candidate he toed the line a little much).
ReplyDeleteI have to say I'm very disappointed. And worse, that he is just as bad as the rest of them and I was duped.
this all makes me sad for elizabeth...who played the "i don't know if it's his" card in all those interviews a few months back. how much more of standing by her man is she gonna do?
ReplyDeleteI am very dissapointed in him. He threw a bright future in politics right out the window with his lies.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that kills me the most about all of this is that smug look Rielle ALWAYS has ... that "ha, yeah, I have your man, beotch" look.
ReplyDeleteShame on her. And him.
i couldn't stand by my man in these circumstances. he obviously couldn't be there for his wife in her greatest time of need - SURVIVING CANCER, for gods sake! and i guess i can see some people forgiving an affair, but fathering someone else's child. NO EFFING WAY.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth, lift your head up high and walk away from this bastard! You deserve so much better!
@ Sunnyside1213: And his peen!
ReplyDeleteColor me suprised...not.
ReplyDeleteI liked him but always wondered about those "too perfect" features and what they hid.
Guess we found out.
The only defense I can offer for Elizabeth is that she's Old Southern, and Deny Deny Deny is the maxim for that crowd.
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ReplyDeleteSo he was married to Elizabeth for like what, 30 years. And NEVER cut the nut sack?!?!??! Are you kidding me? And she stayed with him??? What did she thing he was going to do? Ladies, get a grip. Men do know how babies happen.
ReplyDeleteDuring Elizabeth's Oprah interview she said that she chose to look past the affair because John was so loving and attentive towards her during her bouts with cancer.
ReplyDeleteHe on the other hand appeared to be indignant during portion of the interview (which looked like a sham).
I have no respect for John and his mistress.
Too bad he's able to control Elizabeth because she feels she needs his love and attention.
Shame on all of them.
ReplyDeleteMoodyBlueEyes, my sentiments exactly.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Hunter name his friend as the father on the birth certificate?
I do feel bad for Elizabeth, but I think they are both messed up. Him for obvious reasons. Her because she takes his crap and in her interviews when she tried to quote the mistress saying "you're so hot", she sounded bad and attributed that to the fact that she would never say anything like that. Maybe that is the problem with their marriage (not that that is an excuse to cheat - EVER). Maybe she needs to learn to say things like that to her husband.
ReplyDeleteI hate the way that he has treated both these women. He basically left that Rielle broad hanging out to dry by letting her look like a crazy bitch and not acknowledging his child and of course treating his own wife like shit. His behavior has been so craven and spineless that it scares me to think he could have been president.
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ReplyDeleteExcuse me but, Ray Charles could see that this baby looked light John Edwards. Such a waste of the publics time and resources, for what should have been a very privater matter.
ReplyDeleteDianne P, I like your comment.
I have no respect for the Edwards or the slutty woman.
ReplyDeleteI met him once when he was at a store I worked at doing a signing. This was before he ran for pres the first time. He was an absolute ass to us and even worse to his FANS that took the time to come out and support his crummy book. I'm not surprised at all about this. I hope Elizabeth leaves him.
ReplyDeleteI am so SHOCKED!! The baby looks NOTHING like him! ...please
ReplyDeleteI agree with AnonMom - that smug look on Rielle's face always seems to be there. She really thinks she's won the lottery, doesn't she.
ReplyDeleteIn Elizabeth's defence, I feel very sorry for her. Should she leave his sorry butt? In a normal world, Absolutely - and take him for everything frigging thing he's got. But this is a woman with terminal cancer... with two small children who are going to be without their mother in the not too distant future. Do you put your kids through this kind of heartache now, knowing what they will be facing down the road? She's already buried one son... she knows what those kids will be facing. Her eldest daughter has lost a brother and will lose her mother. It's easy to say she should leave him, but in all honesty, I'm not so sure I would if I were in her shoes. And I sure wouldn't be staying for him - but for those kids. They need stability - they need their mom - and they are really gonna need their dad down the road. There's no way I can see her putting those kids through the pain of a divorce knowing full well what their future holds.
I'm sure she knew being a politicians wife that she'd have to face something like this - you'd have to be naive not to. But she didn't know she'd be faced with cancer, let alone terminal. I have a feeling she hates this situation she's in, and would handle things much differently with her marraige if she was healthy, but she's putting those kids first. And for that, I have to admire her.
Sonia - you are exactly right!
ReplyDeleteWhat a bag of snakes.
ReplyDeleteThey all deserve each other.
I agree with Sonia.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes me so sad is in the begining I wanted that slime to be Prez. Is it wrong for me to want Elizabeth to give John a beatdown?
How are those poor kids going to take this when they're older and find out they have a half-sister?
ReplyDeleteJerk. He treated both women like disposable trash.
Rosie, unless you were being sarcastic, the kid is the spitting image of him.
Still dont understand why he choose such a dog to fool around with. I mean, he practically had JFK looks....
ReplyDeleteIDK - I've always believed that the missus knew about the affair and, perhaps, encouraged him to seek out sexual companionship, since she was so ill, thus unable to perform connubially. However, getting someone pregnant wasn't part of the equation, I don't believe.
ReplyDeleteIn any case, EE herself admitted that he told her about the affair prior to his declaring himself a presidential candidate. Knowing this, they both made the decision that he would run anyway, when they should have just taken a pass. Ambition makes people do stupid things sometimes.
Although he continued to deny being the baby daddy, I'm not convinced that his family didn't know that the child was his, particularly after the woman was moved into the same gated community while pregnant, and he visited her and the baby at the Beverly Hills Hotel not long after he withdrew from the campaign. All the other stuff - the other guy claiming that he was the daddy, etc. - was just window dressing for the public, IMO, because the Edwards hoped against hope that the whole thing would remain hidden.
From the outside looking in, it would seem that he done his family wrong by disowning the child publicly. But appearances can be deceiving and, in this case, I think that is the case. I maintain they ALL knew, which is why EE hasn't been so publicly outraged that she would chuck her marriage, as some would have her do.
Both wanted him to run for president, so they paid the chick to keep her mouth shut. Whether they used campaign funds to do so is what this hearing thing is all about.
They made a deal with a devil who didn't keep her word which is why the NE has been able to bust him down so much and so often. After all, they ran TWO stories about the affair well before he withdrew.
Every politician at some point exhibits negative characteristics, be it congenital lying or just plan stupidity or whatever. Like the rest of us, they are flawed human beings. If we held them accountable for bad behavior in their personal lives, be it adultery or whatever, there would be no one to vote for or support. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
BTW, I was an Edwards supporter too; I believed him to have the most populist platform of any of the candidates, and would have voted for him for president. I also believed the baby to be his from the git-go. If she hadn't been his, and it was just about having an affair that was over, why withdraw? That just did not compute.
I'm just saying.