Friday, August 28, 2009

Joe Francis Shows His Love Of Women - Beats Up Jayde Nicole

I will say this for Jayde Nicole. She has guts. Despite knowing that Joe Francis has assaulted women in the past and is a convicted sex offender she went up to him and threw a drink in his face because she didn't like the way he was treating one of her friends who happens to be an ex of Joe Francis.

Joe then grabbed Jayde Nicole and threw her to the floor. While her boyfriend Brody Jenner looked on, Joe Francis punched and kicked Jayde. Jayde claims to have a black and blue cheek, swollen face, bruised left rib and sore lower abdomen. She also says some of her hair was pulled out in the fight.

After Jayde had the crap kicked out of her, the police came and broke up the fight. Still no Brody though. Finally after Joe gets kicked out of the club, THEN Brody decided to go after him and punched him one time. For his trouble, Brody got tased, but it is unknown who did it.

WTF kind of boyfriend is Brody Jenner? How do you let your girlfriend get thrown to the ground like that and then punched and kicked? Where were you? Throwing one weak ass punch after the event is not sticking up for your girlfriend. Plus, I heard it was barely a punch anyway.

Oh, and in case you don't think Brody was there next to her or something, he said on his Twitter he saw the whole thing happen. So why didn't he stop it?

"Joe Francis beat up my lady this morning for no reason! Pulled her to the ground, punched & kicked her..what does that say about him. How can you call yourself a man when you beat up a girl?? Joe Francis is a piece of sh*t. Joe Francis needs to be in jail!!!"

How can you call yourself a man when you watch your girlfriend get beat up and not do anything about it? Hopefully this will be the end of Joe Francis.

TMZ has some video of Jayde's face after it happened and also a picture of Joe escaping to his SUV looking remarkably spry for having just been punched by Brody. I wonder if Brody even punched him.


  1. Joe is a pussy for hitting a woman, Brody is a pussy for not defending his chick, PUSSIES ALL AROUND!

  2. not for nothing but had she minded her own business, he wouldn't have gone off on her (and he went overboard, not saying what he did was right). that's not having balls on her part, that is just being a dumbass drunk.

    im sorry im just sick of everyone ganging up on joe and not acknowledging that she provoked it (even though he overreacted and should get in trouble for doing so).

  3. Coked-up girl~ angling for a fight most likely

    Mysoginistic f*ck-head, also coked up most likely

    Dumb~ass pretty boy~ who didn't want his face messed up

    Stand up for your woman wimpy!

    I am NOT impressed.

  4. throwing a drink is assault. that being said, he went overboard.

    oh, and Jenner is a child.

  5. its already been proven over and over again he has no respect for women. what an idiot. no matter who throws a drink at you, you hade no right to react like that.

  6. Why wasn't Joe arrested. What am I missing?

  7. Who cares about any of these twats.

  8. What happened to equal rights, hehe. If a man threw a drink on me I'd go at him.

  9. joe is probabtion still right Enty,does that hold up in CA as well??

  10. sorry SG but Joe deserves everything he gets and then some. he is a fucking rapist piece of shit IMO.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. ther is more to the story though SG. Joe said some really nasty shit to Jayde that resulted in the drink being thrown. it wasn't a random thing.

  13. Anonymous11:35 AM

    "He was provoked" comes way too close to blaming Jayde, imo. Beating a woman severely is not a reasonable response to getting a drink thrown in your face.

  14. Joe hates women plain and simple. No respect for them. I have had a man throw a drink on me and I just walked away and told bouncer who then threw him out. Throwing a drink is no excuse to get thrown down, hit and kicked!

  15. Oh and SG, are you one of those she provoked it people? Not good enough.

  16. Seriously, how out of it FUCKED do you have to be to lose your shit enough to beat on a woman in a crowded club with witnesses? Whatever he's like in real life sober, no one would ever do this unless they're totally fucked.

    On another note - I like Jayde because she's an animal activist but I think her face is seriously the fug. With that amount of plastic surgery already at her age, can you IMAGINE what she'll look like by the time she reaches Joan Rivers' age??

  17. Throw them all in a meat grinder with the rest of "The Hills" cast. You, you, and you! Out of the gene pool!

  18. Forget whether you're a "man" or not, if one of my friends was being attacked, I would be in the middle of it without even thinking about it.

  19. Clarifying, I don't think she deserved it. Of course not. But she shouldn't have thrown a drink at him and was wrong for doing that.

    He definitely needs to get into trouble for what he did because he went overboard and beating up on her was completely uncalled for.

  20. Jayde needs to pick a better circle of friends.....

  21. That being said, Joe Francis needs to be put down.

  22. One thing, bar fights happen quickly, this could have gone down in a matter of seconds and by the time a drunk brody registered it security was probably all over it. Seen it happen all the time.

  23. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Have you ever been anywhere where a guy lays a hand on a girl? Guys fly out of the woodwork to beat the shit out of the guy. Could Joe Francis really be surrounded by that many douchebags that could protect him? And regardless how fast it happened, the minute she went down, Brody (ugh) and every other person should've been on Joe. But if there's a positive to this, he might go back to jail.

  24. I just read somewhere else that she instigated, threw the drink and glass and then fell down on her own and he didn't touch her AND she isn't pressing charges, but that could be the GGW dollars going to work.

  25. How can anyone stand there while someone smaller gets stomped?
    I once took on a 6'3" college linebacker who was abusing my friend(his girlfriend). I am 5'3" and at the time 98lbs.

    Brody is a whipped little punk. I wouldn't doubt he can't punch to save his life.

  26. I don't see where on his twitter Brody says he saw it. he is merely recanting what happened. I don't think he was standing right next to her when it happened.

  27. We weren't there. We don't know what Brody did or did not do.
    I think the entire club en masse should have jumped on Francis and dragged his ass outside for a beat down.
    Using your logic, why didn't they?

  28., so true. good point!

  29. way to show your lack of any true colors, Brody

  30. Douche and douchier. Neither of these guys should exist.

    Will Joe go back to jail? That'd be awesome!

  31. The key to understanding this is that most of the people who frequent these clubs will never hit anyone capable of fighting back. They will hit a woman. They will sucker punch a guy, if they are surrounded by friends and/or security who can be counted on to grab him before he can retaliate. Once he is being held, they will take a second cheap shot at him. If a guy is already on the floor, having been jumped by a mob of some other coward's friends, they will join for a quick kick. Anything but a fair, even up fight.

    If Francis hit the girl, that is completely consistent with this, as is Jenner's behavior. If Jenner intervened right away, Francis might have been able to fight back. Once people were holding Francis, however, it was time to get in a cheap shot.
