Friday, August 14, 2009

Jesus. Oops. Sorry Omarosa

Donald Trump's few remaining hairs must have stood straight up at hearing this news. Omarosa is headed to the seminary and going to become a minister. This must be back to school week for celebrities. First there was Jerry O'Connell and now this. Beginning this week, Omarosa is going to spend the next two years getting her doctor of ministry degree. So, now not only will you have to call her Dr. Omarosa but she could also be your minister. She would be the first minister I have known who has fake breasts. Oh, except for that porn star who became a minister. Oh wait she wasn't a porn star, she was a hooker. That's right. Hooker's For Jesus. My bad. Maybe she and Omarosa can go on tour together. I know Omarosa wasn't a hooker, but it would still be an interesting show.

A spokesperson for the school Omarosa is attending said, "She has expressed a calling in her life and it is our opportunity to provide leadership and guidance as she makes a transformation. We're excited about her coming to school at UTS."

I actually thought Omarosa had a new show that was airing this fall on some network, but maybe that fell through. It doesn't sound like she will have time for both. At first I thought this might be some type of publicity stunt for her new show, but than I thought you are really testing fate if you exploit the ministry for publicity. Hello televangelists.

It turns out she is doing this because she did some work for the poor and homeless in Haiti and wanted to do more.


  1. Can't stand Omarosa. She is simply not a nice person. I don't think Jesus would approve.

  2. what makes you think Jesus wouldn't improve.

    maybe she actually changed her life and wanted to do more.

    i swear when someone tries to do good ...people would just like to tear them down especially if they personally don't know the person.

  3. people can change and do change. if she's sincere, good for her. christ died to save (redeem) sinners, not to save the so called perfect people.

  4. I said "approve", not "improve". And I said that because in everything I've seen her, SHE'S been the one to tear others down and put herself first. If she's seen the error of her ways, good for her. I hear Jesus forgives.

  5. Enty--don't forget Ashley Judd returning to school (with a laundry list of 'rules' regarding approaching her for the faculty, staff and students).

  6. Wow, Ashley Judd, I forgot what an absurd piece of work she is! I hope she remembers to wear clothes to class. She's always good for a LOL.

  7. She's going to run out of "MUTE STONES" fast!

  8. Haaaa! Captivagrl--we're on the same wave ;)

  9. enty it's called a doctorate of divinity, lol.

    eep. can you imagine the rev. dr. omarosa giving bitch face and side eye from the pupilt?!

  10. Yep.

    Glad to be an Atheist!

  11. Becoming a minister does nothing for the people of Haiti. Plenty of other ways to lobby/bring attention, solicit funds, start an NGO, etc., that can help.

  12. I'm thinking if she had truly changed her ways & was planning to join a ministry, she would do it without a press announcement.

    Really. Really? Omarosa who?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. When she was on The Apprentice, she was allegedly pursuing a doctorate in something. Wonder what happened to that dissertation.

  15. Put an N in front of the name of that school.
