Jeremy Piven Loves Mango (The Character, Not The Fruit. Well, Maybe The Fruit Also)
Proving once again that Jeremy Piven is a tool who loves Saturday Night Live, he and Chris Kattan got into a fight. No, not like a fight, fight involving fists and actual body contact. Instead it was a verbal joust that had Piven shooting spittle and Chris doing a whole lot of that awkward fake smiling of his.
According to the NY Daily News, Jeremy and Chris were backstage at Alexa Chung's talk show on MTV. Chris made a joke which went a little something like this. "So, what are you here to promote, your Broadway play?"
Piven then replied, "Well, what are you here to promote? Mango?"
At that point Chris should have known he had won. Piven loves Mango. Maybe he harbors some secret crush of Mango. What happened instead though was that Chris and Jeremy continued to go back and forth with Chris thinking it was all in good fun and Piven starting to sweat and spit and pull out his four remaining real hairs.
At some point Chris realized that Jeremy was actually upset and did the whole, "hey I thought we were joking thing," and Piven said, "I'm getting sued for that s--t! It's not funny!"
Umm, yeah it is actually funny because it is still quite possibly the worst excuse ever given by an adult for missing work. It is the equivalent of the dog eating my homework. However I will say that having seen what puppies do to furniture, walls and shoes it wouldn't surprise me if, over the course of history a dog did actually eat the homework of someone. I doubt however that anyone else in the history of mankind has ever called in sick for eating too much sushi.
When the Daily News called Piven's rep they played some kind of song and dance game and said it was all joking. When they called Kattan's rep they said Jeremy went ballistic.