Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Think The Nickname Possibilities Are More Exciting Than The Relationship

Apparently it is true that Bradley Cooper and Renee Zellweger are a couple. They have been spotted in Spain grabbing each other's asses and then eating food so you know it must be serious. One of the great things about this is that we can all stop with the Bradley Cooper/Jennifer Aniston stories now and concentrate on what it is that Renee has that men seem to like. I must not posses that gene because I would find it very disturbing to date her and do not find her sexy at all. In fact I find the whole idea of this couple kind of boring. Who really cares? Most women I know hate Bradley Cooper because they think he is the character he played in He's Just Not That Into You and also don't understand why he and Jennifer Esposito got divorced so suddenly. Bradley wants to stay famous and maybe Renee was his ticket to pap photos.

Anyway, one thing this couple has got going for them is the possibility of great nicknames. One photo agency came up with the name Cooger which I think is awful. I know we can do much better and I think because I am a guy and a kid at heart, Booger has to be first. Sure it combines more than a first and last name, but it is still fun to say. I also like Coozell. Bra-Ze is another option as is CoReZ. That last one is for all the texters out there who alternate between upper and lower case and drive me mad. Renee's middle name is Kathleen so you could do BradKat. The possibilities are endless unlike the relationship which I give about three months.


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