Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How You Know When You Have Too Much Money

Have you been following the auction on eBay where the woman was trying to sell the crypt above Marilyn Monroe so she could pay off her mortgage? Well, it ended yesterday and the winning bid was $4.6M. That's right. Someone was willing to pay many millions of dollars just so their coffin could be on top of Marilyn's coffin for all eternity. Oh, or until their family member needs a couple of bucks.

The way the story goes is this. Back in the day when Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn were married, they bought burial spots on top of each other. I guess maybe people did that back then or it was an additional place people could register for wedding gifts. Anyway, when Joe and Marilyn were divorcing I guess Joe didn't want anything to do with her ever again and sold his spot to Elsie Poncher's husband who also bought the one diagonal to Marilyn for his wife. Eternal 3some anyone?

Marilyn died and then Elsie's husband died at the age of 81 back in 1986. It is now 23 years later so I'm guessing Elsie's husband liked them young, or Elsie is really, really old.

Elsie's husband's body is face down so he can stare at Marilyn. He will now be moved to the diagonal spot, and Elsie will be cremated when she dies.

So, if you are the family of the person who just bought this crypt, aren't you going to sell the spot immediately after the person dies? You think they would respect the wishes of the dead, but someone is going to respect almost $5M a lot more.

A reader named Sue e-mailed me an interesting theory as to who the winning bidder was. Back in 2007, Howard K Stern looked into the possibility of Anna Nicole Smith being buried next to Marilyn but couldn't convince anyone to move. Maybe her Estate bought the spot and now it will be Anna, Marilyn and Hef (spot next to Marilyn) with Elsie's husband watching it all.


  1. LOL! I think you're right - it's going to be revolving dead people from now on.

  2. Tacky comments, Ent.

    The "winning" bidder backed out already.

  3. What's so tacky about pointing out the obvious? People are always interested in making a buck, especially when it involves next to no effort on their part.

  4. Anonymous11:20 AM

    it just makes me sick the way rich people throw money around when so many are homeless or trying to eke out a living

  5. I guess it's just me, but I think threesome jokes about dead bodies are tacky.

    You say potato...

  6. oh enty, that was funny...teehee for the reals!

  7. In New Orleans all burials are done in crypts because if you put them in the ground, they float up and poke out of the ground. Anyway, families buy one crypt and put a body in. When the next family member dies, they take the bones out of the coffin and shove them in the back of the crypt and shove the new coffin in. When the call it the family crypt, they are serious.

  8. LOL you make it sound like a strange after death timeshare.

    Spend two weeks with Marilyn....

    (small print reads) All occupants was have passed on to obtain residency.

  9. Little FYI for the supposed Entertainment Lawyer: just about anyone and everyone knows that Joe DiMaggio most certainly wanted to have plenty to do with Marilyn after they divorced. He was working towards a reconciliation with her at the time of her death AND arranged her funeral. Not to mention the fact that he had a half dozen red roses delivered THREE times weekly to her crypt for 20 years after her death.
    And I must agree that cracking jokes about 3somes with dead people is most definitely tacky.

  10. Forgot to add that DiMaggio's last words were "I'll finally get to see Marilyn."
    Whatever else you can say about Joe and Marilyn, there is no denying the fact that she was the love of his life.

  11. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Not tacky - funny.

  12. agreed, Joe DiMaggio never forgot Marilyn, loved her til end. the roses story is true, the mortuary ppl confirmed it.
