Friday, August 21, 2009

Hailey Glassman Bought Off For $70K SUV

Apparently we now know Hailey Glassman's price for staying with Jon Gosselin despite him having sex with at least two other women, maybe three since he started dating Hailey. According to In Touch, Jon bought Hailey a $70K Porsche SUV. First of all there is no way all the kids are fitting in there. In fact, I don't think Jon owns a form of transportation that will accomodate all of his kids. Jon shouldn't be buying Hailey 70K car, he should be hitting airport shuttle companies looking for a job with a bus he can take home at night.

I think Jon & Kate get $75K per episode of their extravaganza. Do they split that because if they do, Jon is fast running out of cash. I'm no accounting expert, but at this point it appears Jon is spending way faster than he is taking in money. I don't really give a crap what he does with his own money, BUT I do care that he has 8 kids and he can't be spending that much money on some woman who will be gone as soon as he finds someone else.


  1. hater! this is true, everlasting love.

  2. I hope both Gosselins end up broke, having to work normal, REAL jobs to support their litter.

  3. IF it's true that he bought her that SUV, that's 70k that should have gone into his children's trust account. Seriously. WTH are these people thinking?

  4. She'll leave him as soon as the money dries up and he's forced to *shudder* work and someone will have to take care of the kids.
    My psychic senses are telling me that Hailey Glassman isn't the "stay at home and take care of 8 kids" type.

  5. Ummmm.... spending money on a woman who will be gone as soon as he finds someone else?

    SHOULDN'T a woman leave as soon as her man finds someone else? I'm confused....... Not that I like her, just confused.

  6. Luckily, Kate gets the money from the show, puts part of it aside for the kids, then gives him an allowance. (I hate myself for knowing this.) I'm sure he is in debt way over his head at this point.

  7. he is such an ass!

  8. I'm thinking its a rental in a company name. These whoring money grubbers should check the title and always appraise jewelry asap.

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  11. Which is why a judge gave the majority charge of finances to Kate, who the court deemed more fiscally responsible. They have no savings, the last time 75k was paid to them, Jon got a small portion and was angry because Kate took most of the money for running the house hold, and started a college fund for the kids.

    TLC is getting ready to cut Jon loose, so it was a smart move on Hailey's part to manipulate a Porsche out of him. It will be repossessed by the end of the year, but hey she got an expensive trophy for fucking that goob.

  12. The picture says it all. They are scum. Pure scum.

  13. This is why PA needs better child labor laws. Both parents have run through the money. Kate's just starting their college funds? Those college funds should have been started and fully funded years ago. She's only doing it now to screw over Jon and to improve her image. The kids have always deserved 80% of the money. They need their own advocate.

  14. I hope the kids kick them to curb when they are old and broke.

  15. If burning thru $$$$ were an olympic sport, Jon is sure going to win the Gold. Until then I'll just crown him the King of Piss Poor Judgement.

  16. Stupid man.
    And G*d knows why a Porsche SUV costs $70K; it's crap. My sis leased one for a year. It has less features than other cheaper cross-over SUVs. Acura, well, any of them except Mercedes are better.

  17. I am so sick of people covering the story of this douchebag. Let their popularity die down so they disappear please!

  18. While I agree that Jon and Kate are spendthrifts, I doubt sincerely Jon paid cash for the car. Everyone gets loans or leases. Rich people just afford larger notes. Even a fraction of $75,000/ep. can support a Porche loan or lease.

  19. I think it's a lease too, but he's also only seeing the kids less than 25% of the time now that he lives in NYC, and I can assure you none of his share went into that college fund that is a day late and millions short. They are greedy and lazy, this was her plan from the beginning but wait until the divorce settlement gets going and he'll try to take as much from the kids as he can. This man was barely employed during the entire marriage, she was a nurse and made the lion's share of the money before she hit the invitro lottery - she's going to fight him tooth and nail, and she's going to win because Jon has the maturity of your average 9 year old child. Kate really had 9 children. Jon's just dead weight in any relationship. When the money dries up so will any hope of him having sex again.

  20. Jon and Kate are both reprehensible people. Neither cares for their kids and I sincerely doubt that this "college fund" Kate started is anything but an opening shot in the upcoming custody battle. Pennsylvania started college funds for the sextuplets when they were born.
