Emmy Rossum Pulls A Janet Jackson
What is one way for an actress to get some attention? Divorce a guy no one knew you were married to. Because of everything that goes on in the world it was probably very easy to miss the news item that Emmy Rossum and her long time boyfriend Justin Siegel had called it quits. I mean I wasn't even sure it was worth paying a publicist to release that kind of information. I mean when is the last time you sat down at night and said, "I wonder what Emmy Rossum is doing?" You don't. And so like most breakups you just kind of go, "meh."
But then Emmy pulled a trick out of her pocket. It turns out she was actually married to Justin. Because they asked for a confidential marriage license no one actually knows when they were married, but they will when someone files divorce papers. They couldn't have been married that long because they only started dating in 2007. I wonder what other kind of secrets Emmy has been keeping from the world? I still think Janet Jackson being secretly married was a bigger deal because people actually paid attention to what Janet was doing. Even if Emmy had not got a confidential marriage license, I am not sure anyone would have noticed if she got married. Well, at least none of us had to buy gifts.