Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which British comic is so randy he brags about enjoying "quality solitary time" no fewer than six times a day? Ewww...


  1. Russel Brand?

    Ugh, wouldn't that hurt doing it that many times? Ouch!

    Wait, I was seeing a guy who told me he used to jerk off as many times as the douche in this BI. Blegh. I wanted to erase that from my memories. Thanks, Daily Mirror.

  2. hey, it's better than hounding you to bone his pervy ass 6x a day! lol.

  3. Ricky Gervais?

    Sacha Baron Cohen?

  4. Has to be Brand. Nobody else would think the public needed to know that about them!

  5. Bahaha, very true, jax.

  6. I really don't consider this a blind, Brand has said as much in interviews.

  7. Definitely Brand. Hasn't he said he's a sex addict?

  8. I disagree with the label 'comic' being given to this boring, no-talent arse.

    Having said that, it's definitely Russell Brand.

  9. Anonymous12:39 PM

    But didn't Russel Brand average 3.2 sex partners per day?

    Geezus, 6x a day masturbation (at least 10 minutes, right?) plus sex with 3 people a day? When do you sleep?

  10. Ha.. Karmen..

    I dated a guy who did the same.. up to 6 or 7 times a day. Soo gross. He could get himself to eh'hum in less than 30 seconds. It backfired on him though.. He did it so much that the only way he could eh'hum was through masturbation.

    He would masturbate at work, in his car.. it was gross. I broke up with him once I learned the extent of it all.
