Cameron Douglas Arrested For Being An Idiot
I noticed most of the headlines today referring to Cameron Douglas' arrest all mentioned he is the son of Michael Douglas. If not for that would any of us really care? It would be just like a thousand other stories every day in this world. Somehow because of who is dad is now we are all fascinated and interested and every site is talking about it. He is so insignificant that he was arrested almost a week ago and no one even noticed.
Cameron was busted by the DEA so he will probably be spending a great deal of time in our federal penitentiary system. He was staying at a hotel that his father pays for and was arrested because he was trying to move $18,000 worth of meth from California to New York. Why not just cook it in New York? I don't understand that logic. Trying to move it across state lines brings in the feds. If you just cook it and sell it all in one state you have a better profit margin and have bankrupt state police departments trying to find you. Hell, $18,000 worth of meth might not even get you jail time in some states.
Cameron is most known for being the Douglas most likely to be arrested for drugs. According to the NY Post, the cops found Cameron was strung out and his place was a mess. Allegedly daddy was pissed.