Friday, August 07, 2009

Break Out The Juicy Fruit - Wrigley Drops Chris Brown

Congratulations to Wrigley for doing the right thing. When Chris Brown was arrested for beating up Rihanna the chewing gum company suspended a very expensive advertising campaign featuring Chris Brown and one of his songs. At the time they only suspended the campaign and didn't drop him because of things like due process and innocent until proven guilty. They didn't have to suspend his campaign. They could have used that same reasoning to keep the campaign going until he was convicted. They did the right thing then and they have done the right thing now.

In a statement released yesterday, Wrigley said it was ending their relationship with Chris Brown. They joined the Got Milk people who dumped Chris right after he was arrested. I don't think he has any endorsement deals left and hopefully he won't be getting any new ones.


  1. since his endorsements were not with fashion houses, i was not surprised how quickly they dropped him. there was also more than likely a moral clause in his contracts.

  2. Chris, can you spell i-d-i-o-t?

    Probably not.

  3. YAY!!!

    Way to go, Wrigley. At least SOMEbody's sponsors have some morals and balls.

  4. 'Scuse me, gotta go buy some gum.

  5. *waves at CB's career as it exits stage left*

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I was wondering if any one was going to start dropping his ass off LOL. At least Wrigley is family oriented not like Disney.

  7. OOPS! (now imagine my comment all blinged out and hanging from my neck....)

  8. @Sylvia--so true. Reminds me of the South Park episode where Mickey Mouse orders the JoBros around and beats their assess, screaming "I want little girls' gineys to tingle, dammit!"

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Karma's a bitch, ain't it Chris?

    Love it.

  10. Hooray for corporate integrity!

    Who knew that CEO's cared what the "little" people thought anymore.

    I think I'll go to thank Wrigleys on their web site. They usually have a contact us page for problems. I'll just thank them instead.

  11. juicy fruit is gonna move ya, beat your girlfriend and we're gonna lose ya!


  12. lol, jax!

    I'm gonna stop for some gum today, even though I don't usually chew it.

  13. Good, I hope it stays that way!

  14. YES!!!!!!! Good job Wrigleys

  15. I'll buy some damn juicy fruit so I can support their decision.

  16. Yup, yup. Kudos to Wrigley.
