Thursday, August 06, 2009

American Idol Found A Singer Worse Than Paula Abdul

I know it is only for one day, but the idea that Victoria Beckham is any kind of authority on singing ability is hilarious. American Idol announced that for the Denver auditions tomorrow that Victoria will be the fourth judge. Yes, the same Victoria who averaged about two lines of singing in each Spice Girls song.

I know I have told you before that I don't watch American Idol. It isn't that I abhor the show or anything, it is because I don't want to make the commitment involved in watching the show. However, with that being said there is no way on this earth that I would ever intentionally expose myself to week after week of Victoria Beckham. I don't need to see that cold fish look and attitude every week. And also, I understand the producers are British, but the show is still called American Idol. Now half the judges are British. Does this mean X Factor is now going to have two US judges?

I know that if I was a singer I would be offended if Victoria Beckham wanted to try and offer me singing advice or criticism. At least Paula had actually been in a recording studio as a solo artist. She has choreographed for lots of other singers and been around them and knows what is good or bad based on her experience. Plus, Paula was always in a good mood. The last time Victoria was in a good mood was ummm, never.

If you need a temporary judge what is wrong with Taylor Dayne or Cyndi Lauper? If you want someone younger how about Norah Jones or Alicia Keys? You can't expect anyone to believe that no one was available for one day of auditions. I think Gloria Estefan said she was retiring from singing. She wasn't available? Cher? Kelly Rowland? Weird Al? I could go on and on with people that would make better choices. It isn't like she is going to give the show better ratings because no one cares about her or likes her. If we did we would have watched her reality show or bought her clothes. The thing is we don't like her. We don't like people who think they are better than us and that is exactly what she does every day of the week. The thing is she isn't better than any of us and she is a worse singer than William Hung yet she is going to judge. Lovely.


  1. That is one fugly photo of her. Enty, you don't have to commit to AI for the season. I've managed to watch it only a few times per season. The first few shows are the best ones, anyway.

    If I could sing and was a contestant, I'd have been offended at Paula Abdul critiquing me. In all of the songs I've heard of hers, she seemed to have a 3-note range. I don't think Posh is less qualified; Posh just seems unbearably bitchy.

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  3. Thanks for picking the most mahjayly bad picture of Posh EVER, Enty!

    If Paula leaves, I'm not watching this junkshow ever again. She's the only judge who says things that are INTERESTING.

  4. Wow Posh looks like “Alice in Wonderland” on CRACK!! Or Anime Overkill!!!

  5. Simon Fuller manages the Beckhams and therin lies the stupidity of this move.

  6. I'd watch her in anything.

  7. She has really bad skin - looks like lots of acne covered with makeup, or lots of acne scars. She is an inane choice for AI. Whatever they do with the judges this year, I don't think they will lose much viewership. I don't watch it, but everyone I know and then some does.

  8. Pity the poor waiters, waitresses and valets of Denver. Say Goodbye to your tips!

  9. That is a very very funny picture of "Posh" (yawn). You are dead on that America doesn't give 2 sh*ts about her. Hopefully she won't get much airtime & won't be invited back. The ONLY good thing about her being here is we get to look at her husband.

  10. PS; And what she's wearing in this photo isn't just ugly, but it's also WRINKLED. Can't she hire Verne Troyer or someone else to do her ironing for her?

    And what is with the barred windows in the back? Is she in a jail?

  11. Thanks for the opportunity to discuss (read: rant about) how much I dislike Vicky. Just...UGH. She has always seemed incredibly superficial, materialistic and bitchy to me. If all the rumours about Becks are true, she's also incredibly insecure in her marriage. She has absolutely no talent and no reason for being famous.

  12. i don't look this tv show because thanks you god I'M FRENCH but i agree with Enty

  13. When was the last time that Posh smiled? I can't imagine American viewers even liking her. One nasty Brit on the show is enough, but two is overkill.

    Part of the fun of AI is watching Simon and Paula bicker, or just watching the craziness that is Paula Abdul. Kara is boring, Randy has a set of comments he rarely deviates from.

    It may be time to quit watching AI, or DVR it and fast forward through all the judges but Simon.

  14. Okay, I'm gonna hop on board the "I love Victoria Beckham" train ... I don't know what it is, but I think she's hilarious! She looks all pinched and weird but I think, deep down below that robot exterior, is a genuinely funny lady with whom I'd love to share a drink :)

    However, I think Weird Al would make the most kickass judge ever.

  15. That's an ugly picture of Vicky but she's a savvy woman. She knows how to make a lot of many with absolutely no talent at all.

  16. Posh was a great guest judge on Project Runway, but that's because, regardless of how you feel about her style choices, she at least knows something about the fashion scene...she's at all the runway shows. She knew what she was talking about. Singing? Not so much, but Paula was an awful singer too, so Posh isn't a huge step down in that department. Plus Posh was a Spice Girl, so she knows something about being a pop idol (and the show is American Idol, not America's Best Singer Evah).

    I don't mean to come across as a Posh Spice Superfan or anything, but I don't think this is that bad.

  17. I would soooooo watch the show with Taylor Dayne or Cyndi Lauper.

  18. she looks like Donatella there.

  19. Awww, I like pomme's written accent :-)

  20. I like her, she's really created her own look, and she pulls it off. She doesn't smile because she doesn't have a very nice smile, and she knows it.

  21. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Ohh probably she can't smile because of all the plastic work she has had done on her.

    She does look very weird in that pic. Her nose looks sort of like a pig's nose LOL.

  22. That picture is HILARIOUS!! looove. it.

  23. When I first saw this picture today, it reminded me of someone one, but it didn't come to me until now ---

    She looks like the evil child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

  24. VB has actually charted in the UK four or five times--top 10.

    She doesn't smile because she hates to show her teeth (she doesn't like her smile).

    She put in a LOT of work to make it with the Spice Girls, and worked very hard on her albums (yes, plural). She was quite the phenom in the UK but it all happened about the same time as 911, so North America's interested were (rightly) focused elsewhere...I'm not surprised people don't know this.

    I hate VB. I really really do...but I actually think she would be a fantastic judge just based on her own experiences in the industry (which is about 12 years or so).

  25. Lol - She looks like a character in a John Waters film.

  26. Mrs. Becks? UGHH! These people are stupid. If you're going with someone from across the pond go with Sheena Easton not Cranky Spice.

  27. Now if you put the *husband* on as a judge... say shirtless?
    Oh wait...that'd have Seacrest unable to work.
    Then again...

    But I digress. And this has to be a publicity stunt, there's no way they could even begin to consider Posh as anything other than stunt casting.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. And that has to be the single worst picture I've ever seen of her...I honestly thought at first it was the "Leave Britney Alone" guy done in full drag for some reason.

    Not that I don't love it - because believe me, I do ><

  30. Gladys - the Fashion Police caught her. Hence the 5:00 shadow.

    This just proves what a joke this show is.

  31. Posh doesn't know how to do anything. She's a non-issue. People will watch Idol because it's Idol. No one will be watching the show because of her.

  32. Weird Al would be AWESOME!!!

  33. I am going to more than likely get chastised for this but… I like Victoria Beckham. The woman might look high maintenance, but she loves her husband and children and from what I have seen of her on television, she does not take herself or the image people have of her too seriously. She had a show on NBC last year introducing her to America and that was when I was starting to enjoy her more. Also youtube her interview with Ellen from last year, she was cute, funny and seemed very easy to talk to. From the interviews I have read, she has never been mean spirited and seems to enjoy the press
    she is given. I will watch Idol for her appearance alone. She has a fan in me, alright let the criticism begin….now.

  34. i love that pic. looks like she's auditioning for a remake of "close encounters"!!
