Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Alicia Silverstone Mows Her Lawn Naked

There are so many things wrong with that headline. First of all, let us just assume it is true. I mean she did give an interview to Health Magazine where she said it. But, as we know, saying it doesn't necessarily make it true.

I don't think she mows her lawn naked or not. I also think if she ever did mow her lawn that perhaps doing it naked is not the best way to go. Grass gets everywhere when you mow. The last thing I want to do is mow the yard, but if I am forced to, I wouldn't want to be picking grass out of all my body orifices all week. Plus, when you wear clothes it provides a certain measure of protection. Yes, I'm talking about the rocks that invariably ended up smacking me right in the peen. Obviously she doesn't have one. Well, I say obviously, but since I have never seen her naked and you haven't either, she might have one. Who knows?

She also says she gardens naked and only swims naked and does everything she can naked. "It probably started when I was doing my garden the first time. I’d be out there, and it would be scorching hot, so I would take off all of my clothes and garden. And then I would jump in the pool and swim - and I always get in the pool naked, because why would you want to put on a bathing suit?"

But, don't think she is a nudist. She is very shy about her body and doesn't want anyone to see it. Uh huh.


  1. Gardening naked? For why?

    And what does her being a vegetarian have to do with her being naked? Are we sure this isn't the poor man's version of a Peta ad?

    Lame. Meat's good and so are clothes.

  2. Well, sometimes it's fun to walk around nekkid in the privacy of your own home, but I just don't get doing chores without clothes.

  3. Obviously she just graduated from the Megan Fox School of Publicity. Say something provocative, scandalous, get more press!

    Seriously, the thought of anyone mowing the lawn or *gulp* gardening naked? Is revolting.

    Too much bending over is bad nekkid.

  4. I always liked Alicia Silverstone. But I have to agree that mowing one's lawn naked is the height of insanity. Owie and itchy. Ick. Nast.

  5. I think this IS a PETA ad. I like Alicia - she's done great work for animals.

  6. It should say "I'm Alicia Silverstone, and I need


  7. So, am I the only one who read the headline and thought Enty meant she mowed her other lawn, if you know what I mean? And, in that case, of course you'd do it naked. :)

  8. How tall is her fence?

  9. The truth is that the must have watered a flower pot topless in her kitchen, hence a slight exaggeration.

    And what exactly does she have to promote with the nude gardening claim? I can't stand Megan Fox but at least she has a career. Alicia Silverstone has done no movie for years, her TV pilot with Alia Shawkat went fortunately nowhere, her looks are mostly gone and even Natasha Lyonne has better perspectives.

  10. Was this the same interview where she mentions she hangs out naked with Woody Harrelson, who supposedly also likes to be naked? If that's the case, I have to disagree with Enty's last comment.

  11. I cant' even imagine gardening naked. There are all sorts of spiders and bees in my yards. :-(

  12. i wonder why she feels the need to descend into doucheville? how lame.

    ita w/ Karmen: "Meat's good and so are clothes."

  13. Doesn't she have DOGS? Cause I have A dog, and the last thing I'm doing is laying in my yard (even in clothes). Even if I scoop poop my dog always poops somewhere I miss.

    Do you think she mows in shoes because you should never mow barefoot. I can hear my father's lecture about barefoot mowing even now. (ROLLS EYES)

  14. Wow - lots of Alicia haters here. I'm kind of surprised. I read a wonderful article about her the other day. Though I'm also a vegetarian, so perhaps I'm a bit biased. Nothing wrong with vegetarians, people. Go ahead an eat your meat, we're not threatening your preferences.

  15. I think Alicia is a long time veg. The gardening thing obviously isn't true, if you've ever gardened.

  16. Why is this news?

    She's been like this FOREVER - this is nothing new. Glad she's still keeping true to her views/values.

  17. I don't remember Enty using the word "peen" before.
    Perhaps I've scanned past it before, but I found that to be the most shocking part of the story.

  18. Leah, I know, that startled me too. :)

  19. I am neither rich nor famous and I don't even mow my own lawn, let alone do it naked. The dudes I pay to do my landscaping don't do it naked either, thank god.

    Although, now that I think about it, that might be a great business venture: Hot Naked Landscapers (kinda like the naked maids). Guess you'd have to live in a very rural area or have a very high fence around your property.

  20. Maybe by "mow her lawn" she meant "trim her bush"

    That's the only kind of "gardening" that should be done naked.

