Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2 Minutes = $65 Million Dollars

There is a part of me that loves reading about jewelry store robberies. As long as no one gets hurt I think they are one of the most interesting crimes and generally have the largest rewards. In London last week the two men pictured above managed to get about $65 Million in jewels in two minutes flat. The two men took 43 items and then fled the store. The store, which is called Graff Diamonds actually was robbed a few years ago and had about $35M in jewels stolen. You would think they would have learned after the first time.

This is what I don't understand and maybe someone could explain. A person goes into a bank and robs it and they rarely get more than a few thousand dollars and get an exploding dye pack for their troubles and are almost always caught right away. Jewelry stores on the other hand just leave this stuff out and every few months in Paris or London some thief or group of thieves walks away with multi millions in jewels. At some point if you are the jewelers wouldn't you think about putting the cheap stuff out front or having copies or having a book with photos and only bringing out one piece at a time.

It isn't like someone just walks in the store and says yes to something that costs a few million dollars. How much revenue does Graff Diamonds generate? In three years they have had about $100M in jewels stolen. That is like losing $30M a year. Yes they have insurance, but do you think anyone is going to give them insurance anymore?


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