Thursday, July 30, 2009

Woman Who Had 13 Babies Taken Away For Neglect Is Pregnant Again

Theresa Winters is 36 years old. She is currently pregnant with her 14th child. You are probably asking yourself how come she doesn't have a reality show. Well, the reason is that all of her previous 13 children have been taken away from her because of neglect. It all started back when she was 19 years old. She gave birth and within 2 years the baby had been taken away from her. She then tried again and social services came and got the second.

So, the next time she got pregnant she switched men, but it hasn't mattered. The next 11 were also taken away. Now though she is pregnant for a 14th time and really wants to keep this one.

She says that although she still chain smokes, she really has calmed down and will be a great mom.

We feel like social services are treating us like murderers when we haven't done anything.

"All we want to do is to be a family and to look after our children. It's very upsetting. We want help from social services but they won't help us."

The couple can't keep the kids because of "concerns about severe neglect, lack of parenting ability and the consequent risk to any child in their care."

Three of her kids have been born with a rare birth defect and one of those died.

Theresa's sister was asked about her reaction to all these pregnancies and said, "Whenever I have asked her why she keeps getting pregnant when she knows the baby will be taken off her she says, I don't give a s*** - I just want the Government to pay for them. It's pure spite. As long as she is not allowed to keep a child her attitude seems to be that she will get her own back by making the authorities pay to look after them and bring them up. She has told me she will only stop getting pregnant the day they stop taking a baby off her."


  1. This photo should be a michael K "caption this"

  2. The guy with her is too.

  3. Can someone tie this woman's tube please???

  4. all the good people out there who can't have a baby at all, and then we have people like THIS bitch.

  5. Isn't extreme neglect criminal? If it's that bad, bitch needs to be locked up.

  6. they both look pregnant in the picture

  7. Is mandatory sterilization allowed under the new health care reform bill?

  8. A friend summed up the picture perfectly:

    There's a whole lot of 'ain't right' going on in that picture.

  9. She looks older then 36. What a lovely reason to bring children in the world.
    This type makes you want to say you have 2 options --jail or sterilization?

  10. is this in michigan?

  11. Just looking at the pic, I can tell they are Brits. (so am I)

    Social Services try really hard to keep families together, sometimes with tragic consequences, so this woman must be psycho.

  12. I agree with Lisa (N.O). This is criminal and she should be locked up.

    Her saying they "want help from social services" is laughable. Sadly, they're helping to the best of their ability.

    This makes me so mad.

  13. I think that if your children are taken away from you for any reason, you should have to pay a mandatory fine which would, in turn, be used for social services. If you can't cough up the money, then you should be forced to work for it and have your wages garnished until the fine has been paid in full and a reassessment of your parenting skills and overall mental status can be conducted. Everyone wins except the idiot who doesn't understand what parenting is actually about, but even they have the opportunity to learn a thing or two.

    But, I don't run the world.

  14. Kat they already do that. You have to pay child support even when your kids are taken away.

  15. I saw the link address and don't need to read any more. Le sigh.

    I don't agree with getting a licence to have children or sterilisation but jesus, this woman makes it seem like a good idea.

    Her poor children :(

  16. Wow, she is having kids out of spite, but poor Jerry Seinfeld couldnt use that as a reason to return his expensive suit.

    Dont the authorities see a pattern here? You would have thought that after the first five or six, they would suspect that something is wrong with this woman. Is there nothing that can be done? These poor children are being born into a system, not a family.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. She sounds exactly like most of my mother's clients. And yeah, Social Services are always the bad guy. Jeesh!

  19. Oh, and LMAO @ ureallyannoyme!

  20. I remember we had a quite a bit of a debate over social services back in the day... About that MN kid whose parents refused cancer treatment. I wonder if we will get to have on again?

  21. Fail to pay your TV licence and go to jail but she gets to run free?

  22. When her children are taken away, are her parental rights terminated? Do these kids have a chance at adoption or are they left in permanent foster care?

  23. In Florida, after 3 TPRs(termination of parental rights), the next babies can be taken. The mother's rights are terminated and the children can be adopted.

  24. Some people make no sense.

  25. This woman makes Octomom look like mother of the year.

  26. is it so hard to get your hands on a tranqulizer gun and a deprovera shot?
    geez, Social Services, step it up.

  27. LOL at jax & ureallyannoyme :-)

  28. I'm a former attorney for children in these circumstances (called a Guardian ad litem) and also worked as a lawyer for Social Services and I still work in the area. Sadly, only the high number is uncommon.

    I was personally involved in two cases where the mother had six children that were removed for neglect. In one of them, the mom ended up going to prison for thirty years; in the other, the mother was NOT the sharpest tool in the drawer. Her lawyer finally suggested she get a tubal. She asked him if that meant she would get her kids back. He replied "Well, probably not, but it does mean they won't take any future kids." She got the tubal, then proved it by lifting up her shirt in Court and showing the judge her scar. :)

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. oh



    Tie the bitch's tubes, for fuck's sake!!!

    That's it. I'm done. Other than y'all, I loathe every fucking person on this God-forsaken planet when I read this kind of shit.


  31. Yeah - because it's all about her.

    LOL, Empyrios. Completely agree, Selena.

  32. Is it wrong for me to want her to die during childbirth? The doctor should at least tie her tubes and not tell her.

  33. Holy crap I'm glad I'm not an English taxpayer! These people are receiving benefits? The dude "gave up" delivering pizzas SEVENTEEN years ago and is still on the dole? And what does that mean exactly? He couldn't find the house and just went home?

    I bet these two have two-digit IQs and never change diapers or feed the babies because they are permanently doped up on heroin.

  34. I think it sounds like this woman has some serious psychological issues and potentially should be on medication or in a facility. Her whole attitude to this just sounds to me like she is not really in touch with reality. I am not surprised her children are taken away. Apparently all but one of them have been adopted so the state actually isn't paying for them anymore. I am hopeful she doesn't have much fertility left in her, hopefully this will be the last time this has to happen.

  35. An oldie but a goodie. Of course now I owe my own mother an apology.

    Isn't the neglect (or whatever they're doing to get the kids removed) enough to get them arrested? Put them in the system for a while. She's 36; another few years and her human trafficking days will be over.

  36. where did you find this swamp creature? Ugh, and to think, I was just thinking about getting breakfast

    These stories break my heart and made me seriously considering going into social services, but I don't think I could take it.

    I am banned by my husband from going to, a site that calls these people out for their misdeeds, because I would get too upset reading them.

  37. I agree with Char. Who in the HELL would get pregnant out of spite? I loved being pregnant and giving birth, but it's hard work and uncomfortable!

    Even if you're healthy, it takes a lot of your body's resources. If you don't eat enough calcium, your body will take it from your bones and teeth and give it to the fetus. I can't picture this slag taking prenatals and upping her calcium intake. She's going to be stooped and toofless in 20 years.

    She IS punishing the system, though. I really doubt that any of those children will become contributing members of society.

  38. 2 words - mandatory sterilization

  39. Gack and ack! That woman looks 20 years older than I do and she's only a year older than I!

    I tell you what, just the absolute horrific apathy and stupidity shown here makes me want to get my tubes tied immediately since I do NOT want kids, am 35, don't want to get an abortion if there's an "accident", don't want to go through a pregnancy and sterilization is an outpatient procedure these days. Even though it goes against what is "expected" of me by most of society, it sure as hell is more responsible than what this slag continues to do. And I think sterilization should be mandatory in cases like this.

    Sometimes a decision to not have children can be controversial, but I think it's far better than to do something like this! I think it's better not to bring children into the world if you don't want them and/or are not capable of giving them a decent life. JMO, of course.

  40. ok.

    I think part of 'being on the dole' in a country that give it's people medical care includes disability.

    China, the only country (thousands of years old) that we seem to be willing to make into a criminal because of shoddy products.
    Made by US companys who didn't want to pay union (working) wages and moved their factories to China.

    Where we also don't have to follow US or EU pollution rules and we are killing the people there.

  41. Why do the good suffer through life while asses like these keep on getting away with this crap? Why can't this bitch die in place of some poor kid somewhere who's suffering from metastisized (sp?) stage 4 cancer?
