Friday, July 03, 2009

Two For Friday - Kindness

Tomorrow is the big day. It will start off at 9am and continue every 15 minutes until they are finished. At this point it looks like there will be between 30-40 reveals, maybe a few more. In the middle of it all I will post all the reader photos that I have posted over the past five weeks into one big post. I will also do the weekly thanks tomorrow so that way I know more of you will see it. For those of you who are not going to be around tomorrow I hope you will have fun and be safe this holiday weekend.

#1 - This A+ list Academy Award winner/nominee actress spent some two weeks ago at a Veteran's hospital. She did so quietly and without publicity. She spent time with every patient she could and when she left, she gave them all gift bags which included a $1000 gift certificate to Best Buy.

#2 This A+ list Academy Award winner/nominee actor also spent time with the troops at the same hospital. He didn't being gift bags but did stay for many hours and visited with everyone there and shared stories and listened and also didn't want any publicity for being there.


  1. I'll wager Anne Hathaway for the actress. Dunno about the actor. Maybe Depp?

    Also, can I still submit a reader photo? My sister's being a jerk and won't gimmie time to take a pic with her since we both read the site.

  2. maybe denzel. i know that he wrote a check for ten million to one vet hospital.

  3. guys,

    is 9am west coast time? i can't remember? lol. i think it'll be noon for me.

  4. @QS yeah 9AM PST. Noon for us east coasters.

    #1 - my sister says Reese Witherspoon, but I dunno.
    #2 - Tom Hanks

  5. Denzel is a good guess, too

  6. Sandra Bullock? She always seems like the nicest A list actress. Second guess would be Angelina Jolie - a long shot, but I have a feeling she does things that don't make US Weekly.

  7. #1- Angelina Jolie
    #2- Clint Eastwood

    just throwin' out some random A+ peeps

  8. Julia Roberts - no way was it Anne Hathaway

  9. Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts?

  10. I love kindnesses! I also love bad drug behaviour ones, but I really love kindnesses! :)

  11. Oh, and also, #2 = Ben Motherf*cking Affleck!!!

  12. Maybe it was Angelina & Brad - why did he need to hand out gift bags if they are married?

    But, Julia Roberts was my 1st guess for #1.

  13. #1-Jodie Foster

  14. 1. Julia Roberts popped into my head.

    2. Tom Hanks is a good guess

  15. Sandra Bullock was never nominated or won an Oscar.

    HH totally got #2

    So pumped for tomorrow!

  16. @ dijea - that's what I thought too but no way in hell would St Angie pass up a chance for publicity.

  17. #1:Meryl Streep or Julia Roberts?
    #2:totally Tom Hanks for me! he loves veterans!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. and i can't wait for tomorrow! it'll be a big day!

  20. I won't be around tomorrow, so happy "fuck you, Britain!" to all the yanks! ;)

  21. Julia Roberts seems kinda cheap to kick out the gift bags.

  22. Angie does stuff without publicity for the UN. All the time. Some of it is highy publicized, but not all.

    I cant wait for reveals you guys! That will be at like 5 pm my time, so i will get some drinks ready and just enjoy the ride...

  23. I agree I don't think it's Julia R.

    Quintessential I didn't know Denzel gave 10mil to a charity. What magazine or newspaper printed the story? I'd like to read it.

    I'm so looking forward to the reveals but I bet the juicy ones will be left out.

  24. RocketQueen.

    It should read England, not Britain, hehe.

    Plus most US'ers are confused by the term Britain.

    I don't know if I would want some famous stranger visiting me while I was injured and in the hospital, but I assume I am weirder than average or something.

  25. denzel didn't give 10 million but he gave a nice donation for a facility for the families of veterans near a hospital.
    the story got blown way out of proportion and went out in emails but it wasn't entirely true.
    check for the true story.

    this still could be him, though.

  26. Okay, thanks nancer.

  27. I submitted a photo today in hopes that it'll get posted tomorrow! Way to wait until the very last minute!

  28. Resident nerd alert!! I apologize:

    The United Kingdom Of Great Britain.

    which consists of England, Wales, North Ireland and Scotland. (South Ireland or the Republic of Ireland which is mostly Catholic still hates Britain)

    When we kicked the shit outta 'em back in 1775-1783 (Washington became president in 1789. Not '76!) and again in 1812-14, we just referred to them as Britain or the English, that is Those English from Britain.

    I still prefer to still call them Redcoats or my fav: Lobsterbacks.


    Only three great things done by Great Britain:

    1. Beer
    2. Alan Rickman
    3. Took Madonna - but, alas, she returned =(

    If you ask nicely, I might tell why I dislike them so much. Funny story actually...

    Happy July 4th-ish everybody!

  29. And Now You Know!

    *Rainbow stars floating across your screen*

  30. I agree that #2 is Affleck - I think it is a gift from Enty.

    #1 - why Best Buy of all places? I don't really see Angie choosing Best Buy as the GC. Does anyone have a contact or contract with Best Buy?

  31. No way is this Angie Jo. I work for 2 high profile, international charities and when we were in talks to get her involvement, she and her people (yes, she has "people" who are her agents for "charity work"- hey Michelle over at CAA!) backed out because there wouldn't be enough publicity to warrant her involvement. THERE WOULDN'T BE ENOUGH PUBLICITY???

    That bitch does NOTHING in the true spirit of charity.

    My guess, Renee Zellwegger for #1 and Tom Hanks for #2

  32. Trogdor.... do you really classify having DC razed and the White House burned to the ground during the War of 1812 'kicking the shit out of them'?
    Please. Y'all got your asses handed to you when you tried to take Canada from the British Empire. Yay for your independence and all that, but don't get too cocky now; after all, we have matches and looong memories :D

  33. And Now You Know!

    *Rainbow stars floating across your screen*


  34. three other great things 'done' by great britain

    2.The Television
    3.The Telephone

  35. Ya the White House thing..see what happened was, it was July 4th and everybody was gathered around the printing press to wait for Ent's great-great grandfather to publish his reveals. So while we weren't looking, the few English remaining got boozed up on some whiskey and heroin and after jammin' to some Elton John they went set the White House on fire. It happens. Our fault. That's when Elton was young, you know...rebel and all that.

    Did you know Ben Franklin's middle name is Affleck? Creepy...

    I have no excuse for Canada. I will only add the French didn't meet us in Michigan like they had promised. Something about Napa and grapes..not sure...


  36. No. 1 is definitely Jolie. There were pictures of her with soldiers and their families out on the web earlier this week.

  37. No idea for either, but God bless 'em both. My dad was a WWII veteran, and for so long it seemed that we forgot those brave men. We're losing veterans from World War II era at an incredible pace, and I appreciate anyone who will give of their private life to show their appreciation to those fine men who gave of themselves for our freedom.

    Happy 4th of July, everyone!



  39. Hmmm..... so Angie is concerned that the public is cognizant of her good deeds and gives her credit for her it.

    That would be contradictory coming from a woman who acts like she could care less what people think of her. :)

  40. i'm so excited about tomorrow!!!! and not just because it's the fourth---i can't wait to wake up and start peeping on the reveals!

  41. #1. Angelina. I know it's taken as fact that everything she does is for publicity but it just isn't true. She has a big heart. There are pictures on facebook of Angelina visiting soldiers and patients at the Walter Reed Hospital in DC about 2 weeks ago. She handed out gift bags. Watch and see. The reveals will prove this one.

    #2 Must be Brad then.

  42. One of the best things to come out of Scotland is Craig Ferguson. He plays for my team now.

  43. I cannot wait for tommorrow!!!!

    And to all of England: "pppbbbthh"!

    (That's a raspberry I just blew.)

  44. Meryl Streep and Ben Affleck ... but I am totally pulling that outta my butt.

    A Happy and Safe Fourth to all!

  45. How about Brad and Angelina?They could have gone together.

  46. what about monty python, hugh laurie, and eddie izzard?
    for things great britain has given us, i mean.

  47. I'm thinking maybe kate winslet for 1? That was the first name that popped into my head.

    No clue for no 2 though.

    roll on tomorrow!

  48. I don't know who these 2 are but God bless them.

    Why has all the bashing of other nations suddenly started happening on this site? Every nation in the world has something to offer and if you don't like a nation, well you don't have to move there do you? We have readers from around the world on this site, making us truly a global community.

    Happy Independence Day to my neighbours to the South. I wish you all great barbeques, cold beer and amazing fireworks...but most of safety!

  49. hey lux, the television was invented by Philo T. Farnsworth in Utah.

    As for the BI, I think Hanks is a good guess. He does a lot of work with veterans.

  50. Brangelina? She has won, he's been nominated, both clearly A+.

  51. Not Julia Roberts.

    Angelina is nice! Why all the hate, people?

    Got bloody marys for the a.m. - bring it on,Enty! XOXO to all!

  52. dear trogdor,  

    please, pretty please tell me why you dislike the UK?
    now I have to know.

  53. Julia Roberts is a selfish bitch. This is more like a Halle Berry thing.

  54. As a veteran with a service connected disability I want to know who these two are... please reveal them tomorrow?

  55. As for the why Best Buy gift I would say maybe some of these vets are disabled due to limb loss or paralysis and would very much appreciate a new laptop, ipod, or portable dvd player. My bro in law is in a rehab hospital for paralysis and asked for these things for father's day.

    The Veteran's Hospitals in my state are not up to date with fancy gadgets.

  56. #2 would be great if it was Affleck, given that it's Blind Item Reveal Eve.

    I have already prepared my son that the computer is mine from noon on. He agreed at first. Just before bed he reneged on the offer for just the morning.

    I'll be so pissed.

  57. 1) Cameron Diaz
    2) Denzel Washington


  58. I want to add that I agree with Cheri. This is a global community. All nations have faults and great qualities.

    From my travels all over I have noticed that folks are folks no matter where you go. We all shit, eat, sleep, and enjoy the good times and bad.

    I am proud to be American. Can trace family from both sides that have fought many a war for America.

    Don't forget we are descendants of other nations and proudly represent and honour you. That is what makes America.

  59. Oh, now I'm off to blast fireworks with my Muslim neighbor that puts a Christmas tree up every year for their kids to celebrate Santa Claus.

  60. Yes, #1 is Angelina- I saw the pics on facebook, too...not sure if Brad was on this trip, but when they visited the Burmese refugees in Thailand earlier this year, they gave out a lots of stuff, too. They do that a lot, both here and abroad- those facts don't the traction that the made up tabloid stuff does. I don't get the hate seems that people would like it better (or at least "understand" to it more) if they spent all day shopping/partying in LA. I'm glad she sheds light on/speaks up for people that are otherwise ignored- the AC 360 special she was a part of a few weeks ago was heartbreaking- that little girl who just wanted to go home- so sad. Sorry for the long post- seeing those poor refugees just really shows how lucky we are- BTW, we donated after seeing her interview.

  61. Zappagrrl, it's actually Idaho (Rigby, Idaho) NOT Utah.

  62. It says there was no publicity. So if there are pictures of Smugelina at a veteran's hospital, this isn't her. But, then again, she does fit the description, sorta.

  63. E, I don't believe that story for a minute. The majority of the charitable things that Angelina does is not publicized. She has no "people" or entourage. She also has no agent or publicist. Only an assistant and a manager.

  64. Can't wait for tomorrow...I'm racing through the housework so I can sit for a bit in the late morning and enjoy the reveals.

    I'm guessing Tom Hanks for #2, but I have no idea for #1.

  65. Anonymous10:33 PM

    how about Gary sinese for #2?!
    love him!

    and i can't wait for tomorrow morning!!!

  66. Terrance- your right- she's never had PR- Brad dropped his a few years ago, too. This lack of PR threatens the "establishment"- whether you like them or not, the fact is that they maintain big careers, work as much or as little as they want on whatever projects they want, all w/out benefit of PR could give some other stars ideas...when a movie comes out, the studios provide whatever PR the movie deems appropro

  67. kate winslet and leo d.! maybe they went together. they are bffs, after all. then again i don't know if leo's been nominated off the top of my head.. and far too lazy to look up right now.

    just to throw some different names in there...?

    anyways, PUMPED for the reveals tmrw. setting my alarm for 845 sharp!

  68. gary sinise is a great guess! i know he got revealed before from a previous kindness blind.

  69. I immediately assumed the hospital was Walter Reed here in DC where I live.
    Reese has been filming here, but the giftbag part doesn't sound likely to me. Angelina makes sense (though I didn't see pictures, this sounds about right).
    If Brad had been here at the same time, there would have been sightings. People went crazy when he was here alone to visit members of Congress earlier this year.
    Jack Nicholson was also filming here and I wonder if #2 is him. Tom Cruise was here for Memorial Day and is another possibility, but I highly doubt he knows what it means to "decline publicity."

  70. Y'all got your asses handed to you when you tried to take Canada from the British Empire. Yay for your independence and all that, but don't get too cocky now; after all, we have matches and looong memories :D

    This is cute

    I will only add the French didn't meet us in Michigan like they had promised.

    Can't say I blame them. Have you ever been to Michigan?

    Great guesses. I know Gary Sinise is a huge vet supporter. Zero idea on the actress, though

  71. Gary Sinise is great and he does do a lot for the veterans and current troops, all without publicity. Last summer, he and his band came to base here(we're stationed overseas) and performed. It was really nice. But I don't think this is him. He's not considered A+.

  72. Julia Roberts has never done much for charity, and doesn't seem to feel the need to give back unless it's something she is specifically asked to do, by George Clooney. That's the only time I can remember her half heartedly contributing anything. She went to Haiti once in 1995 to see what UNICEF does.

    Sinese is a great guess, he's very generous with veterans groups and it seems to be something sincerely close to his heart.
    But I think Angelina is a great guess too, she's visited troops on several occasions and it's come out much later.

    I think the Best Buy was chosen because the gift certs could be gotten quickly and the men in hospitals can't have a lot of personal items, so it was perfect and generous as they could buy small electronics, perhaps even a laptop on sale. Very thoughtful.

    I'd like to thank Britain for remaining our ally and standing with the U.S. since the Revolutionary war, they've never let us down.
    Be safe and sane everyone!

  73. CZJ came to mind...but I just can't see her doing this. I will just get on the Angie ship. I think we would be very surprised to be a fly on the wall at her house.

    Love Gary Sinise. Hope it is him.

    Zandra, very well said about the Brits. Mother was a Brit. Love them and love it there.

  74. trogdor - just a quick addition, before 1921 the UK was England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland (from the Act of Union 1801). Ireland was no split into Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland until the Act of Partition in 1921 which resulted in a few years civil war.

    Also I go with Angelina and Brad for a guess

  75. yayayayayaya! It's July 4th!!!!!! bring on the reveals!!!!!

  76. I can't take's 10:01!!!

  77. i really think there is no need to make comments such as 'when we kicked the shit outta britain' and the like. i don't understand this in-your-face attitude people get about history. most countries have spilled blood, had theirs spilled, etc.

    i prefer to say 'thank you to those that served to fight for our freedom beginning in 1775 to the present - whether we've won the wars or not (insert opinion of vietnam, and other controversial wars) - thank you to the people who serve our country, love our country and fight for our country. this day is not just about bad picnic food and fireworks - it's about celebration for our unique country's birth and existence'.

    *steps down from soapbox

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Here's a wonderful program for Veterans. (It says top priority is given to Senior Veterans: WW2 survivors).... (This program flys the Vets, free of charge, to DC to tour the memorials).

    (Saw the story on TV & cried)

  80. Anonymous8:41 AM

    People, I think the other country bashing is being done tongue in cheek. And are you really going to get upset today over comments about a war from the 1700's?

  81. I just want the BI's :(

  82. Whoopi Goldberg has often done charitable work under the radar....

  83. it was angelina and brad:

  84. It was Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp
