I am never someone who is going to support Paris Hilton, but this is something that isn't just about her but any person walking down the street. What this lame ass pap is doing is trying to make a few bucks by getting a shot under Paris' dress. It's wrong and illegal and I hope the cops try and find the guy and bust him. It isn't like there aren't a million photos of her naked anyway, so we certainly don't need more. What I think is awful about this though is that it goes on all of the time. These guys will do anything to get these kinds of pictures because they know they can sell them for more. It is repugnant and disrespectful and it doesn't matter if it is Paris or Lindsay or anyone else I can't stand, it is still wrong.
It isn't just paps who do it though and not just to celebrities. The advent of cell phone cameras and digital cameras has made this an issue everywhere and if some guy is doing this in front of 20 other people with no fear, imagine about all the other guys with cameras who do it to unsuspecting women all over the world. I know that if I was out walking the street in a kilt or something I wouldn't want anyone taking a picture of my junk, and I don't care if Paris got naked for a living everyday, she still has the right to be protected against a-holes like this guy.
you're right,Enty!
ReplyDeletein full agreement. one day some of these guys are gonna be physically harmed.
ReplyDeleteDamn, lookit the size of her feet.
ReplyDeleteDisgusting. Not even Paris deserves that.
ReplyDeleteInstead of waiting for the cops to "do" something about it, celebs like Julia and Bruce and Hugh and the rest who lash out at the paps need to keep up the good work, IMO.
ReplyDeleteA good beat-down is what these guys need. Fuck their "rights."
IMO they give up their "rights" when they begin trampling on the rights of others.
That goes for anything, not just paps. Like gangs--once you join a gang, you should be assumed to have given up the same rights afforded law-abiding citizens, I DON'T CARE if you were "forced" into the gang or not. That's bullshit.
HARD LINE is the way.
*off soapbox now*
This makes that guy more repulsive than Paris Hilton.
ReplyDeleteThank you paparazzi dude.
I agree completely.
ReplyDeleteWhat squicks me out, though, is my suspicion that Paris got all turned on by it.
Relax, ENL. The man was just getting a photo to illustrate the word "vaginal herpes" in a medical dictionary. It was all for science.
ReplyDeleteselenakyle - I'd take your thought one step further. Why don't the paps who are 'decent', if there are any, put pressure on the assholes to stop being asshole-y? A little peer pressure might go a long way.
ReplyDeleteThen again, assholes are assholes.
I disagree, Enty. If it were anyone but her, I'd say it was wrong and outrageous but I'm pretty sure she doesn't care, and probably is happy someone wants pictures of her crab apple.
ReplyDeleteyou know i hope when one of these cockroaches finally gets a world famous beat down, every fuckin celeb out there gets it on their iphone and tweets that shit nonstop!
ReplyDeletewhat the hell, this shit happened a few times in Vancouver and finally the guy who was doing it got caught by a gang of hoods who beat the tar out of him and then took pictures of it with his own camera! justice served.
These guys really need a good beating with a metal pole. I remember watching a cable documentary on paps, and they were drivng down a two lane road ON THE WRONG SIDE through a neighborhood, running red lights. All caught on tape. They're just a bunch of irresponsible whiny brats.
ReplyDelete*what selenakyle said*
ReplyDeletePhotos of her wearing underwear would be worth more than nude ones at this point. There might be a recluse nun on Easter Island who hasn't seen Paris Hilton's genitals. Might be.
ReplyDeleteTo finish my thought (sorry for the double post) -
ReplyDeleteWhat he's doing is still wrong. I just don't see the point.
some might say it is the price of fame, but really, it comes down to the plain fact that it is just wrong. having said that, I remember a time ( long long ago ) that we girls were told not to wear our patent leather shoes to school on picture day, if we were wearing a dress. Anyone else remember that?
ReplyDeleteI had a guy try to do this to me at a wedding. A wedding! It is just rude and immature. Which may be why Paris doesn't seem to object to it. And why isn't that guy with her trying to do anything? I really think she likes the attention, no matter how it is presented.
ReplyDeleteA man was arrested in Santa Barbara last week- he was chased by a woman he did this to..the police found alot of images on his camera- and alot of gross stuff at his house.
ReplyDeleteI hate Paris- but it is against the law, not to mention disgusting
Are you sure that's a random pap and not Russell Brand?
ReplyDeleteto warmislandsun:
ReplyDeleteReally. At a wedding. That is just nasty and wrong.
It's bad enough when the paps get a shot of a wardrobe malfunction while getting out of car with no drawers on but this is really unjustified and even Paris doesn't deserve this.
This is why I make my daughter wear bloomers or shorts under her dresses. It's only a matter of time before this starts happening on the playground.
Yeah, if I caught a guy giving me an upskirt shot like that, he'd be needing to have that camera surgically removed from his ASS...
ReplyDeleteWell said, Enty!
ReplyDeleteI'd be so upset if this happened to me. Granted, Paris is a nasty slut, but that doesn't make this permissible. This repugnant asshole is just making it seem as though this is OK and funny to do. They should give really harsh penalties for assholes who do this.
so let's hear more about you out in a kilt, enty. teehee. ;)
ReplyDeleteI hate Parasite with a rabid passion. But I hate this guy more + the asswipe behind him laughing. Bastards.
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't someone telling her about this? Don't take a freaking pic of it. Call him on his behavior, beat the crap out of him ,but don't take a pic of him taking an up the skirt shot. Even Paris doesn't deserve that.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe he is that close to her crotch without full body protection.
ReplyDeletePeople, I can't stress the importance of wearing panties!
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, as much as I loath Paris with every fiber of my being, no one has the right to do what that creep did. He needs a good old fashioned beating.
There’s a reason why I wear biker shorts under my dresses/skirts. We live in a completely repugnant society where this is sadly becoming more of an everyday occurrence be someone famous or decidedly non-famous. From my perspective, I wonder not only where the line of decorum is drawn, but where behavior such as this will lead—how far will guys, and girls, take it?
ReplyDeleteParis should flip the switch and sue his ass. She has this pic as evidence.
ReplyDeletethe guy walking with paris has an abnormally large head!
ReplyDeleteAfter he took the pic, Paris just laughed and got into her car. She's no victim in this situation - she's a big part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteI hate Parasite Herpes Hilton as much as the next person, but this is pretty shitty, and actually kinda scary. I wouldn't be surprised if this happens to regular people on the street, which is why I always always wear underwear (and only boy shorts under ANY skirt, long or short). But I'm not too worried because if that happened to me, the guy would be dead on the spot. My boyfriend would kill him...seriously. So as gross as it is, I'm not too worried for myself, but if this is what celebs have to put up with, I almost feel bad for them.