Scientology And Rhea Lando?
Last night I got an e-mail from a reader who always keeps me updated on Scientology. Last night the e-mail I received sent me over to the ex-Scientology message board and a letter allegedly written by Rhea Lando. Most of you probably have not heard of Rhea Lando. She is just one of countless struggling actresses in Hollywood. The difference with Rhea was that she had got her big break. Back in 2008 she landed the lead in the first live action show on Cartoon Network. It was called Out Of Jimmy's Head. It only lasted 20 episodes, but the point is that when you get a lead in a show like Rhea had, things usually start to move quickly. So, it was very odd for her to just disappear. I know this, because I used to hang out with Rhea. The operative word on used to. She just disappeared and stopped talking to her friends. One second she was on top of the world and then next shows her with no screen credits since 2008 and nothing in the pipeline. Here is a letter posted on that Scientology message board allegedly written by Rhea Lando. I deleted her home address from the letter, and the person who posted the letter to the message board had removed the e-mail address of someone Rhea refers to in the e-mail. Other than that, the e-mail is intact. I want to keep track of Rhea and see if she ever makes another movie or ever shows up on television again. Is the e-mail real? It seems authentic. Why would anyone randomly pick her to write about it? I hope everything works out for the couple.
Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!! You MUST read this email. I need your help. Things are a little bit, well, A LOT crazy for me right now because.....MATT AND I JOINED THE SEA ORG!!!!!!!
Ahhhh!! I know, it's too exciting to even think about. Matt has already routed in!!!! He is currently on his EPF at PAC and we got him in today (Thursday) before 2:00! It's amazing. I took on ALL his debt so he could route in asap and am gonna work with a team of SO members like a maniac to pay it down and then I will jump in!
Here's the fun part: We are gonna have a beautiful party on Sunday, July 26th, to sell his work (go to Choose what photo you want from the gallery and then send us the info and the check and what size you want to the photo in. We'll have prices listed soon or just give beyond what you think we're going to ask!)
In case you didn't know, he's an amazing pro photographer who is now going to change the way Scientology is dissimenated with his art. We will also auction things off. My old twin, Phuong Tran, head chef and owner of the top ZAGAT rated Vietnamese fusion restaurant, Benley, is going to cater.... and the AMAZING Will Seabrook is performing!!!
This is where YOU come in!!! First, we want you to come to the party! All of you! If you are reading this email right now that means that I personally wanted you to come, see this, think you are theta and want to say goodbye and celebrate with you. Every Scientologist I know has helped me come to this amazing point in my life, whether they know it or not. The wins I have had are so astronomical I want you to hear them!! Seriously, they are so big and so amazing that I have lost my voice talking about it! Even if it's just for a few minutes, it would mean the world to me to see and hug my fellows in this fight to save this planet!
Second, any MEST that you could donate for us to sell/auction off at the party is so needed and wanted and appreciated. Jewerly, materials, furniture, paintings, ANYTHING that you could do to help...of course, we are willing to accept "just plain old money" as well if that is easier for you! It's easier for us too! Here's my address: Make checks out to Rhea Lando.
I am so exited about this it is not even funny. This is not just books or lectures or a new release, this is two people donating the rest of their LIVES. For you. For LRH. For everyone you know and everyone you ever wished you could help out there.
That is what the Sea Org does.
The Sea Org is the only reason any of us are here and the only reason any of us have this brief breath in eternity to go free. In case you didn't know, no one would be OT without the Sea Org... and, well, I'm just gonna say it and I'm too uptone to even care how it sounds...I am a serious badass with capabilites that WILL clear this planet and everyday I am not there is another day lost. What I have accomplished alone in my short time with the tech is ridiculous and I what I am going to do in this group is going to be that times a billion. It has never been more real to me that we really can create any universe we want and that we can win at any game we choose to play...and I have chosen to play this game because really, aren't we all in this together? So please, help me help the world..the world YOU live in. This is a one time game, so let's play it and play it big and send me off like a rocket!!!!!!!!!
All my love,
Rhea Lando
Oh, and YES!! I know I did not tell you what time/where the party is. That is all being worked out now and you will be updated ASAP. But I can tell you it will be close (I don't care where you live you will consider it close) and it will be convenient!!!!
xxxx xxxx is helping me organize this day. You can email her at xxxx-xxxx to let us know what MEST items you will be donating and RSVP/confirm that you are coming to the party so we can plan accordingly!
And if you really, seriously, have an "I live on another continent" or "I have 10 kids" excuse and cannot attend, it is okay, have no fear, I checked and you are still allowed to get in comm and send a donation.
Love, Rhea