Ryan Ross Cocaine Story Is Very Weak - Tries To Protect Elizabeth Berg And Vanessa Corbala
I have seen a couple of stories today about former Panic At The Disco guitarist Ryan Ross' explanation for the cocaine sitting on the table right in front of him and his explanation sucks. I will get to that in a minute, but Ryan did manage to snooker MTV into thinking the women with him were just friends and no one of consequence. I believe that one of the women in the picture is Elizabeth "Zee" Berg who is in The Like which is a band here in LA and one of the other women in the picture is Vanessa Corbala who is in The Whispertown 2000 which is also an LA band.
Anyway, the picture has been floating around the internet for about a week, but until yesterday no one had heard from Ryan Ross and his explanation for the picture. MTV spoke with him and this is what he said.
"I planned the whole thing!" he laughed. "No, [the photo was taken] a couple of weeks ago — I do remember, believe it or not. I'm not gonna tell you whose house it was at, but yeah, there was a party the night before, and I slept on the couch, and we took a picture. I didn't even really know [the cocaine] was there."
Uh huh. When is the last time everyone went to a party and just happened to leave a few lines of coke untouched so they could sleep? Yeah. That is not really going to work.
As for how the picture ended up on the internet?
"Oh, I definitely [know them] — it's my friend Zee and a couple of her friends. And actually, they're all older than me," he laughed. "I think one of the girls put the picture on her Facebook, and was like, 'Oh my God, I didn't even know it was on the table,' and then I don't know what happened. But I think they got in more trouble than I did."