Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ryan Reynolds & Scarlett Johansson Trouble

I would have never seen this coming. A world class diva and his wife having marital problems? Who would have thunk it. According to Fox News, Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson are having lots of fights and arguments and the marriage isn't even a year old. Which one of the couple threw the hissy fit last year right before they got married? I think it was Ryan. I think it stems from the fact that he is very insecure and has an assistant with him at all times who carries a full length mirror so Ryan can look at himself as he walks down the street.

Apparently the latest argument the couple had caused Ryan to not travel to Comic-Con with his bride. She went for Iron Man 2, and Ryan was supposed to go for Green Lantern. Not Green Hornet. That I think is going to be some movie with Seth Rogen where he smokes a lot of pot with his stoner friends and calls himself the Green Hornet.

The executives at Warner Brothers were not amused that the star of their movie was absent from the Green Lantern panel. This is what you get though when you hire Ryan Reynolds. I love him in movies and think he is a good looking guy, but he is the biggest pain in the ass to work with in a town filled with big pains in the ass. Can you imagine being married to him? I can't imagine that's fun.

How long do we want to give the marriage? Will they make it through the holiday season? They probably will because I wouldn't put it past Ryan to stay just to see what he gets for Christmas. It is saying a whole lot when Scarlett J isn't the diva of the family.


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