Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ryan Reynolds & Scarlett Johansson Trouble

I would have never seen this coming. A world class diva and his wife having marital problems? Who would have thunk it. According to Fox News, Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson are having lots of fights and arguments and the marriage isn't even a year old. Which one of the couple threw the hissy fit last year right before they got married? I think it was Ryan. I think it stems from the fact that he is very insecure and has an assistant with him at all times who carries a full length mirror so Ryan can look at himself as he walks down the street.

Apparently the latest argument the couple had caused Ryan to not travel to Comic-Con with his bride. She went for Iron Man 2, and Ryan was supposed to go for Green Lantern. Not Green Hornet. That I think is going to be some movie with Seth Rogen where he smokes a lot of pot with his stoner friends and calls himself the Green Hornet.

The executives at Warner Brothers were not amused that the star of their movie was absent from the Green Lantern panel. This is what you get though when you hire Ryan Reynolds. I love him in movies and think he is a good looking guy, but he is the biggest pain in the ass to work with in a town filled with big pains in the ass. Can you imagine being married to him? I can't imagine that's fun.

How long do we want to give the marriage? Will they make it through the holiday season? They probably will because I wouldn't put it past Ryan to stay just to see what he gets for Christmas. It is saying a whole lot when Scarlett J isn't the diva of the family.


  1. "A world class diva and his wife"

    that was good for me

  2. I liked that one, too.
    Don't like this guy and although I know a lot of people here don't like Lainey, she's told an awful lot of stories about what a diva bitch he is. He doesn't do it for me on the hotness scale either. Another one that the U.S. is free to take off our hands if they'd like! :)

  3. really? i didn't know he was so high-maintenance annoying. i've obviously been living under a rock. how sad. he's cute tho.

  4. Oh boy. You're going to get the "ScarJo is really a clone of my sister" email from that crazy person again.

  5. Forget the marriage. Is there any chance anyone at Warner Bros. is whispering about dropping this Sulky Bitch? I still don't understand why he gets to have TWO superhero franchise shots.

    Calling Nathan Fillion, clean up hissy fit on aisle four.

  6. yeah, he is a good looking guy.

  7. Uhm are we really still trying to believe this is a real marriage?!!? Scarlett is a known lesbian in Hollyweird and Ryan is a homo, this is a marriage of convenience and their inevitable break up is coming, sooner rather than later!

  8. Wow. Bad time to get your period, bro.

    You should have held off that act until at least after "Green Lantern 3" wraps.
    As it is, don't be surprised if you hear that Justin Timberlake is being fitted for green tights.

  9. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Actually Weezie you could have said:

    Calling Nathan Fillion.. clean up hissy fit on aisle four... it's your former co-star from Two guys, a girl and a pizza place.

  10. walked by ryan once years ago - hi is so pretty! and tall.
    if the marriage is fake why would they have a rip roaring fight? who gets the free makeup swag at comic con?

  11. I liked that show.

  12. Oh please!! Totally made up story.

    Ryan Reynolds is shooting in Barcelona, and has been in Spain since Friday.

    While yes, Ryan Reynolds has been cast as Hal Jordan in Green Lantern, the movie isn't released until 2011. WB isn't going to talk about this movie at Comic-Con until next year.

  13. Awww, Maria—you spoilsport :)

    And here we were having such a good time with the fairytale.

  14. MM, i read somewhere that scarjo was a lesbian.

    leeloo, if it is a 'lavendar marriage', they can still have spats from time to time.

    in that pic, it seems that he may have a nice sausage!

  15. Yes, Maria - dont spoil a good story with your stupid facts!

  16. That's funny, Weezie.

    I still think he's cute and she's funny looking.

  17. should have wrote: MM, i read somewhere that scarjo IS a lesbian.

  18. @ Quintessential Southerner - ooooo new terms, what is this "lavendar marriage", I've not heard of that before.

  19. MEh i'd do either of them

  20. Lavender marriage is a type of opposite-sex marriage in which the spouses do not have the same sexual orientation and have wed to conceal the homosexual or bisexual orientation of one or both spouses.

    per wikipedia.

  21. wha? I've never heard that either of them are gay, and I pride myself on knowing celebrity dirt! ;) Anyone else think this is widely known??

  22. if true, rocket, it's more than likely an 'open secret' in hwood circles.


  24. I'm pretty sure Ryan is NOT gay. Even Ted, who thinks everyone is gay, said Ryan is definitely into the chicks in his "bitch back" not too long ago.

    However, I think it's pretty well known in Hollywood Scarlett likes women. I'm guessing she bats for both teams. Maybe that's Ryan's type-he dated Alanis and I think she admitted she's bisexual.

  25. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Apparently I've been living under the same rock as Pookie. I didn't know he was a diva. It's a shame because he's so pretty. One of the few men my bf and I agree on.

  26. wasn't there a blind somewhere fairly recently about a couple in a hotel room and they called the consierge for a female 'escort' to come up to the room to join them, but the woman was apparently picky about other women and they kept sending them away and asking for different ones?
    it was thought to be Charlize Theron and Stuart Townsend, but maybe it was Ryan and Scarlett instead?

  27. Scooby, not everyone is a bitch during her period. Or, in Ryan's case, HIS period. Please don't insult my gender by implying that Ryan and I share the same reproductive functions.


    I don't find Ryan Reynolds attractive AT. ALL. I don't GET it. He looks so rabidly pumped up and smarmy. It almost surprises me that Scarlett hooked up with him in the first place, given how polished he is. I kinda gave her props for shagging Benicio in an elevator. Now HE is sexy, thank you.

    I'm no ScarJo fan, but I DO blame Ryan for the fact that she's lost about ten trillion pounds and doesn't really look like herself at all anymore.

  28. Ha! I was just thinking a couple of days ago that it was about time for their marriage to fall apart.

    Weezie - Zing!!! :)

  29. Ruh-roh!

    Guttersnipey—no insult implied, I assure you. I was using "period" and conflating it with irritable behavior in the same way that "balls" (huevos, cojones) has been used, and frequently by women—in my experience—to express fortitude, brass, gall, etc. in both males AND females.

    We good?

  30. they're both overrated as actors. with his vanity and her sour puss they can bite it.

  31. YES to Gutternsnipey's last two paragraphs. I remember actually being jealous that she milked Benicio. What happened to her taste in men??

  32. ryan is not gay.
    scarjo-no clue on that but i beleive this a real marriage. i've never heard anything bad about Ryan from people who are always on set out here. Lainey and her made up gossip can suck it.

    Enty- he was a really late bloomer, was a tiny skinny kid for years before shooting up overnight, maybe this is the insecurity?

  33. Scooby Dubious (I LOVE your name, BTW), it's all good. :-) I understand. I think I may have called a dude a *ussy on the road today anyway, so I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite. Sorry. I took a cranky mood out on you. I ate a sandwich and I'm fine now.

  34. ROFL@Weezie.

    @Guttersnipey: (last 2 paragraphs) Exactly. I don't get his appeal, either. He looks like a ken doll, and from the sounds of it is a pain in the ass. I'd love to see Nathan Fillion diffuse one of Ryan's diva fits.

  35. They are the perfect match.
    And they totally deserve each other.

  36. Guttersnipey: Big, wet (and relieved) kiss from me in return. Thank you :)

    And the "I think I may have..." in your last post had me ROTFLMAO!

  37. Biggest ROTFLMAO?

    Come on, the absolute biggest is about those blind items guesses of ScarJo, RR or else, Charlize and Stuart?


    They are next door neighbors.

  38. Um, iphguy, cut the cryptic shit and please tell us what you mean.

  39. Sorry. Not wanting to seem cryptic. A very good friend lives on the same street as Char, Stu, ScarJo and RR. I just thought that this blind item thread was wildly coincidental. Here are four film actors, one of them an Oscar winner. And two possible answers to the blind are neighbors.


    My good friend is not even in the industry, just bought and moved in lots and lots of years ago before these biggies decided to move in. Other blind items have been many others of his neighbors on the same block. It really is like a real-life Desperate Housewives in SoCal.

  40. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Whoever wrote that blind didn't sound like Ent lawyer.

  41. Anonymous6:37 AM

    oops, sorry, not blind item...but this sounds like Carli to me...

  42. Found this in nyt. its an article about what its like to rent out your house to a movie production:

    NYT? There was this long article about renting out your house to a movie set, and there was this little nugget in there:
    "“Oh, I loved Betty White,” Blair said. “She was holding Mocha between every scene. She would always talk to us. She’d say, ‘Oh, I like those earrings, Blair,’ ‘You look pretty today, Blair.’ ”

    Except for Mr. Reynolds, who seemed to be preoccupied between takes with text-messaging Scarlett Johansson — they became engaged during the filming — the actors all went out of their way to reach out."

    They were pretty slick about it, but it does seem as though he wasnt very nice...



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