Ryan O'Neal & Alana Stewart Caught In Bed Together While Farrah Was In The Next Room
It is quite the headline isn't it? If I didn't think I would run out of room I would have said who caught them in bed together. How about Farrah's dad? Yep, Farrah's dad was visiting his daughter, walked into a bedroom and there in the bed were Ryan and Alana. It kind of makes his whole wanting to marry Farrah thing a little less heart warming and a little more Ryan O'Neal like. I wonder if he and Alana just shared a bed or if they also did drugs together as well. Maybe Redmond stopped by and they all did them together. Hopefully he didn't make Redmond watch though like he made Tatum watch him having sex with Melanie Griffith.
That would just be disturbing. Not that having sex with a woman while your long time partner is in the next room dying isn't disturbing because it is. I mean couldn't they get a hotel room or something? Apparently as soon as Farrah's dad saw what was going on he packed his bags and left.
Ryan has said the article from In Touch is all wrong, but even his son Griffin says it happened. I am much more likely to believe Griffin than Ryan. I also think that Ryan is fully capable of this kind of behavior.
Did you happen to notice that her cancer documentary was nominated for an Emmy? Well, who do you think will be there to represent her? My guess is it will be Ryan and Alana and I will throw up a little in my mouth everytime he opens his mouth on the red carpet and says a bunch of things he probably doesn't even believe.