Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Random Photos Part One

Nine Inch Nails - Manchester
I like Amanda Bynes. I really do. But honestly, don't you think someone should tell her she wears the same thing every time she goes out?
The only safe for work pictures of Anna Friel in this month's UK Vanity Fair.
Amber Heard returning to her death look. She looks so bright and healthy in Pineapple Express, but not so much when you put her in direct light.
I will guess that Anne Hathaway does actually attempt the NY Time crossword puzzle. I also agree that she wants all of us to know she does it.
Adelitas Way - Las Vegas
Billy Crudup and Dave Annable about to play some golf. Yes, that is Dr. J in the background.
Now, I don't know about you, but if I was walking down the street playing with myself it wouldn't be very long before I found myself getting a free ride to the police station. Maybe Jay Z just keeps it there so he doesn't have to sign autographs. Maybe he likes checking to make sure it is still there and that Beyonce didn't steal his balls from him. Who knows.
I know many of you are Ben Roethlisberger fans so here he is a few weeks before the start of training camp.
Out of all the Full House child actors I would say Candace Cameron has turned out the most normal.
David Beckham is back in the US.
Jeff Gordon and his wife.
No one recognized Kate Gosselin. No one at all with that clever disguise.
Kim and Khloe Kardashian in South Africa. They are there to learn about the diamond industry which is a fairly serious topic. So, what does Kim Tweet about? The fact she had to take 3 flights to get to her final destination. Not final destination as in the movie final destination which is one of my favorite horror films, but final destination as in where she was going. I know it is hard to believe Kim that there are not non-stops set up for your convenience to every city in the world you would like to travel to, but I am sure someone is working on it. She seemed shocked she had to sit on three flights. Yeah, the world is tough place.
I know someone has to promote Vaseline, but don't you think Kate Ritchie probably went to her manager and asked, "Really? Vaseline? You couldn't find any other product for me to endorse?"
I haven't seen Leona Lewis in awhile.
From L to R. Dolce, Jesus and Madonna, Gabbana.
Because I know you never tire of Paul Rudd.
I must be getting old. Who in the hell wakes up and decides to put this on to go out? Who the hell even buys it?
Hopefully Stana Katic behaved herself last night or at least that Nathan Fillion didn't hear about it.
SpongeBob is now wax. The guy on the left does the voice of Patrick, and Tom Kenny on the right does the voice of SpongeBob.
Whitney is back.


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