Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Random Photos Part One - With Lots Of Reader Photos

AC/DC - Glasgow
AJ & Aly have definitely grown up. Now, it will be interesting to see if they can succeed as adult actors or if they will just fade away.
Alicia Witt appears to be one very happy person.
People who want Christian Audigier's autograph are
the same people who want to drink his wine. You want to avoid those people. Just saying.
It has been awhile since I have seen a photo of Jessica Alba and Honor Marie.
Joshua Jackson hanging out in Vancouver.
Joe Reitman who you may recall was once married to Shannon Elizabeth, next to his current love Annie Duke.
Kendra's wedding photo. Can you tell that the picture comes courtesy of US Weekly?
Are you disgusted? Do you think she is when she wakes up in the morning?
At least his girlfriend doesn't look like Ali.
No need to rush to Vegas for Lance Burton tickets, he just signed an extension through 2015.
This is not a spoiler from Gossip Girl. It is Michelle Trachtenberg on the set of A Couple Of Dicks.
A fairly candid expression from Peter Facinelli.
Paulina Rubio at some press conference for her CD which she probably thinks is the greatest thing in the history of the world other than herself in a mirror.
I'm surprised there are still paps who follow Ryan Phillipe around.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2 (with Rudy!)
Reader Photo #3 (not grumpy, just tired)
Reader Photo #4
Rob Thomas promoting his new CD along with wife Marisol.
Apparently this is the way Renee hails a cab. This is right after her dinner with Bradley Cooper.
Spinal Tap - London
Tony Romo just picked up his copy of Carrie Underwood's greatest hits as
a surprise gift for Jessica Simpson.
U2 - Barcelona


Pookie said...

aj and aly who?

i admit it. i totally want to see the kendra wedding pictures.

michael lohan's wife/gf looks a lot like lindsay. *calling hulk hogan and pipma simpson*

wow, throw in paulina's coke addiction and you've got her nailed perfectly.

yay readers!

tony romo boo hiss.

jessica simpson totally stole my grandmother's drapes circa 1972.

Jen said...

I hate to say this b/c she's just a baby, but Honor Marie has one of those "adult-looking" faces on a baby's body. It's a little creepy.

lmnop123 said...

Jessica Simpson is still carrying the jacket in front if her stomach. Is she pregnant or just trying to stay relevant?

lutefisk said...

I had to share this photo of Ali Lohan:

empyrios said...

LOL @ Jen. So true.

also Brangelina's Shiloh is a real cutey, but ever notice how old she looks?? creeps me out. it's like she KNOWS things.....

Linnea said...

hahaha Jen, you are so right!

I swear, for the longest time I didnt know there was a real band called Spinal Tap.

Linnea said...

hahaha Jen, you are so right!

I swear, for the longest time I didnt know there was a real band called Spinal Tap.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Jessica Simpson has GOT to be pregnant!

mooshki said...

I love Kendra the show, and I think she and Hank are such a cute couple. I hope they last.

I can't wait for A Couple of Dicks! Sean William Scott, yay! Even Michelle can't bring my enthusiasm down. :)

Ugh, I really dislike Renee.

MontanaMarriott said...

Yes Brenda, her breast look MASSIVE, she has definitely got to be preggers.

OMG the Paulina Rubio pick at one quick glance I thought she was blind and had a cane because of the poster behind her, lol

Renee can't afford a driver??

No, not Ali but she looks like Lindsey a bit, eewwwww

Kendra you stole my dream wedding, to be married at the Playboy mansion. I heard the wedding was sponsored by Valtrex.... LOL

Ice Angel said...'re 54 dude...drop the school boy outfits, kay???

Ice Angel said...

Spinal Tap is mostly a fictional band, but the guys do get together and perform. I love how they played a One Night Only World Tour in Wembley. Just their presence alone makes me chuckle with delight. Love these guys!

Lynne said...

"Joe Reitman who you may recall was once married to Shannon Elizabeth, next to his current love Annie Duke."

Do I smell a BI pre-reveal?


Jen said...

linnea- don't forget the twins who look like Jon Voight!

Unknown said...

wheeee! U2! thanks, enty! last night kicked off their world tour in spain and it's only 73 more sleeps until i get to see them for the first of three times in september!!!!!

nancer said...

so how does it work? you make a movie or 2 in hollywood and you get calls from jennifer aniston and renee zellweger for dinner? i don't get the flap about him---i think he's repulsive.

honor marie is not a cute kid. sorry, she's just not.

i have newfound love for peter facinelli. he's so good on 'nurse jackie.'

Anonymous said...

I always think Honor Marie looks angry.

Agree on the Jessica Simpson looking pregnant thing - with those boobs, where is her bra?

And I would be happy to take over for the paps and follow Ryan Phillippe around. The dirty minded old cougar in me just relishes that cherubic look he's got going.

nunaurbiz said...

... and the bride wore white ... LMAO!!!!!!!!

Fish said...

I can't decide if Jessica Simpson's pregnant or just not wearing a bra. But that picture is sure to start a new round of rumors that she is expecting.

There are pictures of Alba and Honor from yesterday (the one you posted), Sunday, Saturday, a week ago Sunday, a week ago Saturday ...

sassafrass said...

This shows my age, but back in the day I say AC/DC a bunch on tours. FUCK ROCK ON!!

figgy said...

In spite of myself I like Kendra, and I *sigh* watched an episode of her show. Her husband seems very nice, actually. Which makes it doubly tragic that he shaved his facial hair in such a ludicrous manscape.

Cheryl said...

Do Ryan Phillipe and KFED ever go wife beater shopping together?

Ms Cool said...

Holy breast implants Ali Lohan. There is a special place in hell for the Lohan scabs. I guess when Dinah and Michael married there were some snarky people who said they deserved each other.

farmgirl said...

Oh Yay!
I finally am on cdan!

Reader #1 with cutey hubby!
Thanks, Enty!

Ms Cool said...

I forgot to say that I'm reader #3 (not grumpy) with my little guy.

califblondy said...

Grumpy or tired, I love that picture Ms. Cool. Just natural, not all pose-y.

Why in the hell does Jessica keep a jacket in front of her belly? Is she pregnant and hasn't told the Daddies (both her's and the baby's)? She's a sly one that Jessica.

What happened to Annie Duke's husband? I thought she lived a happy little family life with husband, four kids and she just happened to gamble for a living?

Unknown said...

Michelle Trachtenberg is homely.

shakey said...

I thought Angus was 60. When Black Ice came out someone's 15 year old daughter told him he should hear this great new band. He laughed.

To be honest, I thought that was Amy Smart with Michael Lohan. Is Michelle Trachtenberg the other dick? Renée's pose is hilarious. Plus she's looking at the camera while hailing a cab.

The way that dress seems to fall around the belly area - yeah, she does look pregnant there.

Monalicious said...

This is too cool of Enty to do this for us!!! We get to be celebs for a day!!!!

(I'm #4)

Thanks, Enty!!!

ItsJustMe said...

Lovely reader pics --

Ms. Cool -- I know that tired feeling! :)

Is that the Rudy from the "Rudy" film with Sean Astin? Cool!

Pregnant/schmegnant, I really don't care, but she has a great smile in those pics.

MDW said...

Ugh, aren't people tired of Spinal Tap already..?

Miss X said...

Great reader pics, everyone!

Glad to know I'm not the only one who still thinks Jessica Simpson is pregnant (or milking the publicity for "is she or isn't she?"

gay tallywacker said...

Don't like Trachten but i think she handled the Ashlee Wentz thing pretty well the other day. Don't like Zellweg either but she looks good here, not as red as usu. Jess Simpson is wearing waaay to much fabric.

JessieE said...

AnonMom, I agree. Who knows if she's pregnant, but the girl is glowing.

GladysKravitz said...

Love all the reader pics. What a great looking bunch of people!

LOL at "which she probably thinks is the greatest thing in the history of the world other than herself in a mirror."

Poor Jessica Simpson. If she's pregnant, she is too dim to notice that she's not married.

Ali Lohan looks so fresh faced and innocent, eh? Just like the teenager she is.

Kelsey said...

ughs snob comment comin your way - i am so sick of that ed hardy crap. facinelli looking gorrrrrg! couldn't they just have dyed his lovely locks and ditched the ridic wig for twilight? =)

Dick Insideu said...

We are The Professionals, and we wage a subversive compaign to bring wit, wisdom, and good cheer to various national and international media. We are occupying this blog. Martial law has been imposed. Habeus corpus has been suspended. Civil rights have been abolished. The brothels are open. You cannot win; you can only submit.

Dick Insideu said...

Alica Witt can suck the chrome off a bumper.

Babs said...

Hi gang! I'm reader #2, and yes - that is the "real" Rudy, with Touchdown Jesus in the background. (I work underneath the Lord's left armpit...)

Looks like this crop of photos goes to prove that we're not all blonde! Some of us are 'more mature' and redhead.

And thanks, The Professionals - I've worked long and hard to get this fat ass.

Leah said...

Peter Facinelli is my favorite!

Readers look great!
(Babs you made me smirk like mad with your response)

Why is "The Professionals" posting here?
Are we all just planning on ignoring until "they" leave?

mooshki said...

Babs, you are my new hero. I love you.

empyrios said...

^^"They" are probably a 14 year old zit faced geek sitting in front of a laptop wondering if "their" first pube will ever grow in.

Either that or it's just another sociopathic sexual deviant looking for some attention.

so pathetic...and predictable at this point. it's funny how these people always think they're so original.


moving on....Dr. Cooper is a great character. I love his "tourettes response to stress" excuse for grabbling Jackie's boob. Nice.

Linnea said...

babs, i can only second what mooshki said.

Babs said...

Thanks, guys! (Love you, too, Mooshki!) I'm not inclined to let any young whippersnappers push me around. As you can see from my picture, I could probably take Rudy, so snot-nosed, pea-brained, pseudo-intellectual high schoolers playing with words don't bother me too much.

bionic bunny! said...

babs, i was going to comment about touchdown jesus! my family is USC all the way, so i'm very familiar with the man!
the resident troll in all his incarnations needs to take a long walk off a short bridge.

City Councilman Doug said...

Hey Monalicious!
So delicious at #3...
I know isn't this fun? I squealed like a little goyl when I saw my pic.

City Councilman Doug said...

Woops...I mean #4. Drat that wine!

City Councilman Doug said...

And Babs...redheads for the win! Check the profile pic!

Babs said...

Oh, bionic bunny, I am so sorry! I was at the infamous ND/USC game a few years ago, in the end zone where the "Bush Push" happened! My husband and I are SO VERY anti-USC, and we CANNOT STAND Pete Carroll. (I'm sure you are a very nice person, though...)

City Councilman Doug - Redheads RULE!


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