Project Runway All-Star Edition
When the producers of Project Runway started talking about an All-Star edition, I was pretty excited. What makes it even more cool is that it is only 2 hours long. Yep. No having to wade through weeks of competitions. They are going to go from start to finish for $100K in one two hour episode.
I think, but am not sure that it is going to air on August 20th which is the night of the season premiere of the regular Project Runway which of course has been delayed by a year. I think that delay though is the reason all of us are getting the All-Star edition. It's like getting a free movie ticket when you fill up your car with gas. It is to make you feel better for having to spend $100 to fill your car.
So, who is starring in the episode?
Daniel Vosovic and Santino Rice of season 2, Jeffrey Sebelia, Uli Herzner and Mychael Knight of season 3, Chris March and Sweet P of season 4 and season 5’s Korto Momolu
They picked some great ones didn't they? I can't pick. I hate Jeffrey so I don't want him to win. I think Daniel would probably be the favorite. Santino is my Facebook friend though and listening to him imitate Tim for two hours will make it worth it on its own.
Since Andrae wasn't invited back, I thought I would share this great video someone made showing the love Tim and Andrae shared for each other.