Oprah Gets Lowest Ratings In 23 Years
Apparently people are getting tired of watching Oprah. Last week her show had its lowest ratings since she started being syndicated nationally in 1986. According to some research done by The NY Post, Oprah's ratings are down 32 percent since 2004 and last week she finished 7th in the daytime ratings. For years she was in the top two or three and now she gets crushed by Judge Judy.
The Post gives lots of reasons why Oprah could be slipping, but I think people are just tired of her. It seems like she is everywhere all of the time and her show is the same every week. I don't watch Oprah regularly but many times it seems to me like she is just phoning it in almost. She does her hour but unless it is a special guest doesn't really get all that excited about it anymore.
It is different for a show like Letterman where there are writers and they can try and make the show different to an extent every night. On Oprah, there are only so many variations of the same theme and so I think she might be in a rut and her audience is looking for a spark as well.
Now, don't go feeling sorry for Oprah. She is still the most powerful person in the world and she owns shows and magazines and a network. Oh, and I'm pretty sure she owns Dr. Phil. Not just the show, but actually Dr. Phil himself. Plus, even with record low ratings over 4 million people tuned in to watch her repeats last week. I am going to hate myself for saying this but I would much rather watch Oprah than Judge Judy. I don't know how she is #1.