Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oldest Woman To Give Birth Dies

The world record has changed a couple of times in the two years since Spaniard Maria Bousada became the oldest woman in the world to give birth. She died this week at 69. At the age of 66 when she gave birth to twins she was by far the oldest woman to have given birth. She became pregnant through in vitro right here in California. She told the Pacific Fertility Center that she was just 55 and they never bothered to ask her for identification. Apparently 55 is their cutoff for single women. No one asked for identification? At all? That seems ridiculous. There is no paperwork or anything involved in these types of transactions? They just take the money I guess. She sold her house and paid $59,000 for the procedure.

Shortly after the birth of her twins she discovered a tumor. It is believed she died as a result of that tumor. Her brother revealed that in the past couple of weeks he sold the exclusive details of her death to a television station so that way there would be enough money to raise the children. I guess he must have sold it for a lot of money. The kids are just two years old and have a bunch of living to do.

I know I have discussed the whole pregnant at 70 thing here before and when she got pregnant she thought she would live as long as other members of her family. Her mom had died at the age of 101 and Maria thought she might even have a chance to become a grandmother before she died. Discovering a tumor could happen to a woman of any age. I don't like that she lied about her age, but I also don't like the fact that the place she had the procedure performed seems to care more about money than their written policy. If you have an age limit written than you must have that written for some reason and so it would seem wise to check.

No one knows who exactly is going to raise the two kids but probably it will be her brother. In an interview with News Of The World that she gave when her pregnancy became public, Maria said she was hoping to find a younger man to marry so he could help her look after the kids.


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