Nas Ordered To Pay Kelis Lots Of Money
A couple of weeks ago Nas filed papers with the court in his ongoing divorce battle with Kelis. At that time he said he couldn't afford to pay Kelis very much money because he didn't make very much money. He said that despite what Kelis thought he was having to struggle and get by on just about $150K a month. I mean he could barely afford to put gas in his car when he is only making that much. His expenses he said are about $70K a month. But even though he only has a net cash flow of about $80,000 a month he said he had helped out and had bought the new baby a stroller, a sling and two cribs totaling about $2400. As for child support? He said the most he could afford to pay with his current cash flow situation was about $5000 a month. To give you an example of what is more important than his child, Nas currently spends $10,000 a month on his clothes and hair. Well, sure I mean doesn't everyone spend twice as much on their hair and clothes than their kid?
A judge yesterday laughed and laughed at Nas and instead of the $5K a month Nas wanted ordered nas to start paying Kelis $55,000 a month in combined child and spousal support. Oh, and as a bonus has to pay the attorneys fees for Kelis' lawyer which will set back Nas another $35K. Guess he better start going to Gap.