Thursday, July 09, 2009

More On The Steve McNair Murder

Earlier this week I posted about the murder-suicide involving Steve McNair and his girlfriend. I thought I would do a followup post because over the course of the week the police have gathered some very interesting information. When I say interesting, I mean juicy.

For those of you who are just coming into this, let me give a quick recap. Steve McNair is a former NFL quarterback who was married with four boys. He had a girlfriend on the side who was 20 and she killed him while he was sleeping. Not that killing someone isn't being angry, but listen to this description given by the Nashville police. "And we believe that Kazemi shot him in the right temple, then shot him twice in the chest and then shot him a final time in the left temple."

She wasn't taking any chances was she? This was a gun she had purchased the day before the killing. Apparently she thought that Steve was cheating on her, but at the same time also thought she was moving in with him and that he was getting a divorce. The day before the killings was a busy one for Sahel Kazemi. She got arrested for DUI. Then, after being bailed out of jail by Steve spent some of the next day following the woman she thought McNair was cheating on her with other than his wife. She then posted on ad on Craigslist trying to sell all her furniture. Her family says it was because she was going to move in with McNair. Does anyone think it could be because she knew she was going to kill him and herself? I kind of got that impression.

Then, later that night she and Steve went out. They came home and he fell asleep. She killed him and herself. This is made for tv movie stuff right here. I also think we can expect this to show up on Law & Order next season. Just a guess.

The video below is Kazemi getting pulled over for DUI the night before the murder/suicide.


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