Mischa Barton's Producer Trashes Mischa
When Mischa Barton called the police on Wednesday to come get her from her home she had been due to get on a flight to New York to do some press and attend the premiere of her new movie Homecoming. The movie is not a huge budget flick and therefore any press they can get is going to help the chances for the movie to actually make some money. That being said, the producer of the movie was not very sympathetic to the cause of Mischa last night.
In an interview with US Weekly, producer Bingo (B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name oh) Gubelmann said of Mischa's absence, "It's frustrating. And it's not ideal. It's frustrating, but I'm not going to sit here and trash her because we're young as a company and we've got to live and learn...I don't want to be known as the producer that will turn on any actress at the drop of that hat."
So, that sounds like he is upset because the health of his film is on the line, but he isn't really saying anything bad about Mischa other than he will never hire her again. Well, it is about to get much worse.
When asked why he had hired Mischa, he said, "It's hard to remember. Because, you know, she's not here right now." That's a nice little dig at Mischa. Here comes the big dig.
"Now, I haven't spoken to her yet because she's totally unreachable, so I don't know exactly what happened. I mean, I'm not as good at taking the high road a some people and yes, it would obviously be nice if she was here. Even just to hang out."
I don't think she intentionally skipped out on the movie. I think she is sick and the only thing that should have come out of this guy's mouth was his hope she gets better. The other producers of the movie did say those things. Bingo chose not to. I know he is frustrated and I think we all know what the issue is going to end up being and if he wants to trash her later when we know more, than that would be his right. I just think while he even doesn't know exactly what happened that to take some digs at someone who has been committed to a psych ward of a hospital is a little harsh, even for Mischa.