Kevin Federline Killed Santa Claus
Kevin Federline has turned into a real life Scott Calvin. I don't know if last Christmas Kevin surprised Santa and now he has to fulfill the Santa Clause or what but he is certainly acting like it. Every week it looks like he has gained a few more pounds. Isn't his girlfriend some kind of athlete? Like a pro athlete or something? I would think he would be a little embarrassed at himself at this point. This picture was taken last weekend at a celebrity X Games type competition. No surprise here but Kevin didn't feel like actually participating in any athletic events. Instead he just sat in a tent, chain smoked and drank screwdrivers. I would tell the guy to quit smoking but I fear the weight he would add if he did.
I know he is an opportunistic guy so I am hoping the lure of money might make him lose some weight. He seems like personable enough guy so you would think Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers would scoop him up. All of those programs always hire women spokespeople. As a man who is fat and notices things I can assure you there are lots of guys out there like me who are scale challenged. This would be a good time for them to go after guys and also allow Kevin to pick up a couple of bucks for himself for doing something more than just watching his own kids.