Thursday, July 02, 2009

Kendra And Amy

Ever since I learned that Kendra Wilkinson was headed to St. Lucia for her honeymoon I have wished and wished for one thing only. No, not to see naked pictures of her or a sex tape from her honeymoon. Nope. My wish is much more simple. What I want most is for Crackhead Amy to go pay a visit to Kendra. Pictures would be good, and video would be even better. I wish someone was there with a video camera and would record them together for a few hours because I guarantee you that would be magic.

Are the E! people with Kendra on her honeymoon? Probably since they are the ones paying for it. They need to send those producers out and find Amy and bring her back. Let her play Scrabble with Kendra and drink with her husband. Let them interact and get it all on tape and I guarantee you it would be the highest rated show they have all year. Kendra and Hank go to sleep and there is Amy peering in the window and then knocking on it. Amy coming over at 4am just for a chat. The possibilities are endless. Someone from E! needs to make this come true. Do not let me or the world down on this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This would be hilarious. I can see Amy hitting up on Kendra in her subtle way ("You are real pretty, wanna do me?") and trying to get buy in for a 3 way ("All the hip newlyweds do it as a sign of commitment.") Then the rummage through the medicine cabinet for useful items ("a snake bite kit! That has a razor in it, right?" and "Oh! Some ephedrine for my cold!")

    This would be better than The RHNJ, and that's saying a lot.

  3. you hear that E!?

    The people have spoken.

  4. Hilariously Brilliant Enty!

  5. I never watch E! and I'd so be willing to watch if this happened.

  6. The picture of Amy is AWESOME and that would be magical if they could capture that on film of some sort.

  7. The best part would be when Kendra does the "asides" later. When she gets a chance to say what she really thinks, it is usually hysterical.

  8. I dunno, stiffkittens. Would anybody really be surprised to find out she's actually a zombie?

  9. That is possibly the best picture of Winehouse ever published.

  10. Lol Moosh - she's more hardy than cockroaches.

  11. We are The Professionals, and we wage a subversive compaign to bring wit, wisdom, and good cheer to various national and international media. We are occupying this blog. Martial law has been imposed. Habeus corpus has been suspended. Civil rights have been abolished. The brothels are open. You cannot win; you can only submit.

  12. Gladys Kravitz is a complete dumbass

  13. oh, jeez, first time poster, LONG time reader and i have to be under this dude? anywho, i thought amy was the hiv infected singer, but maybe i'm wrong. and wasn't she going to come out about being infected sometime?

  14. LOL kitty litter! It was widely thought Amy was the answer.

    I love that man's shirt. Just love it.

  15. Kitty Litter, that's what a lot of us thought. I think that she was really sick for a while, and was going to come out, but then she got the right drug coctail and started to recover, so now there's no reason to make it public.

  16. Serslah, that's MY wedding wish for them too!

    Should we get teh /4/ in on this as well? THEY could pull it off....
