Katie Holmes On So You Think You Can Dance
OK, so I watched it. I watched Katie Holmes singing and dancing for two minutes and thirty seconds. It wasn't the longest two minutes I have spent in my life, but there was nothing spectacular about her dancing. In fact, it kind of looked like something you would see in a middle school recital. Katie tried to be sexy, but she just doesn't do sexy anymore. I think that part of her has pretty much been cleaned out. I can't believe she went what seemed like everyday for two months and this was all they could come up with for her, especially considering it wasn't live or anything and could take as long as they wanted. The one positive note is that her singing is really good. I know it was pre-recorded but she has a decent voice.
If you watch the video, there is a part about 1 minute in where she is talking and then starts scratching her arm. There was something about it that creeped me out. Like it was some type of nervous tic or reaction. I'm probably just overreacting, but see what you think.