Friday, July 10, 2009

Jon Gosselin Still Seeing The Gun Toting Daughter Of Kate's Plastic Surgeon

Aah true love. Jon Gosselin continues his slide into blowing through his money and the inevitable Gold4Cash commercials he is sure to be doing this time next year to support his new girlfriend's fashion line. According to Radar, Jon and 22 year old Hailey Glassman continue to see each other everyday. In the next couple of weeks Jon and Hailey are headed to Paris for a romantic vacation. Apparently Hailey wants to start a shoe line. Well nothing like finding an idiot who got his first earring the other day to finance that little endeavor for you. I am sure it will be a stunning success.

Meanwhile, Kate was in Los Angeles this week and I didn't even notice. Apparently she had a meeting at Warner Brothers. You know what that means? Talk show. I don't know if I am ready for her to host a talk show, but at this point she is the one who is going to have to be the bread winner. Kate might be a shrew and out for fame and fortune, but she does seem to at least be willing to work for it. I'm not sure what Jon does and if he realizes what the end of the television show would mean to him financially. Maybe he is hoping Kate will make it big and that he can take care of the kids and have her pay him every month. He really needs to grow up.


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