Monday, July 20, 2009

Jon Gosselin Ignores His Kids - Goes Out With Reporter

Jon Gosselin found new ways over the weekend to make himself look even more douchetastic. While Kate and his 8 kids were getting scared and hassled by paps in midtown Manhattan, Jon was a few blocks away ironing his Ed Hardy collection and combing his hair plugs.

Later that night when he could have been spending time with his kids, Jon decided he would rather spend time with another Kate. This Kate is Kate Major. She is a reporter for Star Magazine and seems perfectly willing to latch on to Jon for all he is worth. The NY Daily News didn't have the kindest things to say about her and apparently when photographers were trying to get pics of Jon alone, she kept getting in the frame.

Kate says the pair are just friends. Uh huh. Well, whatever she is, she did manage to get him into a sport coat. If you had asked me I would have guessed he didn't even own one so it shows you how much I know. It does bother me though that he has a brand new apartment in town and his kids were there and he didn't even bother to show it to them. That makes no sense. He made no effort to see them on Saturday night despite the fact that several of them had been crying after the altercation Saturday afternoon where paps got into a struggle with security in front of the kids.

What kind of dad ignores that so he can go out on a date? Or a friend date or whatever? Speaking of kids, at the TLC shoot on Saturday it was Kate and all her kids and the Duggars and their kids. That is a ton of kids. That's like an entire elementary school.


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