Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jessica Simpson & Tony Romo Latest

There are a few Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo stories out there so thought I would just bring them all into one nice easy place to get them. Not easy like Russell Brand easy, but easy as in convenient. Did you hear those rumors that Kenny Chesney and Jessica Simpson were flirting just a few days before the big breakup? Yeah, I didn't hear about them either, but Kenny wants you to know they aren't true and that he would never flirt with a buddy's girlfriend. I think Kenny just wanted to be in the news and figured this would be a good way to do it.

The woman that Tony Romo supposedly cheated with or went to Jessica Simpson concerts with or sent sextexts to isn't really dating him or whatever it is they were doing. This of course comes from the father of the woman so I'm sure he knows exactly who his daughter is dating and has dated in the past and probably is also convinced she is chaste and never goes beyond first base. If someone can figure out exactly what Tony and this woman were supposed to be doing that caused the breakup I would like to know. To me it just sounds like they chatted on the phone and sent flirty texts. That is a really broad description.

Oh, Native American groups are pissed at Jessica because when she was asked if she was going to get the $100K boat back from Tony that she gave him for his birthday she said she wasn't an Indian giver. For why this is bad, see Seinfeld.


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