Hayden Panettiere Thinks She Is Better Than Us
Hayden Panettiere is without a doubt the actress I probably dislike the most right now. It didn't always used to be this way. If you will recall back in the early days of the site, Hayden was most assuredly not on my crap list. But, people change and over the past two years she has changed into someone I have no desire to be around for even five seconds.
She gave an interview to Details for their issue this month. Even with an interviewer who obviously fawned over her, even she realized at some point that Hayden thinks she is better than everyone else on this planet and that the only person who matters on the planet is Hayden. Ms. Cool sent me this article yesterday afternoon and I have been steaming ever since. I started to write it last night but was so upset that I had used too much profanity and realized I would need to tone it down just a touch.
Enough with my anger, let me let you join in on the fun. Oh, and by all means read the article. The reporter describes Hayden as "beautiful and special and talented." Yeah, that is real objective right there.
Apparently Hayden started thinking she was better than everyone at a very early age. When she was asked about her schooling and if she ever felt like she missed out on a normal life, Hayden said, "It wasn't like I suddenly started feeling different. I always knew that I was. I never felt I missed out—in fact, it was like, 'Oh, thank God I'm not that.'"
That referring to us of course. Every last one of us on the planet not named Hayden. That is the perspective she sees. If you already hate her, it gets better. I promise.
She said that she was bullied as a kid. "I was tortured, emotionally tortured by these girls. Every time I came back from filming, it would be me trying to find my way back into the clique. And they weren't having it." Well, why in the f**k would they have you back? It is pretty obvious you thought you were better than them. I wouldn't want you back in the clique either. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if someone punched her. Oh wait. They did.
She was punched in the face by "a very angry, very sad girl." Probably angry that you thought she was better than you.
Now, during the interview, two fans came up who were from out of town. Hayden had been eating but was finished.
"Excuse me. I'm sorry, I know this is extremely rude, but we're from the East Coast and you're the first famous person we've met. Is there any way I would be able to get a picture of you?"
Hayden took the picture with them, and they said, "Thank you so much. Thank you. I'm sorry." By all accounts very nice guys. This is what she said to the reporter after the picture. "I gave them a half-smile. It's a survival skill."
Now you can fully exercise your dislike for her. Plus, she isn't that great of an actress.