Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Gwyneth Paltrow Trashes The US...Again

Three years ago Gwyneth Paltrow took it upon herself to trash the United States and the fact that all of the people who live in the United States are capitalistic and have nothing interesting to talk about at dinner and that is why she prefers the UK. At that point everyone ran out and got a copy of the book "Hating Gwyneth Paltrow For Dummies," and did have something to discuss over dinner every night for about a year. It was lovely. Good times.

Gwyneth of course said she was misquoted. I believe the magazine or the newspaper released a transcript from the interview and I still haven't found the part where she was misquoted.

Anyway, since it is the anniversary this week of our birth as a nation, Gwyneth has once again decided to throw the country under a big damn bus. It seems that the US has now moved to at least third in her favorite countries. I have no problem with that. I really didn't want her here anyway. Here is what she told The Associated Press about Spain and why it is better than the US.

"Spain has become my second home. It is so different from the United States. It seemed to have a history, and the buildings are years and years and years old. Here in the United States an old building is about 17 (years old), and over there it's from 500 B.C., it's incredible. Also, the way people live over there. They seem to enjoy life a little bit more," she continued. "They aren't running around as much as in New York. They enjoy time with the family. They don't always have their BlackBerry on."

Well if the UK is her first home and Spain is her second home, then I'm guessing the US is just a timeshare at Disney World she keeps for two weeks a year. I realize that the United States itself has a more limited history than Spain, but she didn't need to be rude about it. Also, apparently none of us here enjoy our lives. Well you know what Gwyneth, maybe we have a different way of showing how we enjoy our lives. Also, I don't know what person here doesn't wish they could spend as much time with their families as they could. (The ones we like anyway). Does she think Spain has some type of monopoly on loving family?

Meanwhile Gwyneth gave the interview in the US where she is filming a movie and getting paid by US corporations and expects people living in the US to go out and buy tickets to her movie and spend their hard earned money so she can live in every country other than the US and spend time bashing us. F**k that. I am so sick and tired of her thinking she is better than every other person on the planet and thinking she knows more about everything than anyone else. I can't stand her and I am sure she will try and come up with some lame ass apology, but this keeps happening repeatedly.


  1. GP is an object lesson in the dangers of becoming a celebrity. Just because you're famous, it doesn't mean that you're more intelligent or insightful than the rest of us. It just means you have a larger audience willing to listen to your opinions.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Didn't she grow up on the east coast where there are still many 100yr old bldgs?

  3. Look, I hate Goopy. She's a pretentious bitch with nothing good to say. However, I know what she means. Don't get me wrong - I love the US, but when I lived in Spain, you can't help but point out the differences.

    Living in Spain is amazing, and I understand why she's so fascinated by its culture. Her problem is that she's so snobby that everything she says sounds like she's bashing the US. It's probably because of her track record. Oh, and she's a huge bitch. If it were coming from anyone else (except Heigel), and she improved her word choice, it wouldn't sound as bad.

  4. She's just so above piddily, old, me, I don't even hear her anymore. Hopefully real soon I won't be able to see her either.

  5. Please. She's just a stupid spoiled bitch. Personally I prefer her stupid spoiled bitch persona to her GOOPy yoga earth mother routine. This Gwyney is at least entertaining.

  6. Screw you, Gwyneth, my house was built in 1884....idiot.


  8. She's just an unlikeable person. Years ago, she did an interview with Vogue where they went through her closet and talked to her about style. When they got to her jewelry, there was a pair of very expensive emerald earrings. She laughed about them and said they weren't her taste. They were given to her by an ex-boyfriend who was trying to get back with her (based on the timing, it was after Affleck). Anyway, rather than just return the gift or sell them and donate the money to charity, she chose to keep them and make fun of them in a national magazine. Classy.

  9. I agree with Karmen.

    I don't like Gwyneth. I thinks she's a spoiled, pretentious brat.

    BUT - I love other countries. I think there are advantages to living almost every place in the world. I am very, very lucky to be in the US. However, I absolutely LOVED living in Bulgaria and think that they had many things we don't, particularly when it comes to the history of the place.

    But yeah, a better word choice could've helped. And I think she's too arrogant to think that she needs to consider her word choices.

  10. That's it -- I just unsubscribed to the GOOFY newsletter -- I DID like the recipies. And, go figure...there was no place to leave a comment. But, I'm sure she wouldn't care to hear anything from one of the little, common people like me. Her loss...

  11. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Can we ban her?

    Nothing of value would be lost :)

  12. Gwyneth, you are a jerk. You know what? My house was built in 2000. Got that?!? I'm going to walk down to the Starbucks right now, you know when that was built? Yeah, that's right, 1989.

  13. Living in Spain or the UK is different from living in the US. Whether or not it is better is up to the individual person to decide. The same morons who go around thinking that one country is "better" than another are using the same faulty reasoning as the idiots who think one race is better than another.

    As for everything being less than 17 years old, apparently Goopy thinks only white people are Americans. The US has trace civilization here that dates back to BEFORE the pyramids. There are millions and millions of mixed blood Americans with Native American roots in THIS nation. Our ancestry is at least as rooted in the US as it is in Europe. So suck it, Goopy. I sincerely would LOVE to pay this idiot to LEAVE my country once and for all.

  14. Money doesn't buy class. It buys people who tell you how wonderful you are, but sadly, not class.

  15. It's interesting to me that she just can't seem to compliment another location without bashing her home country. Why can't she just talk about how she really likes Spain? I guess she doesn't know who she is unless she's looking down her nose at something.

  16. I have met her a few times (in a friendly rather than "professional" capacity -- a friend of mine from college is one of her high school friends) and yes, she is a total c*nt. When the revolution comes, she's the first one against the wall.

  17. Very funny, AnonMom. :=)

    I'm an American who lives overseas in Denmark. I like a lot of things about my current home (free health care, free university education, excellent and highly subsidized day care, a year's paid maternity leave, etc.) , and I like a lot of things about the U.S. (ethnic and cultural diversity, an appreciation of achievement and a spirit of can-do, a willingness to stand up for what you believe in, the ability to change location and remake your life, great shopping and customer service with a smile, etc, etc.)

    See, it's possible to compare two places while mentioning the good in both, instead of the good in one and the bad in the other. A smart reader could figure out that what I chose to point out positively about one country probably doesn't exist in the other need to say so.

    Take notes, Gwyneth.

  18. Incidentally, she's wearing those terrible spike-padded shoulders that are in all the fashion magazines now. I'm a girl who likes my 80s fashion, but those oddly-shaped spike shoulders are just the pits.

  19. Kudos on all the comments. Most of you said it better than I ever could.
    On the plus side, I don't think she has faired all that well in theaters. Does anyone remeber Duet? Poor Huey.

  20. Gwynth's been on my shit list for quite a while. I don't support anything that she stars in.

    Now if she doesn't shut her trap I will be forced to boycott IronMan II and I love RDJ.

    And one last thing I am surrounded by homes that are over 100 years old. It's a damn shame she isn't educated about the country in which she was born.

  21. @ Pamela S - yeah, Spain's got a long history. Phonecians, Greeks, Romans, the list goes on even before Christ came around. Oh the few things I remember from my days as a Spanish major (which wasn't that long ago at all, ha).

  22. Anonymous11:45 AM

    You know she is such a stupid bitch. If she was smart she would see that every country, state, city is different in their own way. If she has such a hate for the US why does she keep coming back to work?? I wish they would stop giving her parts in movies she is a lousy actress, very mousy in her acting.

  23. You know, you can send a bitch to school and you can dress her in expensive clothing, but she's still an idiot. What buildings in Spain are from the fifth century B.C.? Seriously. You'd have to be an fucking idiot to not know that very few buildings in the world date from that era, mostly in Greece. What an idiot. Seriously.

  24. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Let's see how long it will take for her to come on and say she was misquoted. That is her favorite line.

  25. i can see what she's saying but it's not's just different you dumb whore.

    i fricking love Spain, but i ain't moving there. she needs to keep her dumb mouth shut.

  26. I'm all for visiting other countries and experiencing other cultures, but I think it's really crass to basically talk smack about the place that basically made her a star.. Nothing more dangerous and obnoxious than someone who has about 5 braincells, and unfortunately, magazines,tv,film etc to create a sounding board for it.

  27. Anonymous12:15 PM

    What a fool. If she were truly well-traveled, she'd realize that every place in the world has its good and bad points, its beauty and ugliness.

    About 50 miles down the road from me is St. Augustine, FL, which has a fort built in the mid-1500s and lots of houses built in the 1600s, 1700s. That's more than 17 years old. I grew up in a house built in the early 1900s.

    She is definitely biting the hand that's fed her. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not feeding her any more.

  28. Am I supposed to have a blackberry now? Shoot.

    My house was built in in 1937. I'm a stay-at-home mom whose life revolves around my family. And if she wasn't such a bitch, I'd be reading her stupid newsletter. Who is she trying to impress here? You can't reach out to a particular audience with your newsletter and then trash their culture in another medium. Ugh. I hate her and her botox.

  29. She also seems to have forgotten that there are quite a number of places in the country with a different lifestyle from the New York one. (Not that there's anything wrong with it.) :)

  30. Agreed, she should just compliment Spain instead of thinking she needs to put down the US at the same time. She always frickin does this though. Her and Madonna probably sit around and talk about how awful the US is.

  31. oh enty, can we ban her, pls?!

    this fool doesn't deserve blog real estate.

  32. I understand where she's coming from, but, like enty said, she films her movies in the us, gets paid in the us so people from us go see her movies. She doesn't like living in the us, fine, she's entitled to her opinion and not everyone likes everyone or everything. But why are you trashing the place and people that are responsible for your success and who are today?
    God, I can't believe there was a time when I really liked goopy...

  33. Is she joking? An old building in the US is 17 years old? Don't think so--I saw quite a few from the 19th century during a recent trip in the South. I've been in 18th century buildings in Detroit (yes, there are a few churches that old in Detroit and they still hold Sunday services). She's an idiot. That's my favorite word of the week BTW--idiot. Her comments speak for themselves and show what a complete imbecile she is.

  34. "It seemed to have a history, and the buildings are years and years and years old." So eloquent. She's a pretender at everything.

  35. Well, if it wasn't for the United States, all other countries wouldn't have: telephones, airplanes, cameras, rubber tires, lightbulbs, sewing machines, computers, artificial heart, Salk vaccine, fire sprinklers, cotton gin, refrigeration, jeans, fountain pens, gas pumps, dishwasher, flashlight, light sockets, motion pictures. Shall I go on Gwyneth, you pompous twit?

  36. Reading over these comments, I see that I am not alone in disliking Gwyneth. Maybe we're all just jealous because after all she cooks everything that her family eats. Everything, she said. What a girl!

  37. Kimi, I totally agree. I have lived in a couple of different countries and I would NEVER ever put one down (especially the one where i was brought up!) just cause I wanted to compliment another... Silly.

  38. Can you guys take her back though? Or should we all pitch in so Spain can have her?

    I bloody hate her now, whereas before she had a pass for "Sliding Doors" & "Shakespeare in Love". Not any more.

  39. West End Girl, we don't want her, and I plan on living in Spain at some point, so let's not do that to those lovely people. They don't deserve that either, lol.

  40. She should only let her crap movies be shown in the UK and Spain then. I guess the US is good enough when she wants to make money. Americans should start boycotting everything she is in,let's see if Spain and the UK can support her skinny ass.

  41. JanePod, examples of c*ntiness, please! ;-)

  42. In addition to what everybody else has brought up about the US (love St. Augustine, BTW) properties considered for listing on the US National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places are generally 50 years or older, with some exceptions. Since its start in 1966, more than 80,000 properties have been listed. Gwyneth obviously doesn't know as much as she'd like to think. She should have paid more attention in her US History classes.

  43. As an American living in Spain, I must ask, no BEG that you not send her here. We're all stocked up. Go sell GOOPY(aka c*nty) somewhere else. However, I can't say her points aren't valid. Yeah, the buildings are older, the people are more family-oriented, and they take life much, much slower. All quite true. Just not tactfully said. Also traveling around Spain in 5 star hotels with Battali and hanging out in Marbella doesn't mean you live in Spain or know much of anything about it.

  44. is she really that out of effing touch, or this an act? it must be an act. her and joaquin are totally doing something, aren't they? has casey and his camera been around her lately???

    i wouldn't care so much if she actually did something worthy other than play margo tenembaum. i can't think of a single thing of note other than that and her shady oscar win.

    just who is this gweneth paltrow, anyway?

  45. I thank Goopy for the Tate's chocolate chip cookie recipe, they were delicious, but seriously, she is just so pretentious and unpleasant.

    I love how hardly anyone in Hollywood went to college (Goopy, Madonna, Matt Damon, etc.), but now they are supposedly sooo educated and intelligent.

  46. um...Gwennie-poo, why don't you come to New Orleans where we have a history dating back to the 1700s. oh, i guess that's not high brow enough for you stupid twit. i hate your attitude and you can't act worth a nickel of my money. thank you, however, for your goop...I print it out and use it as toilet paper to help save the environment.

  47. She is an asshat with no sense of history or intellect. I think she says things to sound important but all she ends up sounding like is that she talks out her ass.

  48. I get the feeling Gwynbitch talks shit about the U.S because she knows her appeal has waned. Like an ousted teenage girl who once was popular: "Hmmmmph, I didn't want to come to your dumb party anyways!"

    @Nutty_Flavor, re: Denmark. "free health care, free university education, excellent and highly subsidized day care, a year's paid maternity leave, etc.".......

    These AREN'T free. I live in Canada & we have the same system. Taxes, taxes, taxes pay for all of those perks. Nothing is free.

  49. Please ban this b*tch.

  50. I have read and reread what Gwyneth said and I can find no fault in it. I have known several people who lived or traveled overseas and they all say the same things.

    We tear down our history here. It has been written and sung about for years (Paving Pradise to Put Up A Parking Lot). I've heard or read about people gushing over the family life in Europe, including our favorite, Johnny Depp. The European life seems to be much slower, with shorter work days and months off in the summer. We also put more value on things here, instead of experiences.

    I really don't see any harm in what she said and I am surprised at how many people on this board repeat Enty's words right back to him. Any person that Enty dislikes seems to automatically be someone that most posters on this board don't like. I have enjoyed this site for a long time and am a fairly new poster. It would be nice to see a variety of opinions. Otherwise Enty may as well not offer the ability to comment.

  51. Ugh ... GOOPy reminds me of those kids who go off to college, get about 2 1/2 semesters under their belt, then think they know everything.

    Each and every society has it's good points and bad points. She is an idiot and I am fairly certain she and Chris don't discuss the finer points of Nietzsche's theory of the superman .. though for obvious reasons .. GOOPy probably should. She is a megalomaniac and so was Nietzsche.

  52. Wipe-Out, anyone who believes what Gwyneth says shares her biases. I've lived and traveled overseas and know many more people who have. The only people who say things like Paltrow has are people who think the US is Disneyland + Hollywood. And there are many good things about Los Angeles that aren't present in other societies I've experienced.

    I know there are those who would love to believe the US is the center of all evil but I'm afraid it's just another country -- no better but also no worse. Homo sapiens are remarkably consistent, they merely express their behaviors in different ways. But all have the same dominant behavior patterns.

  53. Mooshki - are you 'mooshki, part deux' too, or do you just have a fan?

  54. what a d-bag. can we deport her to some 3rd world country and take away her 5-star hotels and celebuddies? let's see how long she lasts

  55. Stiffkittens, I haven't seen this "mooshki, part deux." Do I finally have my very own stalker? Whee!

    Wipe-out, pretty much everyone I know who has been overseas talks about their awe at seeing ancient buildings, and different cultures, but somehow they manage to do it without trashing the US at the same time.

    Doesn't it make sense that a blogger's most passionate followers would be people who think like him/her? And don't worry, we have had plenty of disagreements, and most people enjoy them as long as people are respectful of each other. Hey, look at the last Jennifer Aniston post - almost all of us talked about the fact that we really like her, despite what Enty thinks of her. :)

  56. I'm no fan of Fish Stick, but everything she said about Spain is true, and Europe in general. People in Europe know how to enjoy life in a way that Americans are prevented from thanks to predatory capitalism. We work our fingers to the bone or we are left to twist in the wind. Europe has a safety net that we don't. It's just a reality. Still, just in general, she needs to STFU.

  57. I can't stand the Goopster....BUT...why is it that NOBODY can criticize the U.S. at all without its citizens having a meltdown? In Canada, we regularly laugh at ourselves and admit our short-comings. It doesn't mean we don't have any patriotic pride...wejust realize we aren't perfect. And neither is the U.S. of A.

  58. Watch out Jeannies; heaven forbid an American *gasp* criticize the country of her birth! And you've just committed a cardinal sin by saying something contradictory to what Enty and his fangirls spout.
    The Yanks sure could take some lessons from us Canucks in being able to look at ourselves honestly.

  59. WBotW: As a Canuck i can say we are just as sucky when someone 'worthy' shits on our country. Hello, Billy Bob? Please, Canada is known for saying "Sorry" every ten seconds & expecting the same in return.

    Although if every country had their own "This hour Has 22 minutes", we'd all be a little more humble :)

    I wanna sleep with rick Merecer just so he can insult me.

  60. Rick Mercer. Doh :/

  61. Nothing says America like joining voices together on a blog to call a bitch a bitch. I love it!

    I really liked her in SLiding Doors :( She killed it for me now :(

    @ Melody : Hell to the yes! You took the words right outta my mouth..ahem..keyboard whatever..

    As a Native American ( and Norwegian ) person, I am fucking infuriated she would have the cojones to call this country young..

    her husband must treat her like shit.

  62. I'm unsubscribing to GOOP, too.

    She's as cool as AIDS.

  63. Gwennie has lived a very sheltered and privileged life, she came from wealth, married wealth and doesn't live in the same world most people do, it's hard to believe but I don't think she realizes she is offending anyone, she feels superior because her life is that of .001% that will never worry about money or fame, and it will never run out, so she has no concept of what any type problems "regular" people have. So she feels that you aren't living well because you are not trying things, not because you don't have the money to live as she does. She's just completely clueless, and she truly doesn't understand why she's not liked, it's interesting but she exists in a bubble.

  64. If Paltrow didn't have a lot of cash she'd quickly discover that the English despise all Americans.

    Hope she stays rich whilst kissing the collective backside of Britain otherwise she might have to live in...oh no, not that...America!
