Monday, July 13, 2009

Funny But Very Wrong

I know it is wrong to laugh at this, but part of me has to admire the creativity of the guy. A Philadelphia man today was sentenced to anger management in a deal with prosecutors. Why was he in court today? Well back on in May, 27 year old Michael Buck was being his usual surly self. Apparently Michael lives in a cul-de-sac and as is the case in those kinds of situations, children were always gathered there playing. I totally understand that and think Michael should have thought about that prior to his home purchase.

Since he has lived in the house Michael has called the police on more than one occasion and has even filed a report. The cops of course just laugh, because it is kids playing outside. It is what they do. They weren't causing trouble, just being loud.

Well, on May 31st, Michael had enough. On that day there were about 7 kids playing in front of his house. The kids ranged in age from 2 to 14. At around 7:30 in the evening, Michael set up the speakers to his stereo and aimed them out the windows of his house towards the street. Then, for the next 15 minutes he played the audio from a porn flick until all the kids were gathered up by their parents and taken home.

The sounds were reportedly heard up to two blocks away. Michael has obviously spent good money on speakers. Satisfied that all the kids were at home, Michael turned off the porn and was enjoying his quiet until the police knocked on his door. Michael was charged with multiple counts of corruption of minors and disseminate explicit sexual material to a minor; and one count of disorderly conduct.


  1. Ingenious and asinine.

  2. Another day that I am proud to say I was born and raised and continue to live in the City of Brotherly Love and our good citizens never cease to scare and yet at the same time amaze me.

  3. Freaking hilarious.

    At least he didn't push the tv screen up to the window as well.

  4. People with children look to buy houses in cul de sacs so the kids can play.

    I made my mother move into an over 55 community because she was always complaining about the neighbors kids and their damn toys in their own backyard. Now she complains when grandchildren visit in her community. Some people just don't like kids.

  5. Good for him, I say. Having to listen to shrieking kids day in and out is not my idea of a good time. Too bad about the charges.

  6. Yay! I'm glad you posted this Enty. This is my neck of the woods. It's a very nice development filled with young kids.


  7. He should be a consultant. I would pay him good money to hear how he would deal with my stomp-happy upstairs neighbor.

  8. I gotta hand it to this guy, that was damned creative. Sick and wrong, but creative.

    Thanks for the laugh. Between this and Michael K's penguin post, I'm having a lot of great belly laughs today.

  9. I lived on army bases surrounded by hundreds of children, so I can certainly understand not liking the shrieking...and I had kids of my own!

    However, anyone buying a house should fully investigate the neighbourhood before buying. And if the sound of children bothers him that much, he should invest in some soundproofing and have a good air conditioning system so he doesn't have to open windows. He can always play music at a low to mid volume to drown out the noises from the outside.

  10. Dude, that's sick and messed up. I don't even want to give him snaps for being creative, because it's really messed up. I would have laughed at playing songs with profanity, but pornography?

  11. My parents house is in a cul-de-sac and when we were growing up, we spent our time at the park up the road with all the kids from the neighbourhood. Now every arsey kid from the neighbourhood gravitates down there as their parents think it's 'safer' than the park (duh, cars still move in cul-de-sacs - they don't drive around the park!).

    It drives my mum and her other elderly neighbours crazy with the lack of respect these kids have for other peoples homes and property! trampling on someone's beautiful garden to get a football is not neighbourly, and screeching around on bikes and terrorising local residents is just damn rude.

    The report made me LOL though!

  12. That's funny as hell.

    Now can somebody tell me how to get the neighbors' dogs to STFU?

  13. I discovered that Alban Berg's opera Lulu is very effective as deterrent. And it doesn't need to even be loud.

    Schoenberg also works.

  14. I stand and applaud this guy. Extremely creative way to deal with the situation. I get that if you buy a house in a cul de sac you're going to have kids outside playing but day in and day out kids shrieking and yelling would get to anyone. And you know why parents send them into the cul de sac? To keep that noise out of their own backyard.
    He should have chose something else to blast sound wise but I still say kudos (ka-dooz!)to him.

  15. Considering he could quite have easily gone out there with a shot-gun and blasted them all to bits I think this was a highly original way to deal with the problem - slghtly twisted but brilliant

  16. Lol very creative. I don't blame the guy. Parents send their kids down to the cul de sac so they don't have to listen to their noisy shrieking. I don't know why they think everyone else wants to.

  17. Sick bastard. I have kids and live on a cul de sac. You know who I get the most complaints about my kids? The a-hole across the cul-de-sac whose kids terrorized the neighborhood for 18 years before leaving for college. The world consists of people of all ages and if you don't like kids, why buy a house on a cul-de-sac???

    And if you are seriously bothered by a kids football getting accidentall tossed into your garden, then you need to move to your own private island!

  18. there you go. creative - yes, smart - no. amusing - definitely!

  19. amen!

    i don't blame the guy for one second. just because mom and dad can tune it out, doens't meant he rest of the neighborhood can-that's what BACK YARDS are for.

    i have to laugh at parents who put up Caution-Children playing signs on the front yard or SLOW- Kids at play.
    Uh this is a road,stop teaching your kids a false sense of security. Not all cars will slow down or stop. Play in the backyard morons!

  20. Oh...and by the way...he should have been sentenced to jail for what he did, not anger management. What he did was a sick thing to do to young children and I don't find anything funny about it. It actually frightens me to think that this was the first thing he came up with to fix the situation? A very disturbed individual who needs to be run out of the neighborhood so those kids can play in peace.

  21. I just read the article and it says the children were between the ages of 2 1/2 and 14. They were playing outside in their driveways and the older kids were riding their bikes around the cul-de-sac at 7:00 in the evening. That is deserving of what he did? I have young children and if someone from my block did this, the cops would need to be accompanied by an ambulance.

  22. Have to disagree folks. We live in a cul-de-sac because I wanted an area for my kids to play in. So do most people I know. The kids were between 2 and 14. NOTHING justifies that kind of disgusting revenge. They did nothing wrong. He is exposing them to adult stuff that will scar them (I remember seeing something as a child and I have never gotten that image out of my head). It's disgusting, but what is more disheartening is that some of you think it was creative and okay. He doesn't like it, he can move. That's why cul-de-sac homes are more valuable. He knew what he was getting into before he got there. EVERYONE and their mother knows that's where kids play. Plus, how much noise could these kids have possibly been making? And, with a 2 year old present, I doubt that child was by themselves. There were probably parents/adults present. What a selfish, immature, sick individual. Shudder at the thought people like this are out there.

  23. come on now Ice Angel, im sure this guy tried several times to solve this with the parents and got the 'tough shit, they're kids' attitude so many modern parents have today. i doubt he woke up one morning and decided to porn it up.
    stuff like this happens out of desperation.

    sorry, but sometimes parents need to realize there is a time and a place and maybe the place is the backyard, where they have to listen to it...instead of laying it on all the neighbors to deal with. buying a house on a cul de sac doens't mean you have free reign to do as you please with your kids all damn day- its still a road first and foremost.

    he didbn't want to hear kids screaming.
    they didn't want to hear porn.
    fair trade off. maybe now they will understand and have some courtesy.

  24. I think this is HIGH-larious, but then again I loath being around children so I might be a wee bit biased...

  25. If he had blasted anything other than porn, I would have been amused and cheered him on. Instead, I'm am disgusted and glad the police arrested him and I hope he gets the stiffest sentence possible.

  26. amen squared, jax.

  27. Jax,

    The problem isn't the kids or his attitude toward the kids or the parents' attitudes toward him. The problem is that he subject young children to pornagraphic sounds. That's wrong in any way shape or form. I don't care what the kids did, what he did was sexual perversion of children and he should have his ass kicked. I think he got off easy. I am pretty scared of what this whacknut will do next. I am sure we will hear from him again and it won't be anything "funny" or "creative."

  28. I have done the same thing only really dirty songs. Keep your kids at home dammit!!

  29. For the love of God. The STREET is for vehicles, not for children. Doesn't matter if it's a cul-de-sac, a dead end or a six lane highway.

    Unless this guy had a psych issue, there is NO WAY he did this without first attempting to handle it like a rational adult, by speaking to the kids and/or parents. Clearly nothing came of it and the guy had a bellyful and decided to handle it his way. Obviously the porn noise choice was an extreme one but it damn sure got the parents' attention and I bet the kids will be finding a different place to play from now on.

    I wouldn't let my dog play unattended in the street, much less my child. Most everyone loves well-behaved children who respect adults. NOBODY likes insufferable little brats whose own parents send them down the street to "play" ie hang out and not bother them til bedtime.

  30. As a childless person, I resent the implication that my right to the quiet enjoyment of MY property is trumped by that of property owners who have children - or dogs - who can't stay in their own yard.

    Yeah, I'll bet none of these parents have cable tv, including channels that air soft-core porn. I'll bet all of the parents have firewalls set up on their internet that the 14 year olds can't get around.

    If this guy had been really smart, he would have told the cops he was watching "When Harry Met Sally" and that he really likes the restaurant scene. Prosecute that, bitches.

  31. I thought people bought homes in cul de sacs to avoid through traffic, not to use the road as a playground. Keep you kids in your own backyard if you think their yelling and screaming is no problem, them just being kids or whatever. People who buy homes in cul de sacs for "the kids to play outside" do it , as I said before, because they don't want the constant noise the little dears make to be in their own backyard.
    Some of today’s parents need to give their heads a shake. This world is not spinning simply to please or accommodate you. And guess what, you’re not the first to have kids or the last to do so. Please be respectful of those around you.

  32. You see, WBotW...that's the exact same attitude that lead that man to blast porn. There is no need to tell Jax to fuck herself when she was merely voicing her opinion. You are resorting to vulgarity instead of using a bit of creativity to get your point across.

    A bit of opera or country music or really anything that kids hate would have worked just as well as the porn.

    Whether or not the children should have been kept out of the street (and they should have), it was unacceptable for that man to blast porn at them. It would have offended me and I would have called the cops even if my children weren't around.

  33. WBotW said...
    F@ck yourself Jax.

    i see you're using your intelligence to respond again. Try coming up with the smarts to repond like a mature adult and maybe people might take you seriously instead of writing off your inane ramblings as nothing more than sour grapes over a fight 2 weeks ago.

    opinions are subjective- look it up.

  34. Ignore him/her, Jax. That same WBotW once accused me of something false using similar language. I'm with you on this one anyway. This was an act of desperation by this guy - might not have been the best tactic, but it sure as hell got a response! lol

  35. 1. i raised 2 children to adulthood to respect the neighbor's peace and quiet, to not scream unless they needed help, to not trample yards, and not to annoy other families. i also took responsibility when something DID go wrong.
    screaming, destroying property and disturbing the peace are not necessary for a growing child's development.
    what did i get in return? neighbors thinking my "strictness" was funny, so in turn THEIR children were allowed to scream, practice their musical instruments, throw their balls, and on a couple of memorable occasions, shoot their bee-bee guns toward my house. all in the name of good fun, mind you. "oh, bunny, lighten up, they're just having fun".
    2. this guy got arrested for blasting porn sounds THAT ONLY THE ELDEST OF THE GROUP *MIGHT* have had a clue about what they were hearing. MY neighbors blast rap with filthy lyrics and the bass so far up that my dishes literally rattle and i can't escape it. no,
    cheri, sound-proofing and air-conditioning DOES NOT block it out (nor the screeching children 3 houses down).
    there is such a thing in the law as "peaceful enjoyment of one's own property". that means, whether it's music, jack-hammering, beastly children, or dogs barking, if i am INSIDE my house, i should not have to make adjustments for people OUTSIDE my house, especially if they are trespassing. i have had my cars damaged, i STILL have a bee-bee hole in one of my front windows (they are double paned), i've had to bother the sheriff countless times when they could be doing something more important than issuing tickets for disturbing the peaces, and let's not even talk about fireworks, shall we?

    the thing is, you can call the authorities, about everything EXCEPT children. because "children can do no wrong". and in all of the cases i mentioned above, the police have to witness the offense taking place. i recently caught a teenage boy in my backyard. my six-foot- fenced, posted, backyard. to this day, nothing's been done. because he said "oh, my bad" and leisurely climbed back out. if it had been my next door neighbor to the east, he would have been shot. if he'd decided to take a swim while in my yard, i'm sure his parents would have sued me in civil court.
    so don't give me crap about how 15 minutes of porn *SOUNDS* ruined a child for life. what ruins a child for life are overly permissive parents who don't have a clue, raising children who have a sense of entitlement to do whatever they damn well please, because mommy and daddy will always bail them out. and because it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. after all, those cute widdle fuzzy animals little johnny tortured deserved it, didn't they, WbotW?

  36. I don't know this guy, but there are people who are miserable malcontents.
    When my daughter was about 9, she & a neighbor made a hopscotch board from the corner of the street to our driveway with chalk.
    As soon as they finished, my neighbor came out with her hose, & washed the whole thing away. They never got to try it, & she never asked them not to do it on her sidewalk. She sat & watched, and as soon as they were done, destroyed their hard work.

  37. yeah, sorry about the novel.
    i don't even live on a cul-de-sac.

  38. Kids are going to be kids -- they laugh, they play, they're loud. Like Enty said, the man should have considered this before buying his home.

    As a parent, if any person did something as vulgar as this man, you bet I would raise the biggest stink possible.

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  40. I can sympathize with him. I live near a school. Sure I choose to live here but this home has been in my family since 1927. I am not giving it up. I have rugrats (I am being nice)burning down trees on my double wooded lot. I call the police I get asked "Is it a problem? You put out the fire"
    The parents are even better,"My child has nowhere else to play." P.S. There is a playground about half a block away.

    Maybe he should have gotten a Mr. Microphone and yelled "Mrs. Jones keep your brats in your own freaking yard." " Mr. Smith your son is playing in my drive please come pick him up before I drive over his dumb ass."

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  42. I must be blind (or just my neighborhood grouch) because I don't see where in this story it says that the parents of these kids lived there BEFORE this guy moved in.

    Can anyone, specifically anyone who has commented that he should have considered it before moving in, point out to me where it says who lived there first?

  43. Scratch that last, I really don't care who moved in first. People should keep their kids, especially their 2 1/2 year olds, in their own yards.

  44. I don't see anywhere in the story that the children were doing anything other than playing in the cul de sac. And do have the right to ride their bikes in the street, providing they are being safe and not disrupting traffic. Since when has it become necessary to confine our kids to the back yards? When I grew up I never even saw any of my friends' back yards. Everyone played out in front and ran up and down the block. Sure there was always a crusty old person who you stayed away from and certainly you would avoid that persons lawn. But the sidewalk and the street are community property. The kids should be free to enjoy themselves and use their "outside voices." I.e., my kids are down on the next cul de sac playing football. They are laughing, shouting and having a great time. Sure, the ball may end up in someone else's yard, but they respectfully walk over and retrieve the ball. They are not running around said yard trampling all over it.

    Kids these days don't spend enough time outside as it is. They are inside on the Internet, playing video games, watching TV, etc... Kids need to be outside playing on a nice day and should NOT be subjected to the perverted retaliation of a crazy man blasting porn. I bet that same guy 10 years ago was running around the neighborhood blasting his car stereo and sreaching his tires and 15 years ago was that kid trampling all over his neighbors yard.

    The story also does not say that the young children did not have parents outside supervising them. I highly doubt a 2 year old is not being supervised.

    And no...there is nothing wrong with sending the kids down the block so that mom can clean up their mess, get dinner ready, etc... When I was a kid we could play outside till dinner and then back outside in the summer until the street lights came on.

    And for all you kid bashers remember that you were once a kid too and if you think you were that perfect little child from a Leave it to Beaver episode, your memory has faded.

  45. Whole lota love....when you move into a home on a cul de sac, or any home for that reason, you can certainly expect that people young families will be your neighbors. Keep your 2 1/2 year olds in their own yards? Why? You can take your dog for a walk around the block, but we're supposed to fence our little ones in? Like I said...nowhere in the story does it say the children were unsupervised and nowhere does it say they were on his property. If they were out riding bikes and playing in their front yards, driveways, even the street, and weren't throwing rocks and were simply playing they did nothing wrong. It is a free country. Not so free, however, that a grown man can subject children to lewd conduct.

    This story has jumped the shark. It's not about what the kids did, but this man's disgusting behavior. He's a psycho and probably dangerous and I find absolutely nothing funny about it. Like I said...we will hear from him again.

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    Please watch the story and look at the picture of the man and tell me he isn't a psycho. Then watch the children as they play in the cul de sac and tell me they are doing anything wrong.

    I rest my case.

  49. Ice Angel, I'd like to point out that when I take my dog for a walk she's ON A LEASH.

    Some of these parents could stand to put their brats on a leash too if you ask me.

    I'm sick of being discriminated against for a. not having kids, and b. not coddling other people's...

  50. Ice Angel, there's a difference between walking a dog past someone's house for 45 seconds and allowing your kids to congregate making noise in front of someone else's house, probably for hours, every day. If you lived in an apartment building, would it be appropriate to let your kids ride their bikes/skateboard/play ball in the hallways?

  51. i have always lived around kids and have never been bothered by their "sounds". My 4 year old daughter isn't allowed to play outside, even with other kids, unless we are watching her closely. Yeah, call me paranoid, but I see my child as my responsiiblity. If she so much and sets foot on anyone else's lawn, she gets a reminder or a warning. A bunch of people here have noted that kids should play in a park.... i live directly across a one way street from a park and an elementary school and so what? The old people in the neighborhood sit outside and watch the children play. You cant get away from kids, just like you can't get away from adults arguing, drunks, and people blasting their music.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is let kids be kids. It never said the kids were being reckless... just playing. i agree that it would be convenient if parents would keep their kids in their yards and i won't argue that, but really, the sounds that kids make playing can still be heard even when they are on their own property, so that point seems moot to me. If they are, God forbid, burning things, or shooting bbs at your house, by all means talk to the parents and let them know that you're not going to stand for vandalism. If the cops won't come for kids, call and say that there are teenagers shooting bb's at your house. They'll roll up and either a) catch the little hooligans in the act, or b) scare them away.

  52. Why would "porn sounds" disturb children? Unless mommy & daddy told them, they shouldn't know that's the sound the plumber makes when he's snaking your hole. Why were 2 year olds playing outside his house at 7pm? This sounds like a desperate act from a desperate man. Permissive parents need to stop trying to make the world revolve around their kids. Not everyone thinks listening to Precious & friends "practice" skateboard tricks & "land" in their driveway is fun. Hey, I'm sick of hearing my kid & his electric guitar, can he play in your cul-de-sac???

  53. This guy needs to sell his house & move to a less family friendly area.

    Thanks for the link, Ice Angel! Looks like a nice neighborhood for families.

    I lived on a culdesac in my teens & the kids were always playing in the middle of the street. It didn't bother me, I just learned to drive slowly.

  54. If the children are making noise on his property they are disturbing his peace.

    If you want children to be children and make noise let them do it in their own back yard.

    I once asked a child why she was making noise in my driveway and she responded that she couldn't do it at home. I told her to take her noise and her ass back home to her parents.

    She left.

    I hate inconsiderate neighbors (with noisy dogs) and inconsiderate parents who don't confine their children and the noise to THEIR backyards.

  55. Stop the fucking pearl clutching. You posters know who you are.

    It's not like he put up a giant projector screen and showed the film. The youngest kids wouldn't have a clue or context regarding the "sounds" and the older kids would want to hang out with this guy.

    Is what he did crude and boorish and over the top? Yes. But there is no way those kids are scarred for life. Please!

    However, now with all of these VERY serious charges, this guy sure is. I hope a judge tosses this matter out because in no way does the extent of punishment (charges I should say) fit the crime.

  56. If he's convicted, I wonder if he'll have to register as a sex offender.

  57. Something tells me if he didn't like kids, he's really going to hate having a parole officer.

  58. This is a great discussion and brings up a lot of good points. I am not a pearl duster (not sure what that means, but am a parent.)
    7:00 in the evening is perfectly fine for a 2 1/2 year old to be outside playing as long as supervised during the summer days. It is still light out.
    The story does not indicate the children were on his property. If they were, that would be wrong and he would have a right to complain.
    Children should not be on leashes or confined to their back yards.
    The man called the police to complain and police said the complaints were unfounded. No kids on his property and they were just making playing noises.
    There was a 14 year old girl there who was subjected to the noises that were being played by a 27 year old man-completely unacceptable.
    Take a look at any cul de sac in the world and you will see kids riding bikes and playing. Anyone buying a house there should realize that.
    Many of you are complaining about unruly children, stomping on plants, trespassing, screaming, etc...Even the man does not allege these things-only that they are playing in the cul de sac.
    The man does not own the cul de sac.
    While there is an expectation of quiet during early and late hours, there is a reasonable amount of noise you should expect. If you live near a train, you will hear train noise. If you live near a highway, highway noise, an airport, planes, etc...If you live in a neighborhood, one should expect some level of neighborhood noise-ie children playing during daylight hours and an occassional dog barking.
    There is one child in our neighborhood confined to her back yard. She is strange and no one plays with her. It is sad.
    This man is a loose cannon and is one step away from actually hurting someone. Anyone who subject young children to pornography noises has a really sick mind and has no business living in a neighborhood with young families.
    It actually scares me that anyone thinks this man is justified in any way for his actions-even if the kids were out of line.
    OK-said my peace. Have fun!

  59. This reminds me of the people who live on busy streets and post the "Slow down - we live here" signs. One of my biggest pet peeves! People, you know how your house cost $20,000 less than the one a block away on a quiet street? There was a reason for that, moron!!! Remember the basic tenet of real estate, "location, location, location?" That means don't buy a house in a setting that doesn't suit you, or else suck it up!

  60. Oh, and Molly (WBotW), our last feud was so bitchy and annoying, do you really want to start it up again?

  61. Ice Angel,

    The term "pearl clutcher" refers to one who clasps their hand to their chest, out of fear or shock, as if trying to protect an imaginary necklace. Thanks, urban dictionary! Easy enough to look up. It often refers to someone who overreacts, and hyperventilates over nothing.

    Your assertion that the gentleman in the story "looks like a psycho" and that he is "one step away from hurting someone," pretty much identifies you as a pearl clutcher, in this situation.

    If he'd wanted (or intended) to hurt someone, he easily could have. I'm going to guess that if he'd chased the kids with a baseball bat, shouting, waving his arms, etc, THAT would have harmed them way worse than the soundtrack to a porno. He chose not to do that. He made a point to stay in his home, and tried to handle the situation without a physical confrontation.

    I think the other pearl clutcher in the situation was the mom in the video who stated she wished there was a way the neighborhood could force the guy from his home. ALL of this could've been handled by a rational, mature discussion between adults but clearly mature communication is not the strong suit of the adults involved.

  62. Pearl Clutcher=cute phrase....I like that! I really don't feel that way. Let's agree to disagree, but the guy is way off base here. Porn and kids NEVER mix.

  63. I love the term 'pearl clutcher'. Michael K used it the other day, too. I'm bringin' that shiznit into regular rotation!
    Ah Mooshki - interesting you've also had a run-in with someone that goes by two names?

  64. Hilarious, but really, don't move into a family neighborhood if you don't want to deal with children. Other stories on this case indicate that the kids were not on his property but in common areas of the neighborhood.

    The area where I live used to be complete farmland, and some dairy farms and a horse farm are still nearby. Morons who moved in here started complaining to the local zoning board about the smell from the farms. What did these brainiacs think it would smell like, living next door to a facility with 500+ cows? Chanel #5?

  65. This is why I am SO glad I don't live in suburbia.

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  67. and when i moved into this house 21 years ago, it was a nice neighborhood, people around our age and financial means.
    so, now that people with pit bulls, drugs, rap music playing loud, with no care for my property or peace of mind (or personal safety), _I_ need to move?
    that seems to be the answer for everything.
    the guy is 27, maybe it was his parents house, and he's been there forever, maybe not.
    from what i'm reading here, i feel that no matter what this guy had done, it was okay for the kids to be doing whatever they were doing.
    kids from way down the block will come to swing bats and ride skate boards, blow whistles, etc. etc. in front of my house, even though there are no children here. my husband's car was damaged by an illegal firework on the 4th. in OUR drive way, which is NOT common (not community, as someone stated) property. there are some things that are acceptable from children, and some that are not.
    yes, i do remember what it was like to be a child, and i had definite boundries i couldn't cross. we didn't go into another neighbors yard without an invitation, and we treated our elders with RESPECT.
    a ball went into a neighbor;s yard, we knocked on the door before we retrieved it.
    ever had a baseball hit the front of your house when you're trying to trim a pet's nails? or a basketball hit the hood of your car and have the PARENT laugh about it?

    i guess the bottom line for me is this: i've lived in a few places in my 50 years. i've NEVER seen the disrespect that i've seen in the last decade or so.
    and that's what it boils down to.
    hell, those kids didn't know what they were hearing.
    if they did, then the parents were already doing something wrong. dude did it to get the PARENT'S attention, and it worked, it just backfired on him.
    this is an issue that is personal with me, because i spent quite a few years trapped in my house, with no escape from all forms of neighbor abuse.
    now, we can't use our pool on weekends, holidays, evenings, or after 2:30 in the afternoon.
    in. our. own. backyard.

  68. Sing it, bionic bunny!! Not even in my own generation were children so rude, boorish, immature, and irresponsible as the children of the past 10 or so years have been, and I was a young child all the way back in... the 1980s. We did exactly what your generation did -- we respected others' properties, didn't cause excessive noise, played predominantly in public parks or in our own back yards (which some idiot up above seems to think is "strange" -- eff you, douchebag), and were polite to our elders. We would not have caused enough noise to make a fully-grown adult to snap in this way for SURE. But now parents seem to think their crotch spawn deserve to be the centers of the universe and everyone else is expected to kowtow to them. It's like the lunatics are running the asylum and I don't like it one bit.
