Friday, July 31, 2009

Four For Friday

This week I got a 4am call from someone I had not seen in about a year and a half and she was just chatty chatty at 4am. I am not chatty chatty at 4am and tried to hang up about 10 times. She would have none of that and kept talking until there was no chance of falling back asleep. At that point she hung up. Well, she has a long history on this site, and was the subject of one of the very first long blind items. I think it is time we had another look at Vixen.

November 2006

This item is extremely juicy, but also very long. I was going to make it two separate small, blind items, but decided to combine them and just make one big one. Also, I think someone needs to come up with some definitions for A List - D List celebrities.

To set the stage here, this all takes place in Malibu so look up which celebs live there and that will give you a head start. We have a vixen who is mid to late 30's who might have been A list for about five minutes.Faded teen starlet who hit it big on tv, but now is strictly movies (when she can get them) who tries to stay in the mix but really lives well beyond her means, especially considering her lack of work and lack of marriages. As far as I know she has not been married.

Along comes her neighbor, a nice 16 year old boy with a typical surfer look (my client), but a dad who made it very big in the music business as a producer and has been married and lived with multiple women many of whom are very well known actresses.

16 year old boy gets arrested for possession of cocaine and dad wonders where kid got it as dad has been clean for a very long time. It turns out it was given to him by Vixen the neighbor lady who has introduced Surfer Boy to the wonders of the white powder and has also introduced him to other intimate activities. Surfer Boy thinks he is in love of course and dad is pissed to say the least. Surfer Boy starts discussing things he has seen at the house which explain how Vixen has managed such a nice place to live on a little amount of film and tv work and no live in or former husbands around. It seems that everyone in this little neighborhood knew to come to Vixen for all their pharmaceutical needs and Surfer Boy has not only seen who was coming in and out each day, but also how often and how much they were buying.

Surfer Boy originally told the police he got the coke from a friend and would not give up the name. It was not until he and dad came to my office that the whole story comes out. This is a no brainer and we call the DA and Vixen is arrested. If you look hard enough you will find the arrest in the newspaper. Surfer Boy makes a deal and is shipped off to New York to be with his mom and away from Vixen. Meanwhile Vixen is so far up the pipeline that she cuts her own deal of which I am not familiar with the details. I do know that within 48 hours of her deal the Mexican police acting with DEA officers made a sweep in the LA area and on the California/Mexico border.

The VERY interesting thing about this is that Vixen kept very good records and also paid taxes on her earnings. The records have some very interesting names and it is those names that helped her stay out of the public eye during this, EXCEPT for the actual arrest. The people Vixen was supplying were not only celebrities who often paid with funds from their employers, but also maids, drivers, bodyguards, etc. and Vixen knew who each was buying for.

Surfer Boy escaped from New York (wasn't that a movie?) and actually was found the next day at Vixen's house (next door to dad--well I never said he was smart) Vixen's corruption sexually of the boy was never made an issue, but dad made it an issue at that time so Vixen found a new toy and Surfer Boy went back to NY with a broken heart where he has subsequently (within the past couple of months) been photographed with a VERY A list female but with no idea of how it came to be. They should have read it here first.


  1. Wow - is there an easy way to link back to the previous guesses?
    For some reason Tiffani Amber Thiessen popped into my head as the vixen, but I'm likely way off.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I read this with names, or something very much like it, not too long ago. but can't remember it, darn it!

  4. Tiffani is married, or was at one time

  5. well if she was mid-late 30s in 2006, then she would have been a teen starlet in the late 80s, right?

  6. Shannon Doherty lives in Malibu

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Nicolette Sheridan

  8. Oops! was she married?

  9. Christina Applegate? At first I thought it didn't fit because of the part about only doing movies occasionally, not TV - but this was written 2 years ago, before Samantha Who.

  10. I could have sworn that I read this a long time ago and the woman was Yasmine Bleeth.

    I also thought that the boy was Cisco Adler.

  11. By 2006 Shannen was already divorced from Ashley Hamilton and Rick Solomon. I think she was briefly engaged to Judd Nelson but I can't remember what happened there.

    I got no guess though.

  12. Ahh nevermind, Christina was married and divorced too.

  13. LOL, I suddenly got a picture of Shannen Doherty grabbing Cisco Adler's balls and stretching them into their current state because he wouldn't do what she told him to. :)

  14. lol Mooshki! That is one image that I will never be able to burn from my brain.

  15. Awww, man. I need to run out for date night with hubby so I don't have time to read this one!


    Oh well, y'all have fun!

  16. I didn't need that visual Moosh.

    I think Yasmeen has a husband but she has had major drug issues.

  17. wasn't it Nicole Eggert? am i on drugs?

  18. Yasmine Bleeth is a good guess because I remember her getting busted for coke and her busted looking mug shot - but did she hit it big as a teen? Wiki says she was on soap operas and in a movie when she was 12.
    Also from Wiki:
    Bleeth met her future husband, strip club owner Paul Cerrito, at the Promises clinic during her first stay there.
    So she's been married.

  19. Here's the link to all the posts with Vixen, including the original:

  20. Wait, Vixen was the subject of the BV AND the person calling Enty at 4 a.m.?

  21. The first Vixen Blind states that she was famous for her body...

  22. Ok, so it turns out Enty backtracked in his Dec 12/06 post about Vixen - turns out she DID marry. That changes everything. He's making us work!

  23. Screams Baywatch Yasmine Bleeth. She would have made a fortune for suplying the Hof over a season. not to forget Pamela Anderson.

  24. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Nicole Eggert was a cancer blind (or some other health issue) wasn't she?

    An update stated that Vixen got married after the events of the blind item, but hadn't been before. I think we figured Ent started practicing law around 1995 (or otherwise mid-nineties).

    People we ruled out: Tawney Kitaen (married in 80s), Farrah Fawcett (too old, ill), Linda Hamilton (3x married), Angelyne (too old/not successful, never married), Yasmeen Bleeth (still married).

    For Surfer Boy - Cisco Adler was the favorite as Lou Adler lives in Malibu.

  25. The producer is David Foster

  26. I am confused. Vixen called Enty?

  27. I totally would have guess Lala Sloatman if it weren't for the whole "never been married" thing.

  28. Who in the world is Lala Sloatman? I've never even heard of her and EL said Vixen may have been A list for a minute back in the day.

  29. From prior BIs about Vixen, seems everyone thought this was Nicole Eggert and Brody Jenner.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Why does everyone think enty is male? .. uh .. cause Jax knows him??

    NO clue who the girl is .. but it would be nice EL he maybe gave us a little clue like hair color!

    ; )

  32. I'm with you Jax....Nichole Eggert

  33. In the previous comment set, they figured - based on age - that it couldn't be Cisco. Who's youngish and been with someone "very A list"?

  34. I like the Nicole Eggert guess...but who is the boy?

  35. Couldn't be Brody Jenner if dad was a record producer. Bruce Jenner is known for his former olympic victories and his bad plastic surgery, not any hitmaking.

  36. According to IMDB, Nicole was engaged but never married, so it can't be her.

  37. Nicole Eggert, A-list?

    I've heard her name but could not tell you anything she ever starred in.

    I want to say Kim Cattrall (sp) for some reason. She was in quite a few 80s movies, and I would definitely consider her A-list around the time of SATC. Plus she's pretty well known for being a "vixen", and only got married a few years ago and then subsequently divorced.

    Other than that, I got nothing.

  38. Wait... Enty is DEF male. Right? I'm sure I've read things where he is referring to himself as male...

    Also, does producer David Foster have a son?

  39. nope david foster has girls and none of his wives are well known actreses...

  40. What about Pamela Anderson?

  41. LISA BONET!!!

    big TV hits: cosby, different world
    small movie roles: enemy of the state, high fidelity

  42. How it reads to me is that the woman who called Enty is not necessarily Vixen. She could be an overly chatty mutual friend.

    Enty's client is the 16 year old surfer boy.

  43. this line from an october 2007 blind about vixen makes me think she is more obscure:

    "It is just amazing to me that someone who had it all like she did, and was so well known could almost become a "who?" where you have to really explain who she was and what she was in before anyone can remember. Even then, you know they are still struggling to put a name with the face, or in this case body."

    ami dolenz? but I don't know if she did much tv....

  44. Ok here is my guess...

    Tiffani Amber Theissen--Vixen

    Cisco Adler Surfer Boy

    Shannen Doherty the very A list actress

  45. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Ally Sheedy, perhaps?

  46. Well, if surfer boy was only 16 in 2006, he would be like 18-19 depending on when his birthday is. I am slightly confused, but I love a good mystery.

  47. Ally Sheedy. . .maybe if it was Surfer Girl. Plus she was never known for her body.

  48. Back to David Foster, he was married to Brody Jenner's mom for 14 or so years, and Linda Thompson is known for being an actress, dating Elvis and being married to Bruce Jenner.

    There was a show about Brody and Brandon Jenner--The Princes of Malibu.

    Brody was dating Lauren Conrad in early 2007...but she wouldn't have been considered A list then, right? Hmm...

  49. "Faded teen starlet who hit it big on tv, but now is strictly movies (when she can get them.)"

    I checked IMDb for all of the names suggested here. Most were still doing TV back in 2006, except for Eggert (no credits at all since 2003) and Ally Sheedy (a few B-movies around that time.) Funny that Vixen would only be a couple of years older than I am, but I can't remember any of the teen actresses who were big in the late '80s.

  50. I thought Alyssa Milano, but she was married briefly to Cinjin Tate.

  51. Hell, I don't even know who Nicole Eggert it, but I saw when she was on Charles, and some others.

  52. Enty writes like a woman. I'm just sayin. Love him/her. But my money's on female.

  53. Jessica: my guess doesn't fit at all well, but Lala Sloatman was a cousin of the Zappas (Dweezil, Moon, etc.) who starred in Dream a Little Dream back in the '80s. Here are some of her exes: Corey Haim, Balthazar Getty, Chris Robinson, and memoirist/ meth head Nic Sheff. Big time drug problem on that girl.

  54. Middle-aged Diva said...Enty writes like a woman. I'm just sayin. Love him/her. But my money's on female.

    Mine too.;)

  55. guys, what about the VERY A list female? no one has any ideas about her? A list female in New York screams Natalie Portman to me? anyone else?

  56. very A list olsen twin?

  57. Middle-aged Diva and Frank - my money would be on a few different people, at least one of them female, who try to write as the same persona. I can't picture any lawyer spending hours every day writing a blog, picking pictures and commenting the choice of clothes on them (you have to be gay or a woman to do such things...) while he's supposed to have some important clients in the daytime.

    There was a guy who started it all and may still be in charge but I'm pretty sure he has let other people use his alias to make posts on their own, certainly with some secretary who edits content so they look as if they're written by the same guy and posts the reveals on holidays every 15 minutes.

  58. Angela, Yours is the most plausible explanation and you said it way better than I could. I'm enjoying this blind only because I find it hard to believe no one has ever questioned the identity/ies of "enty". (forgive me if this has been discussed, i'm not a regular)
    As for Four for Friday, too many variables that don't fit with my guesses or their ages.

  59. I also have my doubts about Enty being a man.
    This person always speaks in such a respectful manner about people and women in particular.
    The way Enty reported about the Rihanna/Chris Brown scandal and how persistent Enty is in pointing out that the a-hole Brown beat a woman. The captions on the Ashton Kutcher pictures f. e., which made him and his wife Demi out to be supporters of a person who beats up women.
    I don't think that a man would be that persistent in calling Brown out to be such a monster.
    I think Enty is a lady.

  60. I think people might be off on the time frame. By the time Enty wrote this in 2006, boy had gone to NY, then back to Cali, then back to NY, and then got photographed with an A-lister. Building in a time-lag, it makes me think events started more like 2003-4ish, so kid would be more like 22ish now.

  61. If she was in her mid-to-late 30s a few years ago, she would have been a teen starlet in the late 80s. All these guesses are about people who got famous later than tat.

    Who were the teen stars of the late 80s? Miyam Bialik?

  62. I'm terrible at these but I found this list of celebrities in Malibu:

  63. this is from wikipedia on yasmine " Aaron Spelling was so eager to cast Bleeth in the role of a vixen on Titans " huh huuh? plus she was late 30's in 2006 and cisco was with mischa around that time

  64. If this is Cisco Adler, he was 16 in 1994.

  65. Enty...are you a man or a woman or both or alien like my ex husband.

  66. I'm guessing a lot of people here think Enty is a woman but she has a cover story to help keep her identity a secret and we play along. Do we really think Enty is a 350 lb man who lives in his parents' basement? No.

  67. Do we really care who or what Enty is?
    I just like to read the site!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. What about Lark Voorhies? I know, not the real vixen type, but she did get married in 2006?

  70. You guys are crazy about Enty - he has spoken about his ex-wives a few times, not to mention the thousands of other things he has written which point to him being male. He has referred to himself as a fat man dozens of times.
    You guys are just weird. He writes like a female because he is respectful? Really?
    *rolls eyes*

  71. Not Yasmine Bleeth. She's been living in Michigan for years and hasn't done any acting since 2003.

    I don't think we've hit on the right person yet. No one guessed yet seems like they were A list for even a brief moment. I believe some people are on the right track trying to guess the VERY A list female (notice it doesn't say actress) that the surfer has been photographed with lately and trying to work backwards from there.

  72. Using Ms Cool's list from above the only person who fits the age criteria and might make someone pause in trying to picture who she is is Laura Dern. Laura is tall and lanky which could explain the body remark. The only part that doesn't fit is the part about tv. She did movies in the 80's but not much tv. Everyone else on that list is too old or too recognizable.

  73. Here's a list of tv shows from the 80's:

  74. Elizabeth Berkely? I think she's about 37 now, was on a hit teen show, now does a few movies. Got married in 2003.

  75. How 'bout Jason Wahler? He was arrested in 2006, "controlled substance", and a few other things. He was also 16 at the time. Unable to find who his parents are. No clue on the actress.

  76. I actually spent a good deal of time on this one. Nicole Eggert is a really probable guess, she fits a decent amount of the criteria here. At first I thought she wasn't very 'vixen-like', but found that she was in some movie with Corey Haim that cast her as 'sexy'. Not to mention brief A list status from dating Haim in the 80's on top of a number of other big time 80's actors.
    I don't care who Enty is! This is the ONLY blog I visit anymore!

  77. If you click on the "vixen" link and read all the blinds associated with her, the other hints about her are that she's supposed to be relatively obscure now.

    Which brings me to my next guess: Elizabeth Dailey (possible Malibu resident, recognizable back in the '80s, key roles in Valley Girl and Pee Wee's Big Adventure, major TV role doing voice work on Rugrats, former under-the-radar marriage to Rick Soloman, recent movie role in Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects, and even sang a few songs on the Scarface soundtrack back in the day.) Ok, maybe she's too old for this one.

    I love digging up obscure '80s actresses for this blind, even if they don't fit the suit perfectly. How about Olivia Barasch (memorable role as a rape victim on Little House on the Prairie, starred in Tuff Turf and Repo Man...)

  78. It IS possible for a man to be respectful of women. If your experience differs, I'm sorry.

  79. Superwife: Laura Dern has been with Ben Harper for many years - they were married in 2005 and have two children.

  80. I really, really like the Nicole Eggert guess... but could she really live there without any web mention?

  81. I'm convinced Surfer Boy is Cisco Adler, while the age doesn't fit everything else is spot on perfect. Lou Adler's home/office address is:

    Lou Adler
    The Painted Turtle
    3969 Villa Costera

    Anyone familiar enough with Malibu to know who lives near that? I was going to map Ms. Cool's celeb addresses ( against Adler's, but I don't think any of the names on that list are contenders.

  82. My two cents: I think Enty is an actual Hollywood insider who has a long, gossipy chat on the phone every evening with a professional blogger. They have a long, gossipy chat and the professional blogger, possibly a woman, writes out the blog items for the next day. She also contributes with spot pieces on news items that emerge throughout the workday. But the real dirt comes from someone who knows what he's talking about.

  83. I know that there are men who are capable of behaving respectful towards women.
    However, this is the internet we are talking about and internet bloggers in particular and from my experience it mostly doesn't bring out the best in people if they feel anonymous and think that they can write what they want without ever having to feel responsible for what they're saying and how it effects other people.
    Most of the male gossip bloggers I happened to read (gay or straight) can't manage to refrain from using defamatory language when it comes to talking about women. Even if they don't use disgusting words like c**t or p***y to refer to a woman, they would often use the words bitch, slut or skank.
    Of course, I know that, unfortunately, many women feel very comfortable with calling other women those words too (just go to Dlisted), but still I think that a man would be much quicker with using those words.

  84. I think Enty is a dude, and I think Enty is real. I think Enty is a dude mostly he writes like a man -- not to say he writes BETTER, of course, but his colloquialisms, the way he expresses things, etc., are all pretty masculine. I don't know. I also don't think he has ghostwriters, because he WILL occasionally have people complete guest entries and they're always attributed to the authors themselves. His syntax never changes.

    I picture a rotund, balding dude with dirty socks and a cigar with both feet on the desk and one ear pressed to his phone -- even the slovenly and obese can obtain a JD and practice law. Even in Los Angeles. And the older he is, the more people he knows. I'll bet Enty is in his forties.

    I don't believe for one single solitary second that he lives in his mama's basement, however. That's a big, steaming load of horseshit.

    Anyawy, while we're all off-topic, I just wanted to ask -- who's the lunatic responsible for this bullshit? Anyone know?

    Just wondering. Horrible writer, regardless.

  85. Interesting blog. Hmmmmmm. I will guess it is Lisa Kudrow writing it since she has had a nice blind revealed about her but Enty has written unflattering stuff about Jennifer Aniston and other people she knows.

  86. Do you guys thing the vixen could be referring to someone who made it big in a mtv music video?
    Are we thinking she was big in the 80's?,2933,525285,00.html

  87. Gawd!!! Kimberly!!!

    How 'bout Nina Blackwood? MTV original VJ in the early '80's. Born in 1955 so the age fits. No mention of marriages on IMDB. She was quite the "vixen"!

  88. Phoebe Cates? Wasnt she the "body" in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I know she is married now. Just throwing up and see what comes down.

  89. you don't have much faith in men Mina, if that's you take on the internet. there are plenty of writers and bloggers who are empathetic and compassionate towards people and female causes. it's not all tits and p*ssy.

    to the non-believers-if enty isn't a man, then he is one fucking ugly woman with a really horrible tuck game....that's all i'm saying.

  90. not yasmine bleeth
    Former Baywatch star Yasmine Bleeth was arrested after driving her car on to a highway median on September 12, 2001. Bleeth and her then-boyfriend/future husband Paul Cerrito were driving through Michigan (she married in 2002)

    the cops arrested the woman in malibu

    Cisco adler would have been too young

  91. Does anyone remember the post awhile back about Enty looking for the perfect pair of shoes supposedly for a friend? That's the post that got me thinking that Enty is a woman. It just seemed like too much attention to detail on shoes to be a man, unless Enty is totally metrosexual. I don't buy he's 350 pounds, unemployed, and living in a basement, either. It's fun to picture, though. So many celebrity gossip bloggers always try to seem So Important to the entertainment industry. It's nice to see someone who downplays what/who they are.

    That's all I got. Nothing on the blind.

  92. Lou Adler had kids with Page Hannah. They were married in 1992. One of these kids is probably closer to the age of the kid in the blind. Cisco was born in 1978. Like someone said... this would have to take place in 1994 for him to be the surfer boy.

  93. If the TV/Move thing were switched around (as in, famous for FILM roles, and taking TV gigs in her later years) I would say Meredith Salenger from "Dream a Little Dream" and "Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon"

    She was, like, Miss Hotty McHotterson in 80's teenybop parlance, and was in movies with the Tiger-Beat boys (the Coreys, River Phoenix) and then she dropped off the face of the earth.

  94. Salenger is described on her IMDB as being "borna and raised in Malibu" too. And the age fits. Just not the TV/movie career trajectory...

  95. People, Jax said she MET him. That is all the proof anyone needs. C'mon!

  96. @Jax: It would be nice if you (or even others) could provide me with some URLs to gossip blogs which can be compared to Enty's. It's really refreshing to read someone with class reporting on celeb gossip.

  97. Mina, the only one who compares is Michael K at D-Listed:

  98. Michael K is hilarious and I love his blog, but I think he would even laugh at Mooshki's depiction of him as "someone with class reporting on celeb gossip." Unless you intended the "only one who compares" as a joke?

    Mooshki, why are you always present? You guys are your own worst enemy because you can't resist commenting in some form when "ent" is questioned.

    Mina, Ent is the only blogger who pretends that celebrities contact him and call him and confide in him and hire him as a lawyer. All the rest have "sources."

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Forgot to add: All the rest have "sources," OR, like the very entertaining Michael K. from dlisted, they don't even write blinds or pretend that they have salacious details to share about celebrities.

  101. None of the guesses are ringing true for me yet. I've scoured IMDB for the resumes of everyone from ALF to Webster and I can't come up with anyone. Sigh. It's the "hit it big on tv, but now is strictly movies (when she can get them)" that has me baffled. All of these teen women seemed to have done a lot of TV after their hit shows....

  102. hmm check this out!

  103. ent has said he's had sources plenty of times. i don't think there's ever been an event he covered himself for this site -- someone always blogs back for the site through text or the next day or something. and it's not like he has to be completely honest about where he gets his information all the time otherwise our saavy searchers would be all over googling his ass and trying to find him out. imo, i agree with someone else's comment that it's probably a tag team site and he shares blogging with someone. otherwise he's always got a very light load at work ;)

    i dunno -- i appreciate that he remains anon and is not looking for recognition or money or other related BS. besides there's a huge disclaimer at the bottom of the site anyways.

    yall should go back and read some of the very first posts on this site -- they're written a little differently and enty actually responds in the comments. they're fun.

    and that's an end to my 2 cents.

    what was this post about again??? lol

  104. Mooshki, I know Dlisted and although MK's favorite words are the ones I don't appreciate, he shows a lot of self-irony and doesn't restrict the use of those words to women only. He can be really funny and entertaining but also quite annoying with (among other things) his hatred for Madonna and calling almost every woman over 40 a dried up hag.
    However, what irritates me the most are those crazies posting comments there. Not all of them, of course, but here and then I would like to comment on a blog entry without having to be afraid of being ganged up on by a clique of batshit crazy women, who are not capable of stating an opinion without being offensive, getting passive aggressive or are trying to coax other commenters to ignore that person. The bullying that takes place there is unbelievable and I think that MK's way of posting encourages the 'Dlisters' to follow suit without knowing any boundaries. Here on Enty's site I really enjoy people not behaving like middle school girls with a bad case of PMS who are desperately trying to please a certain gay gossip blogger.

    Sorry for my rant. :)

  105. Mina, if you think the comments on dlisted are bad, you should take a look at The commenters there are certifiable when it comes to protecting their leader. They hate the jolie-pitts with such passion, you would think that brad ate their first born. Check it out if you want to laugh, and take what he writes with a grain of salt.

  106. Oh God, this is the guy who claims that Michael Jackson was homosexual and had several gay lovers.
    I didn't know that he has a gossip blog.
    Thanks for your info, Merrick. I will have closer look at his site now.

  107. Greetings all...I am new here to this blog, and I'm finding this item regarding the alleged, former-teen-starlet-cum-drug dealer so intriguing that I had to add my 13-cents.

    I've spent some time tryng to research who this might be and, interestingly, I have turned up noone who quite fits the description. Ironically, though, Tawny Kitaen was arrested in the exact, same month of the exact, same year that this blind was originally posted (Nov '06).

    What gets even more interesting, it seems that her '06 arrest didn't stem from the usual drunk driving incident. Instead, the police showed up at her home, presumably with probable cause, to search the premises. She was arrested after they turned up 15 grams of cocaine. Sounds like someone must've tipped them off to me.

    The one assertion by this blind that doesn't really jibe with Kitaen's scenario is location. At the time of her arrest, Kitaen was living in Laguna Niguel, CA not Malibu - though they are adjacent. Otherwise, everything else seems to fit. Oh, then there's the age discrepancy: Tawny was 45 y/o in '06, and our blind lady is supposed to be mid to late 30's at that time. Be that as it may, I'm wondering if circumstances weren't skewed just a bit in order to protect enty from libel.,2933,231462,00.html?sPage=fnc.foxlife/celebtrouble

  108. NatalieSF, the timing of that sure looks right.

    Lou Adler fits the description of the record producer and Manny Adler looks about the right age for this BI, but I think his parents are still married where the blind says the kid went to live with his mother in NY so that says to me that the parents aren't together anymore...

    Still obsessing on this one, sigh.

  109. So we're looking for a woman born probably between 1968 and 1972 (mid-to-late 30s in 2007) and a kid born in either 1989 or 1990....

  110. Hi w, welcome to the fray! I'm glad someone else besides me is obsessing on this one!!

    In addition to being old, Tawny has an awful lot of tv in her resume....

    Wish I could figure out who the record producer is.

  111. I was leaning back towards Lou Adler as the record producer, but Ike & Manny are too young - they're only 15 & 16 this year. Dangit! Lou would have fit so well otherwise....

  112. A while back, Enty said he was too drunk the day before and sleeping it off or something like that. I didnt beleive that for a minute. I assumed he was working or spending time with family or a partner. I do think he is a man and wouldnt be suprised at all if he has some help.

  113. Hello again all...and Tea Lady, thank you for the warm welcome.

    Turns out Nicole Eggert was married at some point to Justin Herwick, so that rules her out.

    Does anyone happen to have any info on Jamie Luner? She's the right age for this blind, sports a rather sparse resume, seems never to have married, and ranks among the late 80's/early 90's hotties?

  114. In addition to being old, Tawny has an awful lot of tv in her resume...

    @Tea Lady...true enough, and I do realize that she's a stretch, particularly on the age front. However, going on the theory that this blind may have fudged some facts in order to protect the not so innocent:

    Tawny's resume was virtually all TV work that stops cold circa 1997 (not including Dr. Drew's Rehab Reality stunt - um, stint). Since that time, she's done little acting to speak of save for two films - one in 2002 and another in 2009 [hence, the statement: Faded teen starlet who hit it big on tv, but now is strictly movies (when she can get them).]

    I know it's thin, but Tawny's a certifiable mess, and she's the ONLY one, so far, that I can squeeze into these circumstances.

    Plus, I'm wondering if this next part of the blind isn't the biggest clue of all, noting that "except" is in all caps and that you're readily able to turn up mention of her arrest online: The records have some very interesting names and it is those names that helped her stay out of the public eye during this, EXCEPT for the actual arrest.

    It's all I got, for now...

  115. re: kitaen.. to my knowledge, laguna niguel was never evacuated during the 07 fires here. I think that would have been an easy piece of info to change if he ran into her in a diff city during the evacuations, unless this part is made up entirely.

    hmmmmm puzzling.

  116. Oops...did I happen to mention that I was new to this blog? Sorry folks, obviously, I hadn't read through all of the Vixen archives to know that EntL had updated her status from never married to married. Therefore, that puts Nicole Eggert, and a whole lot of other people, back in the running.

    Speaking of Ms. Eggert, evidence is leaning more and more in her directon. Note the following:

    From Wikipedia: Eggert has a terrier dog J.J. and a cat Smokey.

    And from GossipEngine:

    Lochlyn Munro and Nicole Eggert have been caught by the Malibu beach. Nicole Eggert is just coming out of a rehab center following abuse of undisclosed drugs. Sordid details are emerging suggesting that an explicit film of the couple having sex with a minor was released on unscrupolous Websites by a disgruntled associate of Nicole Eggert.

  117. W - I TOTALLY thought Jaime Luner for this, especially because she played a character named Vixen in the show Titans. The only reason it doesn't fit is because she went on to do a lot of TV, and I don't know about film. Otherwise, I'd buy it!

  118. @Mr. Entertainment Lawyer:

    Hello EntL...I'm rather new to your blog and this whole Vixen saga, and I find myself rather confused on one issue, in particular. Therefore, I have a question:

    If Vixen had indeed wormed her way enough into the bowels of the illicit drug trade enabling her to initiate a whole West Coast sting operation that spanned two countries, then how is it that she didn't wind up either dead or in the Witness Protection Program - especially, since you've stated that her arrest had been publicized? That is not a criminal element to be trifled with nor do they look kindly upon snitches. In order to run an enterprise of that magnitude, someone had to have been smart enough to figure that their demise paralleled hers. So, given the inherent nature of that trade, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that she's still able to walk around freely...and unharmed.

  119. @w -- I came back to this post to say pretty much the same thing! And I noticed as you did the arrest in the same month and year. I don't live in CA so I looked up San Juan Capistrano since that's where she was living at the time, but I don't know if it's in Malibu.

    Incidentally, Tawny's first TV movie was called 'Malibu.'

    She has too much TV history and a high-profile marriage to the lead singer of Whitesnake against her, but later on she married a baseball pitcher which is understandably forgettable.

    She has a face you would definitely recognize from her generation and she was a former pinup girl and music video vixen--so "known for her body". She also seems to me to be the kind of person to call someone up at 4am all chatty chatty.

    But I don't think Enty would obfuscate the blind any more than necessary by actually falsifying the data. I think he (yes, he) enjoys our guesses and wants to see if we get it right, even if he won't tell us we have. So I don't think he'd misinform us in the blind, therefore it probably isn't Tawny since she doesn't fulfill all the clues.

  120. Hi Guys! I just thought I'd go back in time for a minute. 2009 feels so long ago!

  121. Hi Guys! I just thought I'd go back in time for a minute. 2009 feels so long ago!

  122. Hi Guys! I just thought I'd go back in time for a minute. 2009 feels so long ago!
