Friday, July 17, 2009

Four For Friday

#1 & #2 - This crown prince of the celebutards is married to a B list movie actress with A list name recognition. To impress his friends, our celebutard likes nothing more than to whip out his cell phone and show them naked pictures of his wife.

#3 & #4 - This married B list movie actress has seen her career slowly slide to the point where she is more likely a C. It is only her looks and her name recognition that keeps her hovering at that B line. Anyway, she has been in this space before and one of the times she was in this space was to discuss her foreign companion who has always helped support her before and during her marriage. Anyway, now she is taking those same skills and has put them to securing herself a role in this A list director's next movie. She thinks his movies will put her on her way to the A list. The fact that the director is married doesn't bother her in the least. She wants to be in that movie and will do anything to succeed.


  1. #1 & 2 - Tori and Dean for sure!

  2. Nevermind - she's not a B list movie actress! Damn. I stink at BIs and here I am thinking - ooooooo, I got one, I got one!

  3. I nominate Jessica Alba and Cash Warren for 1 & 2

  4. nunaurbiz, fanfreakingtastic guess!

  5. Why do I think Speidi for 1 & 2?

  6. #3 Catherine Zeta Jones?

  7. Jennifer-thanks a I have that horrific image stuck in my brain to carry me through the weekend! EWWWWW!!!!

    Is Jessica B list? If so, like the Cash guess-he's an ass.

    No clue on 3&4.

  8. I thought of Kate Beckinsdale for #3.

  9. Good guess on CZJ...but would she really need support? And if she wanted A list status, couldn't she just sleep with her own husband? It also doesn't sound like this person is married anymore.

    This is really tough...

  10. Is Warren a celeb?


    3 & 4 BEATS ME

  12. #1 & #2 are obviously Jessica Alba and Cash Warren (of all the celebutards he's the only one married to a movie actress), but I think Ent is being overly generous by referring to Jessica as B-list. She hasn't done much in a while, I'd say she is B- on a REALLY good day, and more accurately C+.

    I have no guess for #3 and #4, though CZJ is a good one.

  13. #3 - Salma Hayek

  14. I wonder when Cash will start selling the photos.

  15. Cash and Alba are a great guess.

  16. For #3/4 wasn't CZJ supposed to have a Japanese admirer who supported her? And she is falling fast in my opinion.

  17. Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore for the win!

  18. How about Brittany Murphy and her tool?

  19. Could #2 and #3 BOTH be Alba?

  20. #1&2:i like Jessica Alba/Cash Warren guess!
    #3&4: i say Kate Beckinsale/Chris Nolan for the next Batman movie.It's not very original,is it?

  21. I'm getting a Sharon Stone vibe on #3 & 4....

  22. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I feel like the director (#4) might be Apatow just because he's really popular lately and once you're in his troupe, you're IN, you know? No clue on the actress.

  23. steven soderberg has a new film called cleo. where CZJ would be cleopatra....interesting. he is married to julez azner

  24. I vote with Pomme:

    #3&4: i say Kate Beckinsale/Chris Nolan for the next Batman movie.It's not very original,is it?

    Salma would never be so desperate - people love and want to work with her.

    CZJ is an interesting guess, though.

  25. I always like digging through the haystack. From Jan. 17, 2008, some background on #3 (bold added for identifying emphasis):

    Who would have thought that the death of a Japanese tycoon could have an effect on a Hollywood marriage. About two months ago a Japanese tycoon died. About two weeks ago the husband of our gorgeous, foreign born, B list film actress answered the phone to discover that the tycoon had left his actress wife almost $5M in his will. The husband had never heard of the guy and assumed there had been some mistake. Yes, his wife was a famous actress but no one just leaves that much money to someone they have never met. Well, when he mentioned it to this wife he could tell she did know the tycoon. How did she know him and what made him leave his wife $5M? Turns out that the wife had met the tycoon when she was just starting out in the business and had spent some time with him on several occasions. When I say spending time, I think you know what I am getting at. Apparently our actress must have left quite an impression with her interpersonal skills. The husband wasn't really that upset about his wife's past. He may have been more so if he knew that she had seen the tycoon once or twice after her marriage.

    (Salma wasn't married in Jan. '08, and I think CZJ's Oscar makes her A-list.)

  26. Hey, I'm just surprised that I guessed a BI and most folks agree with me! That's never happened before! :-D

  27. I thought Ashton and Demi too. If he shared her bikini clad bent over hiney, imagine what he's sharing with his friends?!

  28. 1. & 2. Cash Warren [his Daddy is "Bobby Hill" from Hill Street Blues] and Jessica Alba.

    No clue on 3 & 4.

  29. Catherine Zeta Jones is an Oscar winner and part of a H-wood royalty couple. Not desperate. How about Elizabeth Hurley? Married, foreign-born, famous for her beauty, not working except for VO. I can easily see her making friends with a Japanese tycoon. After all, she had a baby with an American billionaire.

  30. jumping on the Jessica Alba train for #1
    for #2, only person that comes to mind is Salma.
    There have been loud rumblings about her shady past.

  31. I like the Chas/Alba guess and the Kate Beckinsale guess for 3.

  32. "Anyway, she has been in this space before and one of the times she was in this space was to discuss her foreign companion who has always helped support her before and during her marriage."

    catherine zeta jones.

  33. I was wondering what Cash's claim to fame was (besides being married to the Albitch).

    I like c's guess - 2 and 3 as Alba. No clue who the director could be, though. Right now she's filming a Garry Marshall film with Bradley Cooper and Anne Hathaway. Pretty high up from Into the Blue.

    Unless this BI is a little old ... ;)

  34. I dont's see 1&2 being Ashton/Demi. He wouldn't be described as a celebutard.

    I'll go Alba/Warren.

  35. Catherine Zeta Jones has won an Oscar and is A+ list and is hardly desperate for work or recognition, given her Hollywood royalty marriage. She works as she pleases. The last item cannot be her.

  36. #3 sounds like CZJ for sure, but I doubt Michael Douglas would get too worked up over some guy leaving her $5mil. That's just not that much money to them, you know. They spend that on lunch, or so they say.

  37. I am really starting to like CZJ for #3. She is supposed to be gala in teh Dali film directed by Simon West - a British-born director. Alson on IMDB, they have her listed for Stompanato as Lana Turner. The script was written by Sebastian Gutierrez, who seems to write and direct his movies. CZJ may have won for supporting actress in Chicago, but she hasn't had a big opening since then. Her phone commercials are the last place I remember seeing her. I can see her being a B sliding to C, mostly because of the paycheck and how much money her recent movies has made/lost.

    Can I ask them to change the casting for Dali? I would rather see Penelope Cruz as Gala then CZJ.

  38. Why doesn´t anybody pay attention to the "foreign companion" clue...?! My guess: Melanie Griffiths.

  39. If trashtalker has the right BI and it sounds like they do, no way #3 is Alba, since she's not foreign born.

    Also, if Mr. a-list director is willing to cast based on someone's skills, he apparently doesn't care about that he's married either so it's hard to get worked up about this "seduction."

  40. Cash's daddy isn't famous enough to be the "crown prince" of celbutards, is he? I had no idea who he was.

    How about Freddie Prinze Jr?

  41. Bandaras isn't a companion, he's her husband. I think it's CZJ, she's worked with Soderberg and if Cleo gets a green light she already has that role.

    The foreign companion refers to a very wealthy Japanese industrialist who supported her for many years, he died recently and his will became public and CZJ had been left a substantial amount of money and nobody really new about the relationship, or the depth of it. I guess not even her husband.

  42. Whatever2008: See earlier blind someone posted above, that's the 'companion' Enty is referring to.

    caralw, Prinze Jr. would be a C or D list actor. The definition of celebutard is that they are stupid, worthless, and famous for nothing they've earned.
    Enty HATES Cash Warren. Remember how much he used to bitch about all the crap CW gets away with? I think that level of Ent's hatred, combined with the fact that CW is the only big celebutard that's married to a movie actress.

    Vixen is right. CZJ is in NO WAY C-list or desperate. If she's 'slid' anywhere, it would be B or B+.

    I like the Kate Beckinsale guess. She is supposedly stupider than Jessica Simpson, but she is a rabid, scheming fame whore. Notice how she always shows up everywhere WAY overdressed. No sense, no class, no confidence.

  43. I thought a celebutard had to be from a famous family, not just a son of some actor that most haven't heard of...

  44. 3 & 4 - Eva Longoria? Foreign companion Mario Lopez? Would he be considered foreign?

  45. caralw: Not necessarily famous family, but having grown up privileged. In my mind, they also don't have careers of their own so much as they're just famous for getting in gossip columns, partying and caught by the paps.

    I don't think Freddie would count as a celebutard. Maybe he's not the best actor in the world, but he does have an acting career.

    Here's a link to Urban Dictionary's definitions:

  46. Ashton and Demi is right. Ashton is known worldwide as a celebutard ROYAL douche.

  47. I would likely never find the post now, but I remember sometime last year Ent had a post talking about what he thinks makes someone an A-list movie actor or actress. His general definitions were having a lead character role in a franchise and/or being able to successfully open a movie on the strength of the actor or actress' name alone.

    What I always remember about that post is that he said he thinks an Oscar win guarantees an actor or actress B-list status for life. Not A-list. While I don't think that even the B-list is an absolute status (hello there, Cuba Gooding, Jr.!) I can see the reasoning behind this. A person's level of fame, constant visibility, or ability to command a certain salary may not stay at that top level forever, but an Oscar does carry a permanent prestige with it and almost guarantees that the actor will be able to get steady work in decent projects whenever they feel like it. Cuba may simply be the exception that proves his rule.

    I just want to make that point b/c I have never thought of CZJ as having an A-list career (A-list name recognition though). By Ent's own definition she doesn't fit the A-list profile - she has never carried a movie on the strength of her name alone or even her name first, she has always been billed alongside and after a male lead actor. (He said in that post there are fewer A-list actresses than actors mainly for this reason) She did have the Mask/Legend of Zorro role but the "franchise" rule would only apply to the lead role (Antonio Banderas), not to CZJ who played more of a supporting role. I also agree with warmislandsun, she really hasn't been doing anything highly visible for a while other than those T-Mobile commercials. That does put her closer to the C-list IMO.

    CZJ may not be desperate in terms of money but it doesn't have to be about the money, it could simply be about establishing herself as a premiere entity in Hollywood and/or being more than just her husband's trophy piece. I'm not necessarily sure she is the answer to this blind, but she fits very strongly (b/c she is on my shortlist of possible answers to the blind about the Japanese tycoon who left her $5 million).

  48. Penelope Cruz and Pedtro Almovar?

  49. I thought the Demi/Ashton guess was for #3 and #4, not #1 and #2? While I do think there is definitely something crazy going on with Ashton and Demi, b/c Ent has mentioned them a lot lately, I don't think they're the answer to the first blind. Ashton doesn't fall in the celebutard category, even though he isn't doing anything now he is considered an actor.

  50. I believe the term 'celebutard' was coined by Perez Hilton in reference to Paris Hilton. Someone famous for nothing other than being able to grab talent or occupation...per se.

    I don't think EL means that 'Crown prince' refers to lineage, rather that this person is the best at what they're this case, the crown prince of celebutards.

  51. Definitely Cash/Alba for #1 and 2. I really like the Elizabeth Hurley guess for #3. Don't know who the director is.

  52. 1/2 Cash Warren and Alaba
    3 Beckinsale. She married Len Wiseman to further her career and is said to be divorcing him because he hasn't be successful in advancing her. This would fit her m.o.

  53. #3 - I would say Naomi Watts. Currently she's filming with Woody Allen in his Untitled London Project. Scanning IMDB I find the sentence

    "When she was 18, she tried her hand at modeling and was hired by an agency in Japan."

    The name of her husband is unknown to me.

  54. Naomi is not married to Liev Schreiber.

  55. cash&alba definitely.

    am i the only one who feels bad for her? why be with someone who makes you so unhappy you can't even fake smile right..and you profession is ACTING!

    who cares what he has on you. let him go!

  56. CZJ is not A+ list. Despite her oscar win, she can't open a movie by herself. I think #3 fits her to a T.

  57. I think #1 is definitely Cash Warren. His father is a director (king), Michael Warren and that would make him a prince in terms of lineage/Hollywood loyalty. He hasn't done much and isn't known for much, aka celebutard. I could see him doing this after an interview he gave on E!

  58. I say Sandra Bullock and Jesse James for #1 & #2.

  59. I keep thinking about dumb J. Lo for 3 and 4. What do you think???

  60. Just to throw out another name for #3, Milla Jovovich? She has a certain history when it comes to getting roles and the other clues fit.

  61. For #1, I immediately thought of Ashton and Demi, and the reason is a Brad Pitt article I just read, where he is talking about Twitter and sorta blasts Ashton for the pics he puts up of Demi. And number two, I also immediately thought of CZJ. But if the will is public, isnt there a way to search the web for it? Just asking.

  62. @warmislandsun Sebastian Gutierrez is not married to Carla Gugino, so that part of your guess does not fit the blind.

  63. I really really don't think this is Alba/Warren. As I recall, they met on a set (he works in film/tv) and looking on IMDB, he's been doing some producing.
    That being said, I don't know who it is, but have this annoying feeling it's a really obvious one...

    #2 - Beckinsale

  64. #1&2...Definitely Alba and Cash.

    #3 is definitely CZJ. She used to be an A-list and won an Oscar for Chicago (I think). Now her career has fallen fast. She's still beautiful and her name is very well known, but has definitely fallen. Kate Beckinsale was never an A actress. Maybe a B...but that's it. Never really made a movie that would put her into A category. Her looks are also just pretty and cute, not stunning like CZJ.

  65. 1 & 2 - Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore for sure!

  66. #1 & 2 Ashton Kutcher/Demi More.

  67. i dont know about the rest but kate b. is not stupid-she went to oxford, which unlike ivy league american universitites actually accepts solely on merit.

  68. And Kate Beckinsale's late dad was a sitcom icon in Britain -- I can't remember what the name of the sitcom is but he starred in a prison-set one with Ronnie Barker, who was known as one-half of the legendary comedy duo the Two Ronnies, so that alone would have lent Richard Beckinsale a certain notoriety, so if Kate wanted to she could have easily slotted herself into that. She would in other words not be so desperate.

    Remember the constant rumours that CZJ has deducted 10 years from her age. The only peope who would take that much off their age are people desperate enough to fit # 3/4 in this BI. Ergo, I'm much more comfortable with CZJ being in this category.
