Monday, July 27, 2009

Exploiting Your Kids For $250 A Day

Yes, she is back in the news. Octomom Nadya Suleman finally signed that long awaited reality television deal and in the process signed up all her kids for good measure. Over the next three years each of her children will earn $250 a day for 71 days of filming for a grand total of $250,000 for the 14 of them.

On Friday, Octomom's lawyer filed the contracts with the court which need the approval of a judge. The court papers don't say how much Nadya will get for her participation but I bet it is way more than her kids are getting. I mean why would they need money for anything right? Besides $250 a day should buy them an hour of therapy so they can look forward to 71 days of basically free therapy as a result of their mom exploiting them.

One could be very cynical about this whole thing and divide the 250,000 by 3 years which is about 80,000 a year and then divide that by 14 which is about 6,000 and then further divide that by 365 days in a year which works out to about $17 a day.

You know it must just burn her that Jon & Kate get $75K an episode and she probably won't be getting anywhere near that.


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