Friday, July 03, 2009

Did You Know Gary Coleman Was Still Married?

When I read yesterday that Gary Coleman's wife was arrested for domestic violence, my first thought was, she must have done some damage to that little guy, and my second thought was Gary is still married? I vaguely recall there was the entire getting married thing and supposedly Gary lost his virginity to her and then six months later it was reported they still hadn't had sex and now the next I thing know she is in jail for domestic violence.

They live in the middle of Utah somewhere which may explain why there is not much news coverage about them. I know Gary is a D lister, but if they lived in LA, this couple would be in the tabloids. They don't, so they aren't. So, the next time any star complains about the publicity, go live somewhere else and you won't get any. Of course none of them would actually follow through with their threats because they live for publicity and would cry themselves to sleep at night if no one was around to recognize them or take their picture.

Anyway, Gary's wife Shannon Price was arrested for allegedly breaking some items which belonged to Gary. She didn't actually harm Gary himself. She was released on a $1200 bond. Can you imagine if everyone went to jail for breaking stuff of their loved one? The jail would be filled to overflowing. There must be something else that went on as well. She looks like a real angel doesn't she?


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