David Arquette Thinks Latina Women Are "Nuts"
All of the good work that David Arquette did this week in support of feeding hungry people in America has all gone out the window and then some. This morning he was on Fox And Friends and was asked about potential Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor and instead of focusing on her decided to take a shot at all Latina women.
The video is short, but I realize some of you can't watch videos, so let me describe what he says.
"I think Latina women are, I mean, it depends on the woman, but I think they are very, they have great judgment, but there are some that are just nuts. I'm just saying."
One of the anchors then pointed out that David's wife Courteney Cox isn't Latina, but apparently David still has first hand knowledge of Latina women. "But I'm from Los Angeles so we know all about the Latina women. "
Well we know he can't say he was misquoted because it is right there in video that he said it. I guess he could say he was flustered because he had spent 16 of the past 48 hours in a plastic box, but what he should do is just come out and apologize and say that he is an idiot and because he is sorry he has decided against punishing the world further and will not be making Scream 4.
I even wrote out a statement for him in Spanish which he is free to use.
Lo siento mucho si he ofendido a las mujeres latinas en todo el mundo y como una muestra de remordimiento me ponga fin de inmediato a la preparación para hacer más películas Grito y destruir todas las copias de las películas en Grito existencia. En una nota que he visto Jennifer Aniston desnuda.