Daily Mirror Story On Britney Spears Doesn't Have Any Truth In It
There is a story in The Mirror today which is a heartwarming tale of a daughter who loves her dad and as a thank you gift buys him his very own restaurant. In this case the father/daughter is Britney Spears and her dad. The only problem about this story is that it couldn't happen.
The article says, "Britney just wanted to give him something useful as a sign of her appreciation. After all their ups and downs she knows he's always got her best interests at heart."
Britney is currently under the care of a conservator who happens to be her dad. When Britney wants any money, dad has to give it to her. Her father has to account to the court for any moneys he gives her. Britney has no money of her own. None. It is like a child who is dependent on allowance and the tooth fairy to make ends meet. Imagine that same toothless allowance dependent child buying a restaurant for their dad. Yeah, it couldn't happen. Even if Britney said she wanted to buy it for him, he would be the one writing the check and then going to the court and explaining to them that he spent all this money on himself because his daughter who needs financial and physical control wanted to buy it for him. Uh huh. That should go over really well. "No, your honor, she wanted me to spend $1M on myself."
It was a touching story though. Just don't let Britney near the place. Do you remember Nyla?