Monday, July 20, 2009

Chris Brown Says He Is Sorry

Chris Brown went on his website today to say he was sorry for the assault on Rihanna. For those of you who can't watch him, here is what he said.

"Since February my attorney has advised me not to speak out even though ever since the incident I wanted to publicly express my deepest regret and accept full responsibility. I felt it was time [that] you hear directly from me that I am sorry."

"I cannot go into what happened, and most importantly am not going to sit here and make any excuses. I take great pride in me being able to exercise self control, and what I did was inexcusable. I am very saddened and very ashamed of what I have done. My mother and my spiritual teachers have taught me way better than that."

"I have told Rihanna countless times, and I am telling you today, that I am truly sorry and that I wasn't able to handle the situation both differently and better. I have let a lot of people down, and I realize that. Nobody is more disappointed in me than I am."

"As many of you know, I grew up in a home where there was domestic violence and I saw firsthand what uncontrolled rage can do. What I did was unacceptable 100 percent. I can only ask and pray that you forgive me – please."

"I hope that others learn from my mistake. I intend to live my life so that I am truly worthy of the term 'role model.' "

Well, I don't think he will ever be a role model. I understand why he couldn't apologize before. I get that. What I don't get are his actions since the assault have not been very contrite. Further, there is no reason I can think of for him not to say what happened that night other than the fact he just doesn't want us to know because then we would never be able to forgive him. He makes it seem like he has an excuse, but he can't share it. Uh huh. I still hate him.


  1. give me a break.
    but you know people will still buy his records, guaranteed.

  2. Boo! Go away Chris Brown. And how about saying something like "hitting another person is never right?"

  3. Why do so many teenage girls feel so adamant about supporting this fuck wad? It is disturbing.

    Also why does he talk like a only slightly more coherent Mike Tyson?

  4. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Domestic Violence isn't about "uncontrolled rage", it is about power and control

  5. fuck him..Rhianna has moved on to a real man that knows how to enunciate like he actually went to school for more than recess and gym class.

    i am so not falling for his "Please lord, everyone forgive me, i need a new gold chain that says OOPS SORRY YA'LL on it.Oh and buy my new album."


  6. hmmm.... so why wasn't he wearing his blinged out "OOPS" chain when he filmed this? I don't believe a word he says. Just requesting that damn chain be made shows that he thinks this is all a joke. And then he wore it to Poo Doodle's white party. Classless fool.

  7. If he truly were sorry immediately after it happened, then he wouldn't have:

    A. Gone on vacation and jetskiing like he has no remorse.
    B. Well, shit, actually shown remorse.
    C. Own up, face the facts that he's an asshole and taken a harsher sentence.
    D. Enter himself into therapy.
    E. Not posted a video on youtube that said, "I'm not a monster."
    F. Not made a big fuss when he was DENIED from performing at the BET awards to honor Michael Jackson, and just accept the fact that he didn't deserve to perform and he's lucky he's not in jail.
    G. Shut up and gone to hell already.

    Even if he starts a philanthropy to help out people who suffer from domestic abuse, I would doubt the sincerity of that cause.

    It pains me that younger girls and boys will think domestic abuse is OK because of this fuckwad. Especially since Rhianna should've been a better role model and left his ass when this first started.

    Chris Brown, I do not accept your apology.

  8. I listened to the whole thing and he says he sought help. Well, good for him, but that still doesn't mean he won't listen to what the good doctor says.

  9. I know this is very hard for some to believe, but sometimes people make mistakes. Those mistakes, no matter how inexcusable does not always define the person.

    Every time I think of his situation, I am a reminding of a cousin, that went to jail when he punched his gf. Horrible. He was 19 at the time. He is 30 now and though she has forgiven him, still regrets it. Not going to jail, but hitting a woman. We were recently discussing this incident and others were shocked to find out that he could have done that. He is just the beloved.

    My point is that sometimes people have to grow up and recognize that the world does not revolve around them and that lesson is not easy to learn. I will not be giving Chris a hard time and truly hoping that he has learned something and that he is seeking the help that he needs. That being said, I certainly understand why others are not as forgiving, what he did was atrocious.

  10. Also, here's hoping that there are intelligent, mature individuals in his vicinity to take over, stop the publicity stunts, and guide in the right direction.

  11. candi- i might agree if not for the fact this very weekend i heard some boys talking about how some other kid "Chris Brown'ed him so bad he peed blood."

    so in fact...he actually is defined by that. i hear you, people can change. but is he 'changing' for the right reasons? or becasue he is a social pariah in the music biz right now and getting pressure from everyone he bankrolls? i justhave the feeling if he was sincere, we see a lot more and hear a lot less.

  12. I grew up in a home where I was my father's punchbag both physically and verbally. Every single day of my life I lived in terror and fear. I believed him when he told me I was unworthy of life and I still struggle with the aftermath of the violence and abuse. As a young girl, it left me struggling to find myself as an adolescent and it has given me a challenging legacy to overcome as a young adult. Because my voice was silenced and I was told by my father that he 'truly hated me', I had horrible latent anger issues and even to this day, I have to work hard to be conscious of my 'triggers' and not go down a path of inner self destruction when things get tough.

    I have worked tremendously hard to live in the now and not react from behaviors I learned in the past. It's an emotional struggle and I work every day of my life to be the best person I can be and I try to cultivate gratitude and thanks for the many, many good things in my life. When your self esteem is literally kicked out of you, you have to take responsibility and find your own way. I didn't know what love was but I made it my mission to find it in my life (even when those voices told me I didn't deserve) and to never, NEVER make anyone feel the pain and terror I felt at the hands of a bully. I feel sick to my stomach when I see incidents like this and the ensuing media circus. I can only hope that there is a sincere wish in Chris Brown's heart to live his life responsibly and make the inner changes necessary to control his anger because one less man who raises his fists to women is a victory in my eyes.

  13. "But he apoooologiiiiized!"
    Kiss my a$$. He did it once; he'll do it again. No forgiveness here.

  14. Actions speak louder then words. I think his act of contrition comes more from the hit on wallet then from actually feeling guilt for his actions.

  15. Jax- There is actually a song out there called "don't get Rihanna'ed"... Ah, aren't kids creative?

    Candi- I can see what you're saying, but I don't think this was a one-time, one punch type of thing.

    I'm glad CB got bad press for this. He deserves to be ridiculed, not worshipped or admired. I do not accept his apology either. He's a loser.

  16. He is such a troll...and WTF is that shirt?

  17. Move along, nothing to see here.

  18. Why is he wearing a Star Trek uniform?

  19. a dear friend and i were IMing today about something unrelated, and he made the best typo ever, and it totally fits in this case:
    ass whole.

  20. Anonymous6:21 PM

    too little too late

  21. I believe that everyone makes mistakes and should be given a second chance. It's obvious that someone else wrote that little speech for him. I hope that at least he understands the words he is speaking because I'm not convinced that he feels them.

  22. John<----Blessings and peace to you. Thanks for sharing your testimony.

    I pray that CB really accepts his role in this situation. Only God knows his heart. It will take some time and work ,however if he is sincere, he will be alright.

    He has some growing to do. He is a 20 yr old young man/boy. I have come to realize that at that age most kids don't know their ass from their appetite. The public statement is out, let's let the young man have the opportunity to practice what he preachrs.

  23. john-

    I am so sorry to hear that, I cannot even imagine what that must have been like. I wish you every happiness possible.

    As for Chris Brown, I don't necessarily think that he is too far gone to learn from this and become a better person, but it will take a LOT of soul-searching, hard work and effort to change, and honestly I don't know if he's even capable of it. He has to WANT it, and I just don't see that. But I could be wrong, and I think most people do deserve a second chance. I don't mean that Rihanna should get back with him or anything like that, but we should just wait a little and see if he learns anything from this. But obviously he shouldn't have hit her, she shouldn't have clawed him (I think she did, I can't remember), and as horrible as it all was, I hope everyone involved can use it as a learning experience. Sometimes that's all you can do.

  24. Actions speak louder than words. So far his actions don't support the words coming out of his mouth. He played the clean-cut image and since that blew up in his face I think he's shown more of his true colors. Those that continue to worship him - most of them under the age of 18 - should get a good sit down with a parent; what a great time to teach children what is appropriate and not appropriate. It sucks we live in a culture where we just let things like this "slide by" just because someone has name recognition and money. Do we have absolutely no values or morals in this country anymore?

  25. Hugs @ John. I cannot possibly imagine what you went through as a child, but I do feel just a fraction of your pain when I read your story. Blessings and peace to you.

    As for Chris Brown - too many people are unwilling to call him out on his actions, and let the situation slide. This man should be in jail.

  26. seems chris brown went to the school of joe jackson social interacting.

  27. Every time this clown opens his mouth, someone should put a fist in it. I don't think he's learned a thing from this incident or is at all repentant; otherwise he would stfu and work on his issues instead of bringing it up every time he shows his face. He's milking it for publicity at this point, imho.

  28. I loathe him and hate what that poor beautiful damaged girl had to go through. I believe she had some domestic violence in her family background as well.

  29. Like this asswipe has spiritual teachers. What is he, the Dalai fucking Lama?

    He's finally having a go at contrition which must mean he's getting desperate.


  30. In other words: I want your money, no one is downloading my music, and I can't get anyone to take me on a tour - the way I spend money I will be broke. Plus I have all those legal bills that need payin'.

    The only reason this apology is happening is despite P Doody standing up for him, he's not in good standing. Toe to toe, no one is going up against Jay Z - Rhianna carried that so so singer on a couple of tours but he's starting to realize it's affected his income and future earnings. Good! I am so sad that Mary J Blige, who claimed to a be victim of Dv didn't say no to working with him, she let down every beaten woman and child and that's another one that won't see a dime of my money in the future.

    We can speak with our wallets, it does work - we get to say who has a career and who doesn't.

  31. Thank you CDAN for not making me watch. I only read the first 2-3 paragraphs. I barfed when I read "I told Rihanna....blah". No, I do not believe he is sorry (sorry he was caught) and I cannot stand the sight of him. Sorry John, peace be with you.

  32. Blah, blah, blah... what a piece of sh*t this guy is! He is still referring to it as "the incident" and not "the night I kicked my girlfriend's ass."



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